STREAM DECK XL - working on a Reason profile

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Post 15 Aug 2023

Been working a little more on the Streadeck profile, got 2 working now so when Reason is maximised and main focus window the Streamdeck swaps to the Reason profile, got the usual New / Save / Save as buttons configured, added a Create Audio Track button, Duplicate button, Delete track+devices button, New Bus button (group up selected channels to new bus).

Delete track+devices will only work when a selected track (or device) is activated. If in sequencer view and you have no clips selected, then the 'active track' becomes the target for deletion, without the popup 'are you sure?'.

New bus button will route the selected channel(s) to a new bus. Not sure if having a 'route to existing bus' option is possible, might be another 'hack' here but again something for us to look into.

Other tasks like colouring tracks needs to be menu driven by the looks of things, and Windows doesn't have the ability to add shortcut keys like Mac OS does (unfortunately).

Using the Mackie MCU plugin with the MIDI plugin as well as hotkeys in Win11 though is pretty cool, we just need to work out a navigation system on the Streamdeck so that shortcuts make sense (sort of have an up/down/left/right layout, with functions on top left/topright/bottomleft/bottom right that make sense).

Does work quite nicely though, can see this speeding up productivity for sure.

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Post 15 Aug 2023

I THINK I’ve totally misunderstood what this thread is all about, apologies if so. I THOUGHT you were working with the StreamDeck SDK to create a low level bidirectional interface between Reason and StreamDeck. Now I wonder if you’re just making a “profile” in StreamDeck using the basic tools we all have access to?

Again, sorry for the confusion, it’s why I annoyingly kept asking the same question over and over!
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Post 16 Aug 2023

Yeah no worries - using what it currently available, found that Windows has less options than Mac does for custom 'non-esiting' keyboard shortcuts (where OSX allows System/keyboard shortcut/add in to Apps menus, Windows has nada!!)

Some of the functions work well for sure, like the Mackie MCU and the MIDI functions, and some Remote codec hacking to add in the DIM button so Streamdeck picks that up is great, but yeah deep menu diving ain't the one that's for sure

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Post 16 Aug 2023

16 Aug 2023
found that Windows has less options than Mac does for custom 'non-esiting' keyboard shortcuts (where OSX allows System/keyboard shortcut/add in to Apps menus, Windows has nada!!)
With AutoHotkey you can do a lot more on Windows then just have custom actions for menu options. Maybe you should look into that.
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Post 17 Aug 2023

AHK and Autoit have been looked at, just adds another layer for sure, tried Autoit to inspect windows menus to find specific lists and naming functions, but Reason has more graphical portal views rather than sections clearly defined. Is RE VST2 VST3 Duplicate buttons in the browser on windows all point to the whole window as one entity, making coding up AHK a bit trickier. We're looking for keystroke recording too to help with this, even though AHK via Streamdeck isn't bi directional.

We've asked to have custom keys included in Reason as well because it will integrate far easier but agree a bidirectional communication link would help with other functions for sure

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Post 17 Aug 2023

yeah AutoHotKey definitely looks like the way to go for commands, diving into this.... think Keyboard Maestro is the alternative for Mac, and because of not having bespoke/custom shortcut keys in Reason, looks like AHK could be the way to go, and get feedback from Reason via some clever coding hacks and methods

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Post 18 Aug 2023

Yep Autohotkey is definitely the way forward here for StreamDeck integration on Windows, we've just found how to configure a shortcut key to define a colour quickly in the sequencer which means we could have a vast amount of controls

Autohotkey does allow combokeys on F keys too, which can be very useful

Also Autohotkey can detect the menus dynamically so if a control isnt in a menu, the function wont just hang, it just wont do anything, so this means depending on what's selected on the screen can determine the menu function visible, which in turn means as long as StreamDeck keypress is detected and checks the available option it will colour up whatever wherever in the project you are (sequencer track, sequencer clips, or mixer or rack)

Very cool indeed. Means we can configure the same buttons for colours to 'try' menu sniffing and if the menu option is found that colouring function will pick up quote quick. Plus there's no visible menu popups at all - instantaneous.

Feedback control would have to be done via Mackie + MIDI plugins but that makes sense in that respect for controls like that.

Progress for sure, writing up 32 colour options to work anywhere in the program now is a breeze and very light on CPU, and using the 1 key combo again for anywhere - you have to select what you want to colour up (track, clip, rack strip, channel colour) but that's expected. Next is the listing of REs / VSTs at our fingertips, but that is a bit more involved of course, due to so many variations possible, but can be the same really, if you've got it the function will work, if not function won't do anything. Does mean categorising clips and having a hot key to colour things up quickly by groups will be a breeze and save those few extra clicks

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Post 18 Aug 2023

Turns out there are 31 colors and 32 buttons, which leaves one to return if you change your mind.
Otherwise, each color selector button does two things: applies the chosen color, and then returns you to the previous page.
Now I just need to find a few more 'spare' key commands' to get all of these actually working… ;)
Screen Shot 2023-08-18 at 5.09.47 PM.png
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Post 18 Aug 2023

Yeah that's the thing with AHK on Windows, we can use the same key for 4 colour functions (sequencer track colour, selected clip colour, mixer channel colour, rack channel colour) because you do get different options depending on what's selected or right-mouse clicked. AHK allows window users to inspect menus and can work dynamically too, so we only need 32 commands for all colours and 4 possible functions when you press your colour combo button (may do a 2x 16 colours layout to allow other controls so a couple of pages)...

But, we think AHK can parse key commands to the compiled keystroke detector app you make from the script, which could reduce these 32 colours to 1 command line with a colour variable per Streamdeck key, and the AHK code does the rest (hopefully)

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Post 19 Aug 2023

More progress on the colours for AHK / Windows users - we're not even using shortcut key commands now, we're simply telling the AHK active script to reload silently if a colour option is chosen, so that frees up any potential hotkey combos for other tasks, which after looking into the Reason 12 shortcut list ther's some pretty cool commands that could be pretty useful (such as you select a group of clips and you can hotkey command shifting those blocks left or right a bar's length which could be handy for inserting sections and other editing functions like this)

Ther might be something like AHK for Mac, did read there's some scripting functionality already with OSX? Would mean a bit of coding of course, but then you can customise your StreamDeck accordingly.

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Post 19 Aug 2023

Right. Oddities when trying to use script command line with parameters to different areas of the screen. Channel color menu function won't work but clip, sequencer track and rack Vst device will colour up, yet rack strip won't.

But... Using key combo allows colouring anywhere with Streamdeck button.

We've also found Streamdeck will allow specific keyboard-sided modifiers (leftshift or right shift, left alt or right alt, left Ctrl or right Ctrl, left winkey or right winkey) allowing a whole lot more combo commands, so a heapload more possible where we can double or triple up commands to allow much more functionality.

Picking up neat built in shortcuts now too for even faster Reason daw control (ctrl-arrows in sequencer neat as for nudging clips along the timeline)

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Post 21 Aug 2023

Perfecto - found the right method to allow non-command key function so we can colour up Reason anywhere now with StreamDeck colour selection - all 31 buttons without a Ctrl, Alt, Shift + key in sight, freeing up the other commands to run at they should. Handy as f*<k :D

Of course the next step is to allow stock items to be added in to the rack via StreamDeck as well as the general shortcut commands that are built in.

