Any pitfalls to moving to new PC??

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02 Apr 2024

Hi there,

So it looks like the PC I use for running Reason 11 has developed a minor issue on the mother board, which I can work around easily, but it has prompted me to think about upgrading….

Hoping someone with experience of this can answer a few questions - apologies if it’s been covered before, I couldn’t find any relevant posts by searching…

So my main concern is wether it’s going to be a PITA to move my existing projects over to a new PC…

I use a lot of self generated Rex files, all of which are in a folder on Google drive. Presumably every time I open a project with one of these files in it on the new PC I will need to go and find the file again??

Also is it likely to cause issues with samples/files built into reason if the file path is not exactly the same on the new PC??

Wanted to avoid cloning PC as its bad practice - can transfer software issues from old to new…

On a side note, what are people going for these days in terms of processor/ram? Currently running an old i5 and 8gb ram - all seems to run well

Any useful advice would be much appreciated🙏

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02 Apr 2024

This is exactly the question I've been wondering too.
I'm sure after migration you will have to find any folders/files/presets etc used in a track when opening it and resave the track for the new path location which depending on how many rns files you have will be time consuming.
You will also have download and resync your REs.
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02 Apr 2024

Markysparky999 wrote:
02 Apr 2024
Also is it likely to cause issues with samples/files built into reason if the file path is not exactly the same on the new PC??
Basically, everything that is available in the browser-panel, will be found by Reason. So, if you have system-folders added to the browser, it doesn't matter if they point to a new location on the new machine. I've moved files between machines (with Reason installs), where the same file would reside in completely different locations (even different drives), but on each machie the specific folder was in the browser panel and it worked without any issues.

So, if you backup your files (including your RE-folder, see below), You only have to install Reason on the new machine, get the files in place from your backup, and you should be good to go.
Aosta wrote:
02 Apr 2024
You will also have download and resync your REs.
You can simply restore your REs from a backup copy. Beats having to download everything again. When you authorize your Reason install, all RE licenses will authorize as well.
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05 May 2024

I have a custom built PC with Intel Core i5-12600K 3.70 GHz, 16 GB Ram, multiple external drives in the 2 - 4 TB range.

PC Audiolabs builds DAW PC's. They have a range of PC's, both desktop and rack mount, low-end, really high-end and can build it for Reason, on Mac or Windows and even install the software for you, for a fee. I am looking at getting one when I can afford one. Right now my pc is an all purpose for audio, graphics, video, etc, as well as Reason.
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06 May 2024

Thanks for the replies, I am now up and running on a new machine, have had to direct reason toward some of the samples when opening songs, but it’s pretty straight forward as my projects and samples are all stored on Google drive and synced….

Ended up with a 12600kf based machine with 32gb of DDR5 ram, running a large reason project with a couple of vsts within it barely gets the cpu into double digits utilisation, and the ram has’nt been above 30% usage yet….

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