Korg Drumlogue not recognised by Reason

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Post 25 Jan 2025

Yup, so what it says in the title - Reason isn't connecting to my new Drumlogue. It doesn't receive transport or note data on any channel. Audio is coming out if I press the drum buttons manually but notes from Reason don't trigger anything, and it won't play a sequence if I press the play buttons on either Reason or the Drumlogue.

So I've tried hooking it up over USB and my computer recongises it. But when I open Reason it doesn't show in the Midi Out Device or in the clock sync inputs and outputs lists, or anywhere.

I've also tried connecting it with a 5 pin midi through my audio interface, and that doesn't work either.

I've made sure that the drumlogue's settings are correct and I've tried sending midi over channels 1 thru 16, and nothing nothing nothing. I've also rtfm and watched as much youtube stuff as I can find and googled for about an hour. I've also double checked a couple of other hardware devices and they're working perfectly.

can anyone help?

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Post 30 Jan 2025

I'm bumping this as I'd really appreciate some help if anyone has any!

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Post 31 Jan 2025

First of all, can you try with other software? maybe you got some other daw in reach?

Second, I always had a hard time connecting Reason to outboard devices, but thought it was me who had the problem......

But seriously; can it be an overlooked setting in Reason or the drummachine? Let it rest for a few days and start over troubleshooting with a fresh set of brains. I know that is difficult, if I have to troubleshoot, I can't stop either.

Does the Drummoloque have a MIDI filter setup? If yes, check that!

From page 47 on in the user manual are the MIDI settings, special culprit maybe the TRANS settings in receive and send mode, and of course the SYNC options.

I have the luck that I also own LIVE 10 suite, so if Reason won't work with external gear I try it in LIVE, and see what settings the hardware needs to be working, and also what softwrare settings are used. Try MIDI on all ports, all channels for sake of troubleshooting.

Good luck, I will keep my mind open for solutions too!
Greetings from Miyaru.
Akai Force, Reason12, Live Suit 10, Push2, Presonus Eris E8 and Monitor Station V2, Lexicon MPX1,
Korg N1, Yamaha RM1x :thumbup:

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Post 01 Feb 2025

Cool thanks!

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Post 09 Feb 2025

SOLVED IT, FINALLY. It's an issue with almost all Korg devices, not just the Drumlogue, apparently.
Essentially, the problem comes from the fact that the Korg usb/midi driver makes a list of all the midi devices plugged into your computer, but will only have a playdate with your device is in the first ten devices in the list. You have to open a separate app that uninstalls devices from this list and delete anything that you don't use from it until the Korg device lands in that first ten, which can be quite alarming if you don't know what all the devices are and I just did it and hope to fuck I didn't munt something I'll need in due course. Anyway, it all seems to be working okay now, you just have to remember to set the midi channel to 10. Also the keymapping is bananas.

Here's the faq page I found that gives the solution. In detail.
https://support.korguser.net/hc/en-us/a ... on-Windows

and I'm leaving this here so if anyone else has this issue in the future they can pick it up.

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Post Yesterday

Strange phenomima..... to say the least.

I'm glad you found what was wrong, I never would have looked in that direction though.

Have fun now!!!!
Greetings from Miyaru.
Akai Force, Reason12, Live Suit 10, Push2, Presonus Eris E8 and Monitor Station V2, Lexicon MPX1,
Korg N1, Yamaha RM1x :thumbup:

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Post Yesterday

yup real real weird. Apparently it's an issue with nearly all Korg gear except the Opsix/Modwave/etc family, so hopefully again, if anyone in the future has the same issue with anything Korgy they'll find this and it'll help out.

I dunno, it's one of those weird purposelessly complicated tech things designed to bolster the self confidence of dorks who didn't make friends at school. Like me.

On that topic as I said whoever mapped the midi notes for the drum sounds must have been very, very high. The way I've got around this, and I'll see if it actually works, was to make a mDSQ preset with each lane set for the appropriate midi notes, in the order of the pads on the drumlogue from left to right (ie kick snare low tom high tom ch oh and so on). I was gonna do it in Drum Sequencer but the Drumlogue has 12 sounds so Drum Sequencer didn't cut it, and anyway I've wanted to get more use out of the mDSQ for a while. So that's a good hack for anyone else who doesn't want to hunt and peck their keyboard controller for whatever random place the high hat is located.

This is the list

BD: C1
SD: E1
LT: A1
HT: D2
CH: F#1
OH: A#1
RS: C#1
CP: D#1
SP1: E2
SP2: F2
Multi: G2

I dunno, maybe I'm missing something here.

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Post Today

You are not the only one….. They really messed up at Korg. I had a Korg R3 synth/vocoder a while back, and it always had problems with USB MIDI. Proberly the same issue, and I had to connect with old fashioned MIDI cables to get it to work.

Thanx for sharing, for sure it will help other people who face the same problems!

And no, you are not missing something, you just found it!
Greetings from Miyaru.
Akai Force, Reason12, Live Suit 10, Push2, Presonus Eris E8 and Monitor Station V2, Lexicon MPX1,
Korg N1, Yamaha RM1x :thumbup:

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