STREAM DECK XL – Control Reason with Keyboard Maestro

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Post 11 Oct 2023


Fixed the macro for Rob Papen PredatorRE Instrument. I decided to better organize Instruments by consolidating each vendor in their own folders, beginning with Reason Studios and vendors of REs and VSTs that I have. If you don't have these other REs and VSTs, edit them to suit, or delete them.

Yes, I'm adding everything, so creating your own curated Favorites page will be key. Plus you can easily copy/paste if you find devices in these Create pages. Still adding Instruments starting with Robotoc Bean. Then I will do the same folder structure for Effects, Utilities, and Players. Then I will go back and add graphics for all devices. After that, the only thing remaining is to add useful tools, commands, shortcuts, and such for Mixer, Rack, Sequencer, Editors, etc. ... sp=sharing

Screenshot 2023-10-11 at 5.39.52 PM.png
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Post 11 Oct 2023

Screenshot 2023-10-11 at 7.53.51 PM.png
Screenshot 2023-10-11 at 7.53.58 PM.png
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Post 13 Oct 2023

13-OCT-2023 ... sp=sharing

ALL Macros have been assigned to buttons! (719 macros to date)

Everything is organized by vendor folders. I tested and all work in Reason. So, when creating your own Favorite profile for Instruments, Effects, Utilities, and Players, you can copy/paste from these. No doubt you have more REs or VSTs I do not have, so just duplicate an existing macro in Keyboard Maestro from either the Instruments, Effects, Utilities, or Players, then change the macro Name, then the Submenu to the vendor name, and the Menu Item to the device name as it appears in the Reason drop-downs. Spelling must match exactly or it won't function! Then assign it to a Stream Deck XL button using the KM Link plugin.

The only thing remaining to do now is add useful tools, actions, editor controls, etc. to the Mixer, Rack, and Sequencer Profile pages – anything to speed up your workflow.

That's it!
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Post 10 Nov 2023

10-NOV-2023 • (738 macros to date) ... sp=sharing

ADDED: iZotope Ozone 11 Advanced (18 plugins)
Includes updated Stream Deck XL "Reason KM Edition Profiles" and Keyboard Maestro "Reason Macros.kmmacros".

Control EVERYTHING in REASON using Stream Deck XL's 32 customizable LCD keys

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Post 20 Dec 2023

(updated 20-DEC-2023 8:12 PM CST)

Updated the following button icons for the relevant Stream Deck profiles:
  • RACK
Download the latest ZIP with all Stream Deck profiles and Keyboard Maestro Reason macros: ... sp=sharing

New Icons.jpg
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Post 26 Dec 2023

this is kind of a mackie controller with stream deck implanted into it

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Post 10 Jan 2024

Yo wendylou
first HUGE thanks

I just got a stream deck and I was looking for a genius way to control reason.

just loaded the profiles and it worked like a charm

gr8 deep work u did there...
I think you should sell it on the Elgato site

I was wondering how can I control the snap resolution 1/4 | 1/8 | 1/16...
is there an option cause there's no key command for it?

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Post 18 Jan 2024

iamlalinea wrote:
10 Jan 2024
Yo wendylou
first HUGE thanks
I just got a stream deck and I was looking for a genius way to control reason.
just loaded the profiles and it worked like a charm
gr8 deep work u did there...
You're welcome! Yeah, I burned out creating the 700+ commands :puf_smile:
iamlalinea wrote:
10 Jan 2024
I think you should sell it on the Elgato site
I implored SideshowFX, who creates Stream Deck templates for various music and other apps, to also make one for Reason, but they declined. I could not convince them that we were a strong community with many users. So that's when I decided to do it myself and do it better than they ever could!
iamlalinea wrote:
10 Jan 2024
I was wondering how can I control the snap resolution 1/4 | 1/8 | 1/16...
is there an option cause there's no key command for it?
Yes! There is absolutely nothing Keyboard Maestro cannot control in Reason, including any action that has no shortcut or menu equivalent, such as changing SNAP values on-screen. I have yet to complete all such editor macros, but I will eventually complete this. In the meantime, there are two ways to control anything with Keyboard Maestro that does not have a menu or shortcut command, i.e. clickable onscreen items:
  • Use Keyboard Maestro's AI image-matching to find the clickable item, and then add a mouse click. An example of this is my included "DIM -20dB" toggle. KM looks for the Reason DIM button using image-matching and then clicks it. It happens as quickly as if it were programmed directly!
  • Use Keyboard Maestro's RECORD macro function to record your mouse movements and then the mouse clicks. It is referenced against an absolute upper-left screen coordinate of 0,0.
I think the more universal solution for all users would be the AI image-matching technique. I can have KM look for:

... and then have it click to the right-hand side where the values are located, and make a macro/button combo for each possible Snap value, i.e. Grid, Bar, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/8T, etc.