Also means *should* be able to assign commands that aren't listed but are already configured (Reason 12 shortcuts PDF from RS site helps here). Another issue we know of is that the sub-menus have a max of 99 items possible, which is an issue if we wanted to select a specific plugin via Streamdeck AHK menu diving because the plugins aren't selectable (yet). Not all users have a plethora of plugins (we do, as we love new technologies and explore a lot of manufacturers). Waves is the worst for this, with Mono and Stereo plugin version in their listing. May be the case of using the browser but there's more funky stuff to work on, which includes 'screen sniff' RE / VST / VST3 / Duplicates buttons to make things a bit more visible via the browser. AHK can dart around the screen looking for buttons and click them accordingly, to make the script fully compliant we would have to have all app view % modes set once to allow for the sniffing of the buttons like an archive bank (lets say each button is a fingerprint at a certain size, so 200% would be a different fingerprint to 100%, 120% 140% etc).

Will be able to throw a fair few functions in now though, the AHK-colour-up-Reason-app only launches on button press and then self closes after doing some menu checks, so only gets called for that colour function, which does mean separate scripts for separate functionalities, to keep things housekept under the hood. More work? Of course but not impossible (on Windows) :D OSX... not sure if the same shortcut key for colour menus are shared or if they are treated as separate menus (so that could mean 3 sub menus, track, channel, clip color)

Selig how does it work for Mac your shortcut functions when you assign to a colour? does it apply to the other menus too anyway? or are they all treated as if they are separate menu-trees?

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Post 21 Aug 2023

21 Aug 2023
Selig how does it work for Mac your shortcut functions when you assign to a colour? does it apply to the other menus too anyway? or are they all treated as if they are separate menu-trees?
Sadly, on the Mac it is application wide, so no way to re-use key commands. But the good news is if its in a menu you can make a key command for it (all the colors are also in the menu).

I'm building a spreadsheet with all useful possible key commands and to keep track of which ones I've used so far.
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Post 22 Aug 2023

selig wrote:
21 Aug 2023
Sadly, on the Mac it is application wide, so no way to re-use key commands. But the good news is if its in a menu you can make a key command for it (all the colors are also in the menu).
That's a shame, ok so your Burgundy shortcut is the same shortcut in any of the menu types? Reason for asking is because depending on the item that's being colored up comes from *potentially* different sub-menus (Clip color / Track color / Channel color), or Mac OS just assigns 'Burgundy' to all menus that have that option, so if Burgundy was in another app, that shortcut also applied to that app as well?

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Post 22 Aug 2023

22 Aug 2023
selig wrote:
21 Aug 2023
Sadly, on the Mac it is application wide, so no way to re-use key commands. But the good news is if its in a menu you can make a key command for it (all the colors are also in the menu).
That's a shame, ok so your Burgundy shortcut is the same shortcut in any of the menu types? Reason for asking is because depending on the item that's being colored up comes from *potentially* different sub-menus (Clip color / Track color / Channel color), or Mac OS just assigns 'Burgundy' to all menus that have that option, so if Burgundy was in another app, that shortcut also applied to that app as well?
It's the second I believe. It is the unique name that identifies it as far as I can tell which is why it also works for all devices including VSTs as they are all in the Create menu.
I just checked to be sure, and all of those options work for me; picking a color for channel, track, or clip (or multiple selections of any of those).
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Post 23 Aug 2023

Makes sense for system wide, Windows doesn't seem to work that way, AHK you have to specify the actual menu/sub-menu name to access the function correctly, but sort of tied it the same way, it's just application specific unless we set the function read the 'active window' app and use those menus, makes it dynamic that way if same function is in multiple apps.

But cool, seems that the dedicated shortcut for Mac / Reason fixes the 1 shortcut per colour (which is handy too).

We've been adding in the nudging functions now as well, so editing drum beats or sequencer clips and shifting them around via tick amounts as well as beat and bar is pretty nifty

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Post 13 Sep 2023

selig wrote:
18 Aug 2023
Now I just need to find a few more 'spare' key commands' to get all of these actually working… ;)
Regarding the ever-dwindling list of 'spare' shortcut key commands, I've been showing Giles how I can control anything in Reason via Stream Deck using Keyboard Maestro. KB macros do not need to be assigned shortcut key commands, as they can be called by name using the KB Link plugin in Stream Deck. For instance, I created an identical track color page, but not a single shortcut key was harmed or required!

I'm currently creating things like Insert Device, Insert Effects, Insert Utilities, and Insert Players pages for everything I've got, including VSTs, and every button will call the KB macro by name without requiring any shortcut key commands. Not needing shortcut commands is wonderful.

KB macros can control everything in the Reason menus, as well as some things that are unassigned. For instance, I made a DIM -20dB button toggle that works with any song file without needing to save some Override with every song file. KB does this using AI image matching to find the two button states on any screen. Between Keyboard Maestro and the available Stream Deck plugins, including MIDI, there is literally nothing that it can not control in Reason.

My current plan is to design the main Reason Stream Deck control page(s) with buttons linked to other subpages of commands, i.e. track colors, insert device, set zoom levels, editor tools, etc. I've already taken Reason screenshots to be used for various buttons. In the end, I'll have a master control panel(s) linked to sub-panels and back buttons to return to the main control panel. My hope is that this will be the ultimate Reason Stream Deck controller. To share, I can export my Stream Deck profiles as well as the Keyboard Maestro macros for easy importation into your Stream Deck and KM. FYI Keyboard Maestro is Mac-only. The project is a bit of work, but it only has to be done once. My motivation is how streamlined using Reason will be using push buttons! :puf_smile:

Screenshot 2023-09-11 at 11.37.07 PM.png
Screenshot 2023-09-11 at 11.37.23 PM.png
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Post 14 Sep 2023

@Wendy, and you also showed me there are actually 32 colors, not 31 (I missed “Dark Blue” somehow). ;)

Looking forward to getting all of the colors and common devices assigned to buttons with Keyboard Maestro!
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Post 14 Sep 2023

Project Update:

So far, today, I created 346 Keyboard Maestro macros covering Track Colors, Instruments, and Effects (including VSTs). Now working on Utilities, then Players before moving on to other Reason functions. It's not too bad using KM Duplicate macro, then copy and paste vendor and device names (Mac screenshots allow you to copy any text). I tested a few already and it works flawlessly! :puf_smile: I can easily share the macros with KM and Stream Deck users.

After this is done, I'm going to create my master control pages in Stream Deck and map the buttons to additional pages or folders of groups of control buttons. It'll be all-encompassing and huge, but people can delete and add buttons and macros as needed.

One small change I made in Keyboard Maestro macro naming was to use the same hierarchical path Reason uses in its menus, which helps group the macros by vendor:

KB Reason path macro names.jpg
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Post 14 Sep 2023

I just completed creating Keyboard Maestro macros for all Instruments, Effects, Utilities, and Players, including any REs and VSTs I purchased – 472 total macros. I left out any VST2s where I have the VST3s. I can share the KB macro export in its current state if anyone wants to get a jump on creating their own Stream Deck control layout, or if you can wait, I should have all other Reason menu commands appended shortly.

You can trial or buy Keyboard Maestro here:

As each of us has different RE and VST purchases, you can easily duplicate one of the Keyboard Maestro macros and replace the vendor name and device menu item name, rinse, and repeat to keep adding your own devices. Be cognizant as to whether your entry is for Instruments, Effects, Utilities, or Players, and so update the Submenu entry with the vendor name as it appears in Reason, along with updating the vendor in the macro name. Here's a Keyboard Maestro macro sample again:

KB Macro.jpg
To recap, Keyboard Maestro macros can trigger any menu item in Reason and control the program without requiring shortcut keys. If they have Shortcuts assigned by default, you can certainly use them, but it's no longer necessary to create shortcut key commands for things that don't have one. Stream Deck buttons will trigger the KB macros, which in turn control Reason. Of course, you are free to set some buttons up in Stream Deck that utilize other methods of communicating with Reason, i.e. via Mackie controls or whatever you wish. I will attempt to create as many Keyboard Maestro commands that operate Reason to the fullest extent possible, so you may find that there are several ways to trigger something from Stream Deck.

If a lot of people get on board with Stream Deck Reason control, we may want to keep a master Keyboard Maestro macro library export synced with everyone's devices being added, similar to how Poohbear maintains the Remote file for new devices. That way, most devices will already be available for control because someone added a macro for it in Keyboard Maestro. You'll only be linking Stream Deck buttons the the macros for which you have a device, so no biggie that KB has macros for devices you don't yet own.
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Post 16 Sep 2023

I have nearly 600 macros entered covering menus File, Edit and Create. The contextual main menus took me by surprise, as they change based on where you are and what you're doing! Geez, Reason is richly deep in commands. :puf_smile: I have randomly tested as I make these macros and they are instantaneous and work like a charm! :thumbup:


When I select an audio clip for editing, I don't see shortcuts for the 3 options below, and I checked the Reason 12 Key Command PDF as well:

clip edit.jpg

Does anyone know of any keyboard access for Slice, Pitch, or Comp edit? If not, it's time to utilize "Match Image" for the buttons.
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Post 16 Sep 2023

UPDATE: All done! :thumbup: 709 macros created for Keyboard Maestro that control every menu item in Reason.

I did not add shortcut codes for i.e. transport bar, etc. because those are easily entered in Stream Deck. I may add them to KM later.

Grab the zip, unzip, and use Keyboard Maestro: Files > Import Macros Safely... > Reason Macros.kmmacros

Then create your Reason Profile in Stream Deck, add the KM Link plugin and use it to select any of the 709 macros. Go nuts and build your ultimate Reason World Control panel! Your welcome! :clap:

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Post 17 Sep 2023

Downloaded NEW Reason Macros.kmmacros 17-SEP-2023

I made a mistake with all the Windows macros; it's now been corrected:

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Post 17 Sep 2023

Keyboard Maestro Macros for controlling every Menu function in Reason

Reason Menus.jpg


Reason > About Reason.kmmacros
Reason > Check for Updates....kmmacros
Reason > Hide Others.kmmacros
Reason > Hide Reason.kmmacros
Reason > Quit Reason.kmmacros
Reason > Your Products....kmmacros


File > Bounce Mixer Channels....kmmacros
File > Close.kmmacros
File > Export Device Remote Info....kmmacros
File > Export Loop as Audio File....kmmacros
File > Export MIDI File....kmmacros
File > Export REX as MIDI File....kmmacros
File > Export Song as Audio File....kmmacros
File > Import Audio File....kmmacros
File > Import MIDI File....kmmacros
File > New from Template > Audio Track Recording.kmmacros
File > New from Template > Blocks.kmmacros
File > New from Template > Empty + FX.kmmacros
File > New from Template > Show Template Folder.kmmacros
File > New from Template > Song Starter - House.kmmacros
File > New from Template > Song Starter - Soul Hop.kmmacros
File > New from Template > Song Starter - Stranger.kmmacros
File > New from Template > Song Starter - Trap.kmmacros
File > New from Template > Song Starter - Writer.kmmacros
File > New.kmmacros
File > Open Demo Song > Download more Demo Songs....kmmacros
File > Open....kmmacros
File > Save and Optimize.kmmacros
File > Save As....kmmacros
File > Save Device Patch As....kmmacros
File > Save.kmmacros
File > Song Information....kmmacros
File > Song Self-Contain Settings....kmmacros


Create > Create Audio Track.kmmacros
Create > Create Effect.....kmmacros
Create > Create Instrument....kmmacros
Create > Create Mix Channel.kmmacros
Create > Create Send FX....kmmacros