The remaining editor and on-screen controls that need macros and buttons created are the final pieces in controlling everything in Reason - the frosting on the cake. So if anyone does any significant work on the various editors that I could incorporate, let me know. Otherwise, when I find my motivation for marathon programming again (I think it's under the couch cushion by the game "diversion" controller :lol: ), I'll complete those final controls. Then, the only things it won't include are any VSTs you might own that I don't – but you can easily look at my Keyboard Maestro examples, duplicate them, and alter them as needed to match your VST.
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Post 16 May 2024

UPDATE COMING – I resolved. the Keyboard Maestro (KM) error dialogue popups that were occurring on certain buttons!

With the help of Keyboard Maestro forum experts, it was first suggested that the problem may have been that Mac apps sometimes do not populate their menus until activated by a mouse click on the menubar. As my KM macros are looking for matching Menu item names, if the Reason menu was not active, there would be nothing to match. However, after adding a hidden menu mouse click to my KM macros, that did not stop the occasional KM error dialogue popup.

Then I figured it out! This KM error popup only occurred on Stream Deck Multi-Action state buttons that send out round-robin actions, e.g. "Show", then "Hide", then "Show", etc. Reason menus are dynamic and only display options based on the current state. i.e. "Hide Browser" if it is currently displayed, then "Show Browser" when it is hidden. Thus, since Stream Deck's Multi-Action buttons always send out a fixed first command followed by the second command, e.g. "Show Browser", then "Hide Browser", then "Show Browser", etc., the chances for a current state mismatch with Reason is a coin flip. So the solution was to disable KM's "Notify on Failure" which opened the error popup, because a subsequent key press will match the actual state in Reason, and the action will occur. No need to bother users with a momentary error. This is the nature of the beast with multi-action state toggles. You may already be in the state requested in Reason, and because Reason uses dynamic menus that change based on the state, there will be no match until the states match upon the second key press. Note that this issue was only affecting multi-action state toggles. Anyway, the problem is resolved!

I am currently going through the 700+ macros and will disable the "Notify on Failure" error dialog popups on affected macros and will post a new Zip download link shortly. This was the one annoying thing that was taking the fun out of using my Reason KB Edition Profiles. Now, it will be a joy to control Reason smoothly as intended! It's really awesome that you can control everything in Reason with buttons!
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Post 16 May 2024

UPDATED Macros – specifically, no more error dialogue popups!
16-MAY-2024 • (738 macros to date) ... sp=sharing

FIXED: All "show/hide" Stream Deck Multi-Action buttons have had "Notify on Failure" disabled in their corresponding Keyboard Maestro macros, in addition to adding dual state options to those macros, as suggested to me by the creator of Keyboard Maestro, Peter Lewis! This eliminates the annoying error dialog box that popped up due to a show or hide state mismatch. Now, the experience of controlling everything in Reason is smooth.

Includes updated Stream Deck XL "Reason KM Edition Profiles" and Keyboard Maestro "Reason Macros.kmmacros".
  • IMPORT the “Reason Macros.kmmacros” into Keyboard Maestro. (These replace any previous Reason KB Edition macros). Stream Deck XL links to these various KM macros to control Reason via the buttons.
  • If not up-to-date, also copy all the Reason Profiles (.streamDeckProfile) into Stream Deck XL.

Control EVERYTHING in REASON using Stream Deck XL's 32 customizable LCD keys!

Keyboard Maestro
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Stream Deck XL

See the ReadMe.txt included in my ZIP for directions on how to set-up.