Create > Effects > AirRaid Audio > Elements Splitter.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Arturia > Filter MS-20 (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > Arturia > Rev PLATE-140 (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > Audio Damage, Inc. > RoughRider Compressor.kmmacros
Create > Effects > BBE Sound > Harmonic Maximizer (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > BBE Sound > Loudness Maximizer (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > BBE Sound > Mach 3 Bass (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > BBE Sound > Sonic Maximizer (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > Blamsoft, Inc. > DC-1 Distortion.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Blamsoft, Inc. > DC-9 Overdrive.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Blamsoft, Inc. > t00b Distortion.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Cakewalk > RE-2A Leveling Amplifier.kmmacros
Create > Effects > D16 Group Audio Software > Decimort2 High Quality Bit Crusher.kmmacros
Create > Effects > D16 Group Audio Software > Devastor2 Multiband Distortion.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Devoloop > DynaRage Tube Compressor.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Flower Audio > 4Dyne Mastering Multiband Dynamics.kmmacros
Create > Effects > FLUX SE > BitterSweet (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > Forgotten Clank Studios > Omega Trimmer.kmmacros
Create > Effects > FXpansion Audio UK Ltd. > DCAM BusComp.kmmacros
Create > Effects > FXpansion Audio UK Ltd. > DCAM EnvShaper.kmmacros
Create > Effects > FXpansion Audio UK Ltd. > Etch Red Dual Filter.kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Insight 2 (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Neutron 3 (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Neutron 3 Compressor (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Neutron 3 Equalizer (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Neutron 3 Exciter (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Neutron 3 Gate (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Neutron 3 Sculptor (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Neutron 3 Transient Shaper (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Neutron 3 Visual Mixer (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Ozone 10 (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Ozone 10 Dynamic EQ (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Ozone 10 Dynamics (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Ozone 10 Equalizer (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Ozone 10 Exciter (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Ozone 10 Imager (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Ozone 10 Impact (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Ozone 10 Low End Focus (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Ozone 10 Master Rebalance (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Ozone 10 Match EQ (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Ozone 10 Maximizer (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Ozone 10 Spectral Shaper (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Ozone 10 Stabilizer (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Ozone 10 Vintage Compressor (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Ozone 10 Vintage Limiter (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Ozone 10 Vintage Tape (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Ozone Imager 2 (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Relay (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > RX 10 Breath Control (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > RX 10 Connect (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > RX 10 De-click (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > RX 10 De-clip (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > RX 10 De-crackle (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > RX 10 De-ess (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > RX 10 De-hum (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > RX 10 De-plosive (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > RX 10 De-reverb (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > RX 10 Guitar De-noise (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > RX 10 Monitor (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > RX 10 Mouth De-click (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > RX 10 Repair Assistant (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > RX 10 Spectral De-noise (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > RX 10 Voice De-noise (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Tonal Balance Control 2 (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Vinyl (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Vocal Doubler (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > VocalSynth 2 (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope, Inc > Ozone Maximizer.kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope, Inc. > iZotope DDLY Dynamic Delay (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope, Inc. > Nectar 3 (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > Jiggery Pokery > Chenille BBD Chorus Ensemble.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Jiggery Pokery > Itsy Audio Phase Inverter.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Jiggery Pokery > Steerpike BBD Delay Ensemble.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Jiggery Pokery > The Animus Shimmerverb Ensemble.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs 3-Band EQ.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Bitcrush.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Chorus.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Comb Filter.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Compressor.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Delay.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Distortion.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Filter.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Formant Filter.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Frequency Shifter.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Gain.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Gate.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Haas.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Ladder Filter.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Limiter.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Phase Distortion.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Phaser.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Pitch Shifter.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Resonator.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Reverb.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Reverser.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Ring Mod.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Stereo.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Tape Stop.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Trance Gate.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Transient Shaper.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Kuassa > Amplifikation Caliburn Guitar Amp.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Kuassa > Amplifikation Creme Guitar Amp.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Kuassa > Amplifikation Matchlock Guitar Amp.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Kuassa > Amplifikation Vermilion Guitar Amp.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Kuassa > Amplifikation VVV Guitar Amp.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Kuassa > Cerberus Bass Amp.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Kuassa > Efektor CH3604 Chorus.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Kuassa > Efektor CP3603 Compressor.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Kuassa > Efektor DL3606 Delay.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Kuassa > Efektor DS3603 Distortion.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Kuassa > Efektor FL3606 Flanger.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Kuassa > Efektor FZ3603 Fuzz.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Kuassa > Efektor GQ3607 Graphic Equalizer.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Kuassa > Efektor OD3603 Overdrive.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Kuassa > Efektor PH3605 Phaser.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Kuassa > Efektor Silencer Noise Gate.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Kuassa > Efektor TR3604 Tremolo.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Kuassa > Efektor WF3607 Wah Filter.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Kuassa > EVE-AT1 4-Band Equalizer.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Kuassa > EVE-MP5 Program Equalizer.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Kuassa > Kratos 2 Maximizer.kmmacros
Create > Effects > LAB ONE Recordings > Mace Professional Compressor.kmmacros
Create > Effects > LAB ONE Recordings > ReQ131 31 Band EQ.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Lectric Panda LLC > Fritz Granular Engine.kmmacros
Create > Effects > LoveOne > Phonetic Vintage Phone Simulator.kmmacros
Create > Effects > LoveOne > Photon Particle Splitter.kmmacros
Create > Effects > MagmaSonic > Classic Filter.kmmacros
Create > Effects > McDSP > C670 Compressor.kmmacros
Create > Effects > McDSP > FRG-4RE Compressor.kmmacros
Create > Effects > McDSP > Moo Tube Compressor.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Noise Engineering > Ruina.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Numerical Sound > ReStereo.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Ochen K. > Carve EQ Ducker.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Ochen K. > Glitch Effect.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Peff > Buffre Beat Repeater.kmmacros
Create > Effects > pongasoft > VAC-6 Volume Analyzer & Controller.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Quadelectra Audioworx > Quadelectra Stereo Splitter.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > Alligator Filter Gate.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > Audiomatic Retro Transformer.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > BV-X Multimode Vocoder.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > BV512 Digital Vocoder.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > CF-101 Chorus-Flanger.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > Channel Dynamics.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > Channel EQ.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > COMP-01 Compressor-Limiter.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > D-11 Foldback Distortion.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > DDL-1 Digital Delay Line.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > ECF-42 Envelope Controlled Filter.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > Master Bus Compressor.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > MClass Compressor.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > MClass Equalizer.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > MClass Maximizer.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > Neptune Pitch Adiuster.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > PEQ-2 Two Band Parametric EQ.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > PH-90 Phaser.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > Polar Dual Pitch Shifter.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > Pulveriser Demolition.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > Quartet Chorus Ensemble.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > Rotor Rotary Speaker.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > RV-7 Digital Reverb.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > RV7000 MklI Reverb.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > Scream 4 Distortion.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > Softube Amp.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > Softube Bass Amp.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > Sweeper Modulation Effect.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > Synchronous Effect Modulator.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > The Echo.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > UN-16 Unison.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Red Rock Sound > C1-L1 Vintage Compressor.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Red Rock Sound > HLF-RE PASSIVE HIGH-LOW FILTER.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Red Rock Sound > RE 302 Graphic Equaliser.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Rob Papen > RPDistort Effect.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Selig Audio > Infuser.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Selig Audio > Selig ColoringEQ.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Selig Audio > Selig DeEsser.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Selig Audio > Selig Gain.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Selig Audio > Selig Leveler.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Softube > Softube FET Compressor.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Softube > Softube Saturation Knob.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Softube > Softube Trident A-Range EQ.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Softube > Softube TSAR-1 Reverb.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Softube > Softube Tube Delay.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Softube > Softube Valley People DynaMite.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Sonic Charge > Echobode Frequency Shifter Delay.kmmacros
Create > Effects > > Pump Sidechain-Gate Effect.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Sononics > GSX Graphic Shaper-Effects.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Synapse Audio Software > Synapse AF-4 Analog Filter.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Synapse Audio Software > Synapse AP-12 Analog Phaser.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Synapse Audio Software > Synapse DC-2 Dual Chorus.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Synapse Audio Software > Synapse DR-1 Deep Reverb.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Synapse Audio Software > Synapse Fat Space Reverb.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Synapse Audio Software > Synapse GQ-7 Graphic Equalizer.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Synapse Audio Software > Synapse Ninety Vintage Phaser.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Synapse Audio Software > Synapse RM-1 Ring Modulator.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Synapse Audio Software > Synapse VE-3 Vintage Equalizer.kmmacros
Create > Effects > ThatMusicCompany > Distort Chain.kmmacros
Create > Effects > ThatMusicCompany > Mr OverDrive.kmmacros
Create > Effects > ThatMusicCompany > T2 Phaser.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Turn2on Software > BassPump Bass Preamp.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Turn2on Software > BNDP556 VARIABLE BP FILTER.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Turn2on Software > CleanBoost Clean Uncolored Booster.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Turn2on Software > Waubaby Multi-Wah.kmmacros
Create > Effects > u-he > Uhbik A.kmmacros
Create > Effects > u-he > Uhbik D.kmmacros
Create > Effects > u-he > Uhbik F.kmmacros
Create > Effects > u-he > Uhbik G.kmmacros
Create > Effects > u-he > Uhbik P.kmmacros
Create > Effects > u-he > Uhbik Q.kmmacros
Create > Effects > u-he > Uhbik S.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Uberwave > DQ Band Dynamic Processor.kmmacros
Create > Effects > UJAM > FIN-MICRO (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > Unfiltered Audio > G8 Dynamic Gate.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Unfiltered Audio > Renoun Reverb.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Unfiltered Audio > Yoko Band-Splitter.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Youlean > Youlean Loudness Meter 2 (VST3).kmmacros

Create > Instruments > Amaloo Studio, LLC > EXP1 Expression Processor.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Arturia > Augmented STRINGS (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Arturia > Pigments (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Instruments > AudioRealism > ReDominator Polyphonic Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Blamsoft, Inc. > Expanse Hyperwave Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Blamsoft, Inc. > Zero Hybrid Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Cherry Audio > DCO-106 (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Instruments > e-instruments > StringWERK - Studio Strings.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > GForce Software > Re-Tron.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > HaMu > MidiTapper - Midi Key Controlled Switch.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > HaMu > ModPanel8 CV Control Board.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > HaMu > ModPanel12 CV Control Board.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > HaMu > ModPanel16 CV Control Board.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > HaMu > Newtrol-8 CV Control Board.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > HaMu > Newtrol-12 CV Control Board.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > HaMu > Newtrol-16 CV Control Board.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > iZotope, Inc. > iZotope Iris 2 (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Jiggery Pokery > Ammo 100LA Modular Oscillator.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Jiggery Pokery > Ammo 400R Modulation Oscillators.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Jiggery Pokery > Melodic Electric Glockenspiel.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Jiggery Pokery > Republik Handheld Percussion.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > kiloHearts > kHs ONE - Subtractive Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > KORG > Korg Polysix.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > KORG > wavestate native.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > KORG > WAVESTATION (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Lectric Panda LLC > Nostromo Spectral Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Lectric Panda LLC > Rostnomo Random Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Little 10 > Little LFO.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > LoveOne > Vibro Wavetable Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Murf > MODRACK MIDI.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Murf > MODRACK NOISE.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Murf > Modrack VCO.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Noise Engineering > Sinc Vereor.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Noise Engineering > Virt Vereor.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > omino > WBL3001 Non-scientific Visualization.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > omino > WBL5515 Dual Triple-Loop Oscillator.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > PinkNoise Studio > Maia Orange Edition.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Pitchblende > AutoTheory Harmonic Engine.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Presteign Sound Labs > Macro Multi-Model Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Rainwaves > Ivv Note CV Harmonizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > A-List Acoustic Guitarist.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > A-List Electric Guitarist - Pop Chords.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > A-List Electric Guitarist - Power Chords.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Algoritm FM Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Complex-1 Modular Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Dr. Octo Rex Loop Player.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Europa Shapeshifting Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Fingerpicking Nylon - A-List Guitarist.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Friktion Modeled Strings.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Humana Vocal Ensemble.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > ID8 Instrument Device.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Klang Tuned Percussion.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Kong Drum Designer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Layers Wave Edition.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Layers.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Malström Graintable Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > MIDI Out Device.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Mimic Creative Sampler.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Monotone Bass Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > N19 Digital Sampler.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > NN-XT Advanced Sampler.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Objekt Modeling Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Pangea World Instruments.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Parsec Spectral Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Processed Pianos.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > PX7 FM Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Radical Keys.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Radical Piano.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Reason Drum Kits.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Reason Electric Bass.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Redrum Drum Computer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Rytmik Drum Machine.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Scenic Hybrid Instrument.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > SubTractor Analog Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Thor Polysonic Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Umpf Club Drums.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Umpf Retro Beats.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios >- Grain Sample Manipulator.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reveal Sound > ReSpire Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Rob Papen > Attention Instrument.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Rob Papen > Go2 Instrument.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Rob Papen > PredatorE Instrument.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Rob Papen > Quad Instrument.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Rob Papen > Vecto Instrument.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Robotic Bean > AC-1 Acoustic Clapper.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Robotic Bean > EC-1 Electro Clapper.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Robotic Bean > MC-1 More Cowbell.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Skrock Music > Nautilus Bass Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Skrock Music > Orbis Wavetable Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Spectrasonics > Omnisphere (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Studio Corbach > Mixfood Ambi Nature Ambiance Generator.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Studio Corbach > Mixfood Ambi Urban Ambiance Generator.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Studio Corbach > Mixfood Orange Sample-based Synth.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Studio Corbach > Mixfood ReMix Wavetable Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Studio Corbach > Mixfood WT4 Wavetable Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Synapse Audio > Antidote.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Synthetech Sound > Spectra Additive ReSynthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Turn2on Software > Meteora Sample Based Rompler.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > UJAM > VD-HEAVY (VST2).kmmacros
Create > Instruments > UJAM > VD-PHAT (VST2).kmmacros
Create > Instruments > UJAM > VD-SOLID (VST2).kmmacros
Create > Instruments > UJAM > Virtual Bassist Mellow.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > UJAM > Virtual Bassist Rowdy.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > UJAM > Virtual Bassist Royal.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > UJAM > Virtual Drummer Heavy.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > UJAM > Virtual Drummer Phat.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > UJAM > Virtual Drummer Solid.kmmacros

Create > Players > Andrew Russell > Denote.kmmacros
Create > Players > Enlightenspeed Ltd > Note Latch.kmmacros
Create > Players > Lectric Panda LLC > CV Player Tap.kmmacros
Create > Players > Lectric Panda LLC > UTL Filter & Adjust.kmmacros
Create > Players > LeNoteLiveSoftware > Receive Notes.kmmacros
Create > Players > LoveOne > MIDI-CV Converter.kmmacros
Create > Players > omino > WBL4014.kmmacros
Create > Players > Reason Studios > Bassline Generator.kmmacros
Create > Players > Reason Studios > Beat Map.kmmacros
Create > Players > Reason Studios > Chord Sequencer.kmmacros
Create > Players > Reason Studios > Drum Sequencer.kmmacros
Create > Players > Reason Studios > Dual Arpeggio.kmmacros
Create > Players > Reason Studios > Note Echo.kmmacros
Create > Players > Reason Studios > Pattern Mutator.kmmacros
Create > Players > Reason Studios > PolyStep Sequencer.kmmacros
Create > Players > Reason Studios > Quad Note Generator.kmmacros
Create > Players > Reason Studios > Scales & Chords.kmmacros
Create > Players > Selig Audio > Selig NoteView.kmmacros
Create > Players > Tonicmint > AB Transpose.kmmacros