REASON KM Edition.jpeg
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Post 23 May 2024

My video demoing the "Reason KB Edition" Stream Deck XL profiles that control Reason using Keyboard Maestro macros:

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Post 05 Jul 2024

FYI most button macros still work in Reason 13. If you spot any that don't let me know.
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Post 16 Jul 2024

First of all, thanks for putting this together and sharing! Bought a Stream Deck XL today and have downloaded and installed everything as you have listed in the ReadMe.txt. I am getting stuck here however:
6. Add "Mackie Control" to the Reason app Preferences under "MIDI" keyboard & control surface set-up.
When I go to add the Mackie Control, I am not sure what to use for the Input and/or Output. Any suggestions?


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Post 17 Jul 2024

Despondo wrote:
16 Jul 2024
I am getting stuck here however:
6. Add "Mackie Control" to the Reason app Preferences under "MIDI" keyboard & control surface set-up.
When I go to add the Mackie Control, I am not sure what to use for the Input and/or Output. Any suggestions?
1) Open Apple's "Audio MIDI Setup" app, double-click on the red IAC Driver icon, and then click "+" to add IAC Driver ports for Mackie and StreamDeck. They need to be named exactly as seen, below:

Apple Audio MIDI Setup.jpeg

2) In Reason Preferences in the "MIDI" tab, you should see the Input Ports among the ones you named in the "Audio MIDI Setup" app. Note that I have Daw2Mackie unchecked. Not everyone seems to see that displayed in Reason, but if it is in the list, uncheck it or else you get odd behavior. These Ports allow StreamDeck and Mackie protocol to work with Reason and also the free StreamDeck Plugin named "MIDI" that was created by Trevliga Spel.

Reason MIDI Ports.jpeg

Let me know if this is too confusing so I can walk you through this one-time setup! Basically, you're defining the to/from ports of another MIDI controller, which is StreamDeck. I was a little green myself setting this up the first time, but once defined, you can leave it be and enjoy full control of Reason with StreamDeck! :puf_smile:

Also note that once you import my macros into the Keyboard Maestro app, you don't even have to launch that program again to have StreamDeck control everything in Reason! So it can also be considered a one-time setup. What's neat about Keyboard Maestro, is that any other macros you use or create for your Mac can always be launched using defined buttons in StreamDeck, i.e. opening your favorite apps, opening web pages with a button press, etc.
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Post 17 Jul 2024

wendylou wrote:
17 Jul 2024
1) Open Apple's "Audio MIDI Setup" app, double-click on the red IAC Driver icon, and then click "+" to add IAC Driver ports for Mackie and StreamDeck. They need to be named exactly as seen, below:

2) In Reason Preferences in the "MIDI" tab, you should see the Input Ports among the ones you named in the "Audio MIDI Setup" app. Note that I have Daw2Mackie unchecked. Not everyone seems to see that displayed in Reason, but if it is in the list, uncheck it or else you get odd behavior. These Ports allow StreamDeck and Mackie protocol to work with Reason and also the free StreamDeck Plugin named "MIDI" that was created by Trevliga Spel.

Let me know if this is too confusing so I can walk you through this one-time setup! Basically, you're defining the to/from ports of another MIDI controller, which is StreamDeck. I was a little green myself setting this up the first time, but once defined, you can leave it be and enjoy full control of Reason with StreamDeck! :puf_smile:

Also note that once you import my macros into the Keyboard Maestro app, you don't even have to launch that program again to have StreamDeck control everything in Reason! So it can also be considered a one-time setup. What's neat about Keyboard Maestro, is that any other macros you use or create for your Mac can always be launched using defined buttons in StreamDeck, i.e. opening your favorite apps, opening web pages with a button press, etc.
Perfect! I will try this out tonight. Thanks!

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Post 29 Jul 2024

UPDATED Macros – Fix for controlling Reason 13
29-JUL-2024 • (738 macros to date) ... sp=sharing

UPDATED for REASON 13 - Because Reason 13 changed some menu names, I've updated many Keyboard Maestro macros. Be sure to download the one labeled "Reason 13 KM Edition". I focused on fixing everything under the Reason 13 "Create" menu, so if you find something elsewhere that doesn't work or is missing, just let me know and I'll fix ASAP! :puf_smile:

The new ReadMe.rtfd now includes details on configuring Apple's "Audio MIDI setup" app, and then setting up Reason's MIDI control surfaces and MIDI Inputs (pictures included).