Create > Utilities > 17frames > CV QUANT FREE.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Aftermath Audio > CV8X4 CV Generator.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > AirRaid Audio > Elements DS-LEO.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Bcase > XEM.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Black and Orange > ReVolt CV Processor.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Blamsoft, Inc. > Polymodular Audio Merger.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Blamsoft, Inc. > Polymodular Audio Splitter.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Blamsoft, Inc. > Polymodular CV Breakout Box.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Blamsoft, Inc. > Polymodular CV Merger.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Blamsoft, Inc. > Polymodular CV Splitter.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Deadman Audio Devices > One-Note Stand CV Generator.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > DLD Technology > AS-16 Analog Sequencer.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > DLD Technology > CV-2 Meter.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > DLD Technology > CV-8 Gatewav.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > DLD Technology > DR4 Quad Drum Trigger.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Flower Audio > Flower Audio Loudness Meter.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Forgotten Clank Studios > Omega Merger.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Groovy Melon > Morfin XF Crossfader.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > HaMu > MatchMaker CV In-Out Interface.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > HaMu > Mesher-4B - CV Buttons Rout Panel.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > HaMu > Mesher-4K - CV Knobs Mix Panel.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > HaMu > Mesher-8B - CV Buttons Rout Panel.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > HaMu > Mesher-8K - CV Knobs Mix Panel.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > HaMu > Mingler Active - Auto Select Latest CV.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > HaMu > ModSelsor CV Selector & Sensor.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > HaMu > ModSlewer CV Slewrate Shaper.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > HaMu > ModStepper CV Controller.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > HaMu > ModSweeper CV Controller.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > HaMu > MxSplirger CV Flexible Split & Merge.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Jiggery Pokery > Anansi Mid Side Router.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Jiggery Pokery > Charlotte Envelope Generator.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Jiggery Pokery > Lolth CV Delay Splitter.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Jiggery Pokery > Miranda CV Delay Merger.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Jiggery Pokery > Mordred Audio Bypass Merger.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Jiggery Pokery > Shelob Audio Bpass Splitter.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Jiggery Pokery > TMA-1 Commentator.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Jiggery Pokery > TMA-4 Commentator.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Jiggery Pokery > TMA-9 Commentator.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > LAB ONE Recordings > ReGain Audio Gain Assistant.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Lectric Panda LLC > AMP Level Control.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Lectric Panda LLC > Janitor CV Shaper.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Lectric Panda LLC > MoPol Polyphonic CV Merger.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Lectric Panda LLC > Skope M4 Signal Monitor.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Lectric Panda LLC > Skope Signal Monitor.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Lectric Panda LLC > Spektrum Signal Monitor.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > LeNoteLiveSoftware > Out Gate Note.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > LeNoteLiveSoftware > Select Program.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > LeNoteLiveSoftware > Set Audio Out.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > LeNoteLiveSoftware > Set Program.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > LeNoteLiveSoftware > Set Vca.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Makeshift Design > Mini Normalizer.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Multi-D > CV Mutant Signal Shaper.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Murf > MODRACK SEQ.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Normen Hansen > VMG-01 Sample Delay.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Ochen K. > CV Tuner.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Ochen K. > MicroTune.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Ochen K. > Probability CV Trigger.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Ochen K. > Probability Drum Trigger.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > pongasoft > A-B 12 Audio In Switch.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > pongasoft > A-B 12 Audio Out Switch.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > pongasoft > A-B Audio & CV Switch.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > pongasoft > CVA-7 CV Analyzer.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Quadelectra (Quadelectra Audioworx) > CV Suite Line Mixer.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Quadelectra (Quadelectra Audioworx) > CV Suite Line Processor.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Quadelectra (Quadelectra Audioworx) > CV Suite Parametrix.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Quadelectra (Quadelectra Audioworx) > CV Suite Signal Repeater.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Quadelectra (Quadelectra Audioworx) > CV Suite Vectorizer.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Reason Studios > Audio Track.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Reason Studios > Combinator.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Reason Studios > Line Mixer 6-2.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Reason Studios > Matrix Pattern Sequencer.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Reason Studios > Mix Channel.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Reason Studios > Mixer 14-2.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Reason Studios > Pulsar Dual LFO.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Reason Studios > RPG-8 Monophonic Arpeggiator.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Reason Studios > Spider Audio Merger & Splitter.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Reason Studios > Spider CV Merger & Splitter.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Red Rock Sound > Peak Programme Meter.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Red Rock Sound > RE 128 Loudness Meter.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Red Rock Sound > RE 180 Dynamic Driver.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Red Rock Sound > RE 181 Mid-Side Audio Converter.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Red Rock Sound > Volume Unit Meter.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Retouch Control > ChordSet Harmony Module.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Rob Papen > RPSpec Spectrogram.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Robotic Bean > Select CV Switch.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Selig Audio, LLC > ReMark Rack Divider.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Softphonics > Audio Metre RMS-RE.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Spectral Scan Software > 4 Phase LFO.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Spectral Scan Software > Audio Metre RMS-RE copy.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Static Cling > Index Chord Dictionary.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Static Cling > Tome Scale and MIDI Visualizer.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > The Chronologists > Scope Junior CV and Audio Oscilloscope.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Tonicmint > CV Multi.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Turn2on Software > InfoBay-In Interface Helper.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Turn2on Software > Metro Click-Machine.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Uberwave > Audio to CV Envelope Generator.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Zvork > Volt CB-1 CV Combiner.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Zvork > Volt SH-1 CV Shaper.kmmacros


Edit > Add Labels To Clips.kmmacros
Edit > Adjust Alien Clips to Lanes.kmmacros
Edit > Auto-route Device.kmmacros
Edit > Bounce > Bounce Audio Clips To MIDI.kmmacros
Edit > Bounce > Bounce Clip to Disk....kmmacros
Edit > Bounce > Bounce Clip to REX Loop.kmmacros
Edit > Bounce > Bounce Clips to New Recordings.kmmacros
Edit > Bounce > Bounce Clips to New Samples.kmmacros
Edit > Bounce > Bounce in Place.kmmacros
Edit > Browse Patches....kmmacros
Edit > Clear Insert FX.kmmacros
Edit > Clip Color > Asparagus.kmmacros
Edit > Clip Color > Blue in Green.kmmacros
Edit > Clip Color > Bright Grey.kmmacros
Edit > Clip Color > Bright Lime.kmmacros
Edit > Clip Color > Brown.kmmacros
Edit > Clip Color > Burgandy.kmmacros
Edit > Clip Color > Camouflage Green.kmmacros
Edit > Clip Color > Dark Blue.kmmacros
Edit > Clip Color > Dark Green.kmmacros
Edit > Clip Color > Deep Purple.kmmacros
Edit > Clip Color > Graphite.kmmacros
Edit > Clip Color > Kelly Green.kmmacros
Edit > Clip Color > Lemon.kmmacros
Edit > Clip Color > Light Blue.kmmacros
Edit > Clip Color > Light Olive.kmmacros
Edit > Clip Color > Lilac.kmmacros
Edit > Clip Color > Moss Green.kmmacros
Edit > Clip Color > Neon Violet.kmmacros
Edit > Clip Color > Ochre.kmmacros
Edit > Clip Color > Orange.kmmacros
Edit > Clip Color > Peach.kmmacros
Edit > Clip Color > Pineapple.kmmacros
Edit > Clip Color > Pink.kmmacros
Edit > Clip Color > Plum.kmmacros
Edit > Clip Color > Powder Blue.kmmacros
Edit > Clip Color > Red.kmmacros
Edit > Clip Color > Sky Blue.kmmacros
Edit > Clip Color > Slate Blue.kmmacros
Edit > Clip Color > Steel Blue.kmmacros
Edit > Clip Color > Tangerine.kmmacros
Edit > Clip Color > Turquoise.kmmacros
Edit > Clip Color > Wheat.kmmacros
Edit > Combine.kmmacros
Edit > Commit to Groove.kmmacros
Edit > Convert Block Clips To Song Clips.kmmacros
Edit > Convert Pattern Automation to Notes.kmmacros
Edit > Copy Channel Settings > All.kmmacros
Edit > Copy Channel Settings > Dynamics copy.kmmacros
Edit > Copy Channel Settings > Dynamics.kmmacros
Edit > Copy Channel Settings > Filters and EQ.kmmacros
Edit > Copy Channel Settings > FX Sends.kmmacros
Edit > Copy Channel Settings > Insert FX.kmmacros
Edit > Copy Devices and Tracks.kmmacros
Edit > Copy Patch.kmmacros
Edit > Copy Track and Device.kmmacros
Edit > Copy.kmmacros
Edit > Correct Pitch.kmmacros
Edit > Create Parallel Channel.kmmacros
Edit > Create Pattern-Loop Lane.kmmacros
Edit > Crop Events To Clips.kmmacros
Edit > Crossfade.kmmacros
Edit > Cut Devices and Tracks.kmmacros
Edit > Cut Track and Device.kmmacros
Edit > Cut.kmmacros
Edit > Delete Devices and Tracks.kmmacros
Edit > Delete Track and Device.kmmacros
Edit > Delete Tracks.kmmacros
Edit > Delete Unused Recordings.kmmacros
Edit > Delete.kmmacros
Edit > Disable Stretch.kmmacros
Edit > Disconnect Device.kmmacros
Edit > Duplicate Selected Notes to New Lane.kmmacros
Edit > Duplicate.kmmacros
Edit > Edit.kmmacros
Edit > Get Groove From Clip.kmmacros
Edit > Insert Bars Between Locators.kmmacros
Edit > Join Clips.kmmacros
Edit > Merge Note Lanes on Tracks.kmmacros
Edit > Move Selected Notes to New Lane.kmmacros
Edit > Mute Clips.kmmacros
Edit > Mute Notes.kmmacros
Edit > New Note Lane.kmmacros
Edit > Normalize Clips.kmmacros
Edit > Paste Channel Settings > All.kmmacros
Edit > Paste Channel Settings > Filters and EQ.kmmacros
Edit > Paste Channel Settings > FX Sends.kmmacros
Edit > Paste Channel Settings > Insert FX.kmmacros
Edit > Paste Devices and Tracks.kmmacros
Edit > Paste Patch.kmmacros
Edit > Paste.kmmacros
Edit > Quantize.kmmacros
Edit > Randomize Pattern.kmmacros
Edit > Redo.kmmacros
Edit > Remove Bars Between Locators.kmmacros
Edit > Reset All Channel Settings.kmmacros
Edit > Reset Device.kmmacros
Edit > Reset Pitch.kmmacros
Edit > Reverse.kmmacros
Edit > Revert All Notes.kmmacros
Edit > Revert All Slices.kmmacros
Edit > Select All Devices.kmmacros
Edit > Select All in Device Group.kmmacros
Edit > Select All.kmmacros
Edit > Select Notes of Same Pitch.kmmacros
Edit > Set Loop to Selection and Start Playback.kmmacros
Edit > Set Loop to Selection.kmmacros
Edit > Shift Pattern Left.kmmacros
Edit > Shift Pattern Right.kmmacros
Edit > Sort Selected Device Groups.kmmacros
Edit > Split at Notes.kmmacros
Edit > Split At Slices.kmmacros
Edit > Stretch Type for New Recordings > Allround.kmmacros
Edit > Stretch Type for New Recordings > Melody.kmmacros
Edit > Stretch Type for New Recordings > Vocal.kmmacros
Edit > Track Color > Asparagus.kmmacros
Edit > Track Color > Blue in Green.kmmacros
Edit > Track Color > Bright Grey.kmmacros
Edit > Track Color > Bright Lime.kmmacros
Edit > Track Color > Brown.kmmacros
Edit > Track Color > Burgandy.kmmacros
Edit > Track Color > Camouflage Green.kmmacros
Edit > Track Color > Dark Blue.kmmacros
Edit > Track Color > Dark Green.kmmacros
Edit > Track Color > Deep Purple.kmmacros
Edit > Track Color > Graphite.kmmacros
Edit > Track Color > Kelly Green.kmmacros
Edit > Track Color > Lemon.kmmacros
Edit > Track Color > Light Blue.kmmacros
Edit > Track Color > Light Olive.kmmacros
Edit > Track Color > Lilac.kmmacros
Edit > Track Color > Moss Green.kmmacros
Edit > Track Color > Neon Violet.kmmacros
Edit > Track Color > Ochre.kmmacros
Edit > Track Color > Orange.kmmacros
Edit > Track Color > Peach.kmmacros
Edit > Track Color > Pineapple.kmmacros
Edit > Track Color > Pink.kmmacros
Edit > Track Color > Plum.kmmacros
Edit > Track Color > Powder Blue.kmmacros
Edit > Track Color > Red.kmmacros
Edit > Track Color > Sky Blue.kmmacros
Edit > Track Color > Slate Blue.kmmacros
Edit > Track Color > Steel Blue.kmmacros
Edit > Track Color > Tangerine.kmmacros
Edit > Track Color > Turquoise.kmmacros
Edit > Track Color > Wheat.kmmacros
Edit > Uncombine.kmmacros
Edit > Undo Audio Import.kmmacros
Edit > Undo Draw Events.kmmacros
Edit > Undo.kmmacros
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Last edited by wendylou on 17 Sep 2023, edited 1 time in total.
:puf_smile: -- :reason: user since 2002

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Posts: 527
Joined: 15 Jan 2015
Location: Night City

Post 17 Sep 2023

CONTINUED: Keyboard Maestro Macros for controlling every Menu function in Reason


Create > Create Audio Track.kmmacros
Create > Create Effect.....kmmacros
Create > Create Instrument....kmmacros
Create > Create Mix Channel.kmmacros
Create > Create Send FX....kmmacros