Includes updated Stream Deck XL "Reason KM Edition Profiles" and Keyboard Maestro "Reason Macros.kmmacros".
  • IMPORT the “Reason Macros.kmmacros” into Keyboard Maestro. (These replace any previous Reason KB Edition macros). Stream Deck XL links to these various KM macros to control Reason via the buttons.
  • If not up-to-date, also copy all the Reason Profiles (.streamDeckProfile) into Stream Deck XL.

Control EVERYTHING in REASON using Stream Deck XL's 32 customizable LCD keys!

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Post 30 Jul 2024

Thanks for the update! I will download and test soon.

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Post 01 Aug 2024

For those who wonder what the purpose of pairing Keyboard Maestro (KM) with Stream Deck is all about, here's an easy primer. I'd also like to point out that once you import macros into Keyboard Maestro, that's it, you don't have to mess with KM as Stream Deck simply executes any KM macros assigned to its keys. Easy peasy – not complex at all! And beyond any VSTs I've included, you can completely control any device, even if it is not mappable, using Keyboard Maestro macros or its A.I. Image Matching tech that can operate on any control onscreen it can see! It's a very powerful companion program. I believe my KM and Stream Deck package is the most powerful and complete Reason control available, and one that you can build upon and customize for your own devices.

Why use Keyboard Maestro with Stream Deck to control Reason.jpg
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Post 10 Aug 2024

UPDATED Stream Deck Profiles – Reason 13
10-AUGL-2024 • (738 macros to date) ... sp=sharing
  • Updated MIXER | RACK | SEQUENCER icons. Less busy and color-coded!
  • Updated to Reason 13 icon
  • I also removed the old "Tools" action, as Reason 13 now automatically displays this in-situ when you edit.
  • Track and Clip colors have a new animated icon.
Includes updated Stream Deck XL "Reason KM Edition Profiles". Simply import and replace all the Reason Profiles (.streamDeckProfile) into Stream Deck XL.

Reason 13 KB Edition.jpeg

Control EVERYTHING in REASON using Stream Deck XL's 32 customizable LCD keys!
You just need Stream Deck XL, Keyboard Maestro, and my free ZIP download:
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Post 14 Aug 2024

I'd be happy to assist if you experience any issues setting up Stream Deck XL with the free MIDI and KM Link Stream Deck plugins, importing all the Profiles, importing the macros into Keyboard Maestro, or setting up your MIDI ports for Stream Deck, Mackie, etc. You only have to set this up once, then it works like a charm! Let me know! :puf_smile:
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Post 21 Aug 2024

This looks like a fantastic resource Wendy, and a brilliant solution to completely controlling reason. Thank you so much for sharing it with the community.
I've found a really good offer on a new stream deck 32 XL, however I'm now fully PC based. Does anyone know if there is a pc equivalent of Keyboard Maestro software that extends the functionality as well as it does on the mac? Thanks in advance for any help

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Post 09 Sep 2024

phobic wrote:
21 Aug 2024
This looks like a fantastic resource Wendy, and a brilliant solution to completely controlling reason. Thank you so much for sharing it with the community.
Thanks! :puf_smile: (Sorry for the delayed response–I had a sudden cancer diagnosis and major surgery). I previously spent more than a week creating all the Keyboard Maestro Macros, Stream Deck Profiles, and button icons! Once I saw the potential to control absolutely everything–including VSTs and items without shortcuts–I felt obligated to do this for the Reason community, especially after SideshowFX refused my request to write Stream Deck XL software profiles for Reason (sadly, this indicates it's not profitable for them, implying that Reason is not a big market compared to other DAWS they have Profiles for).

Anyway, I do want to remind everyone on Mac that, in addition to all my 700+ KB Macros paired with Stream Deck XL buttons, you can easily duplicate any Macros and edit them to control your VSTs–including non-mappable items using Keybaord Maestros AI image matching (I included one example of this for the Reason DIM -20 dB button). You can add to and customize these endlessly, and update as as Reason changes over time!
phobic wrote:
21 Aug 2024
I've found a really good offer on a new stream deck 32 XL, however I'm now fully PC based. Does anyone know if there is a pc equivalent of Keyboard Maestro software that extends the functionality as well as it does on the mac? Thanks in advance for any help
I thought someone had mentioned before there might be a PC-equivalent software to Keyboard Maestro. Have you found anything for PC that can handle keyboard shortcuts on PC? Anyone?
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Post 09 Sep 2024

I'm considering getting the Mobile app to use on my iPad Mini. Just learned that it's no longer subscription only and they sell perpetual licenses. Anybody here using that? It's free to use with the Mini layout (3x2 buttons).

Although I wish what they sold instead was a perpetual license for the desktop app (which they could include for free with hardware purchase). That way customers wouldn't be locked into deciding to buy the mobile app for Android or iPadOS and at the mercy of the app stores for a $50 purchase.

I'd miss the tactile buttons, but I think I'm still waiting for a Stream Deck XL+ (with lots of buttons and some knobs). I'd also really like for it to be Bluetooth compatible. But if I need to plug it in, I need it to be more than just buttons—I've got too many things to plug in lol

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Post 09 Sep 2024

joeyluck wrote:
09 Sep 2024
I'm considering getting the Mobile app to use on my iPad Mini. Just learned that it's no longer subscription only and they sell perpetual licenses. Anybody here using that? It's free to use with the Mini layout (3x2 buttons).

Although I wish what they sold instead was a perpetual license for the desktop app (which they could include for free with hardware purchase). That way customers wouldn't be locked into deciding to buy the mobile app for Android or iPadOS and at the mercy of the app stores for a $50 purchase.

I'd miss the tactile buttons, but I think I'm still waiting for a Stream Deck XL+ (with lots of buttons and some knobs). I'd also really like for it to be Bluetooth compatible. But if I need to plug it in, I need it to be more than just buttons—I've got too many things to plug in lol
I use the mini app all the time to remote control Reason from behind the kit, or start/stop video from my live rig.
Since I don't rely on it for my main setup I can't speak to that aspect of it, only to say I'm spoiled with the bigger interface and would need an iPad to run it. That said, I like the fact it is a dedicated unit and not something I have to make sure is in the room with me every time I want to use it.

I can't see any real use for knobs the way I use the interface, I mainly use it as a key command replacement for "one button" control of complex key combinations (that are also hard to remember). I already have 8 moving faders I can use with Reason/LUNA so I don't think I'd be impressed by four rotaries as I already have 8 rotors and 8 sliders on my master keyboard I hardly use!
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Post 09 Sep 2024

selig wrote:
09 Sep 2024
joeyluck wrote:
09 Sep 2024
I'm considering getting the Mobile app to use on my iPad Mini. Just learned that it's no longer subscription only and they sell perpetual licenses. Anybody here using that? It's free to use with the Mini layout (3x2 buttons).

Although I wish what they sold instead was a perpetual license for the desktop app (which they could include for free with hardware purchase). That way customers wouldn't be locked into deciding to buy the mobile app for Android or iPadOS and at the mercy of the app stores for a $50 purchase.

I'd miss the tactile buttons, but I think I'm still waiting for a Stream Deck XL+ (with lots of buttons and some knobs). I'd also really like for it to be Bluetooth compatible. But if I need to plug it in, I need it to be more than just buttons—I've got too many things to plug in lol
I use the mini app all the time to remote control Reason from behind the kit, or start/stop video from my live rig.
Since I don't rely on it for my main setup I can't speak to that aspect of it, only to say I'm spoiled with the bigger interface and would need an iPad to run it. That said, I like the fact it is a dedicated unit and not something I have to make sure is in the room with me every time I want to use it.

I can't see any real use for knobs the way I use the interface, I mainly use it as a key command replacement for "one button" control of complex key combinations (that are also hard to remember). I already have 8 moving faders I can use with Reason/LUNA so I don't think I'd be impressed by four rotaries as I already have 8 rotors and 8 sliders on my master keyboard I hardly use!
Yeah for me I think it boils down to connectivity and simplicity. If the Stream Deck hardware could be wireless, I'd probably put less weight on it doing more by itself. So that is something I like about the mobile app—being wireless. I work from a MacBook Air, so it goes with me everywhere. It's nice to use stuff on the go without connecting a bunch of stuff and it's nice to use those things without a USB hub. And then it's nice to come back home and not have to reconnect a ton of things and never have a tidy workspace. If a Stream Deck is truly going to be a part of my workflow, then I need to use it wherever I use Reason (and other apps) in order for the usage to really stick.

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