Create > Effects > AirRaid Audio > Elements Splitter.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Arturia > Filter MS-20 (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > Arturia > Rev PLATE-140 (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > Audio Damage, Inc. > RoughRider Compressor.kmmacros
Create > Effects > BBE Sound > Harmonic Maximizer (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > BBE Sound > Loudness Maximizer (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > BBE Sound > Mach 3 Bass (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > BBE Sound > Sonic Maximizer (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > Blamsoft, Inc. > DC-1 Distortion.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Blamsoft, Inc. > DC-9 Overdrive.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Blamsoft, Inc. > t00b Distortion.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Cakewalk > RE-2A Leveling Amplifier.kmmacros
Create > Effects > D16 Group Audio Software > Decimort2 High Quality Bit Crusher.kmmacros
Create > Effects > D16 Group Audio Software > Devastor2 Multiband Distortion.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Devoloop > DynaRage Tube Compressor.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Flower Audio > 4Dyne Mastering Multiband Dynamics.kmmacros
Create > Effects > FLUX SE > BitterSweet (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > Forgotten Clank Studios > Omega Trimmer.kmmacros
Create > Effects > FXpansion Audio UK Ltd. > DCAM BusComp.kmmacros
Create > Effects > FXpansion Audio UK Ltd. > DCAM EnvShaper.kmmacros
Create > Effects > FXpansion Audio UK Ltd. > Etch Red Dual Filter.kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Insight 2 (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Neutron 3 (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Neutron 3 Compressor (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Neutron 3 Equalizer (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Neutron 3 Exciter (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Neutron 3 Gate (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Neutron 3 Sculptor (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Neutron 3 Transient Shaper (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Neutron 3 Visual Mixer (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Ozone 10 (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Ozone 10 Dynamic EQ (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Ozone 10 Dynamics (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Ozone 10 Equalizer (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Ozone 10 Exciter (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Ozone 10 Imager (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Ozone 10 Impact (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Ozone 10 Low End Focus (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Ozone 10 Master Rebalance (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Ozone 10 Match EQ (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Ozone 10 Maximizer (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Ozone 10 Spectral Shaper (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Ozone 10 Stabilizer (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Ozone 10 Vintage Compressor (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Ozone 10 Vintage Limiter (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Ozone 10 Vintage Tape (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Ozone Imager 2 (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Relay (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > RX 10 Breath Control (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > RX 10 Connect (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > RX 10 De-click (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > RX 10 De-clip (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > RX 10 De-crackle (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > RX 10 De-ess (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > RX 10 De-hum (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > RX 10 De-plosive (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > RX 10 De-reverb (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > RX 10 Guitar De-noise (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > RX 10 Monitor (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > RX 10 Mouth De-click (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > RX 10 Repair Assistant (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > RX 10 Spectral De-noise (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > RX 10 Voice De-noise (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Tonal Balance Control 2 (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Vinyl (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > Vocal Doubler (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope > VocalSynth 2 (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope, Inc > Ozone Maximizer.kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope, Inc. > iZotope DDLY Dynamic Delay (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > iZotope, Inc. > Nectar 3 (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > Jiggery Pokery > Chenille BBD Chorus Ensemble.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Jiggery Pokery > Itsy Audio Phase Inverter.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Jiggery Pokery > Steerpike BBD Delay Ensemble.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Jiggery Pokery > The Animus Shimmerverb Ensemble.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs 3-Band EQ.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Bitcrush.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Chorus.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Comb Filter.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Compressor.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Delay.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Distortion.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Filter.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Formant Filter.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Frequency Shifter.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Gain.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Gate.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Haas.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Ladder Filter.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Limiter.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Phase Distortion.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Phaser.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Pitch Shifter.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Resonator.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Reverb.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Reverser.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Ring Mod.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Stereo.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Tape Stop.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Trance Gate.kmmacros
Create > Effects > kiloHearts > kHs Transient Shaper.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Kuassa > Amplifikation Caliburn Guitar Amp.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Kuassa > Amplifikation Creme Guitar Amp.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Kuassa > Amplifikation Matchlock Guitar Amp.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Kuassa > Amplifikation Vermilion Guitar Amp.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Kuassa > Amplifikation VVV Guitar Amp.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Kuassa > Cerberus Bass Amp.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Kuassa > Efektor CH3604 Chorus.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Kuassa > Efektor CP3603 Compressor.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Kuassa > Efektor DL3606 Delay.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Kuassa > Efektor DS3603 Distortion.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Kuassa > Efektor FL3606 Flanger.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Kuassa > Efektor FZ3603 Fuzz.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Kuassa > Efektor GQ3607 Graphic Equalizer.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Kuassa > Efektor OD3603 Overdrive.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Kuassa > Efektor PH3605 Phaser.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Kuassa > Efektor Silencer Noise Gate.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Kuassa > Efektor TR3604 Tremolo.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Kuassa > Efektor WF3607 Wah Filter.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Kuassa > EVE-AT1 4-Band Equalizer.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Kuassa > EVE-MP5 Program Equalizer.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Kuassa > Kratos 2 Maximizer.kmmacros
Create > Effects > LAB ONE Recordings > Mace Professional Compressor.kmmacros
Create > Effects > LAB ONE Recordings > ReQ131 31 Band EQ.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Lectric Panda LLC > Fritz Granular Engine.kmmacros
Create > Effects > LoveOne > Phonetic Vintage Phone Simulator.kmmacros
Create > Effects > LoveOne > Photon Particle Splitter.kmmacros
Create > Effects > MagmaSonic > Classic Filter.kmmacros
Create > Effects > McDSP > C670 Compressor.kmmacros
Create > Effects > McDSP > FRG-4RE Compressor.kmmacros
Create > Effects > McDSP > Moo Tube Compressor.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Noise Engineering > Ruina.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Numerical Sound > ReStereo.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Ochen K. > Carve EQ Ducker.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Ochen K. > Glitch Effect.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Peff > Buffre Beat Repeater.kmmacros
Create > Effects > pongasoft > VAC-6 Volume Analyzer & Controller.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Quadelectra Audioworx > Quadelectra Stereo Splitter.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > Alligator Filter Gate.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > Audiomatic Retro Transformer.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > BV-X Multimode Vocoder.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > BV512 Digital Vocoder.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > CF-101 Chorus-Flanger.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > Channel Dynamics.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > Channel EQ.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > COMP-01 Compressor-Limiter.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > D-11 Foldback Distortion.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > DDL-1 Digital Delay Line.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > ECF-42 Envelope Controlled Filter.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > Master Bus Compressor.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > MClass Compressor.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > MClass Equalizer.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > MClass Maximizer.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > Neptune Pitch Adiuster.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > PEQ-2 Two Band Parametric EQ.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > PH-90 Phaser.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > Polar Dual Pitch Shifter.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > Pulveriser Demolition.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > Quartet Chorus Ensemble.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > Rotor Rotary Speaker.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > RV-7 Digital Reverb.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > RV7000 MklI Reverb.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > Scream 4 Distortion.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > Softube Amp.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > Softube Bass Amp.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > Sweeper Modulation Effect.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > Synchronous Effect Modulator.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > The Echo.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Reason Studios > UN-16 Unison.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Red Rock Sound > C1-L1 Vintage Compressor.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Red Rock Sound > HLF-RE PASSIVE HIGH-LOW FILTER.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Red Rock Sound > RE 302 Graphic Equaliser.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Rob Papen > RPDistort Effect.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Selig Audio > Infuser.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Selig Audio > Selig ColoringEQ.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Selig Audio > Selig DeEsser.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Selig Audio > Selig Gain.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Selig Audio > Selig Leveler.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Softube > Softube FET Compressor.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Softube > Softube Saturation Knob.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Softube > Softube Trident A-Range EQ.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Softube > Softube TSAR-1 Reverb.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Softube > Softube Tube Delay.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Softube > Softube Valley People DynaMite.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Sonic Charge > Echobode Frequency Shifter Delay.kmmacros
Create > Effects > > Pump Sidechain-Gate Effect.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Sononics > GSX Graphic Shaper-Effects.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Synapse Audio Software > Synapse AF-4 Analog Filter.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Synapse Audio Software > Synapse AP-12 Analog Phaser.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Synapse Audio Software > Synapse DC-2 Dual Chorus.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Synapse Audio Software > Synapse DR-1 Deep Reverb.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Synapse Audio Software > Synapse Fat Space Reverb.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Synapse Audio Software > Synapse GQ-7 Graphic Equalizer.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Synapse Audio Software > Synapse Ninety Vintage Phaser.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Synapse Audio Software > Synapse RM-1 Ring Modulator.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Synapse Audio Software > Synapse VE-3 Vintage Equalizer.kmmacros
Create > Effects > ThatMusicCompany > Distort Chain.kmmacros
Create > Effects > ThatMusicCompany > Mr OverDrive.kmmacros
Create > Effects > ThatMusicCompany > T2 Phaser.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Turn2on Software > BassPump Bass Preamp.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Turn2on Software > BNDP556 VARIABLE BP FILTER.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Turn2on Software > CleanBoost Clean Uncolored Booster.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Turn2on Software > Waubaby Multi-Wah.kmmacros
Create > Effects > u-he > Uhbik A.kmmacros
Create > Effects > u-he > Uhbik D.kmmacros
Create > Effects > u-he > Uhbik F.kmmacros
Create > Effects > u-he > Uhbik G.kmmacros
Create > Effects > u-he > Uhbik P.kmmacros
Create > Effects > u-he > Uhbik Q.kmmacros
Create > Effects > u-he > Uhbik S.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Uberwave > DQ Band Dynamic Processor.kmmacros
Create > Effects > UJAM > FIN-MICRO (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Effects > Unfiltered Audio > G8 Dynamic Gate.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Unfiltered Audio > Renoun Reverb.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Unfiltered Audio > Yoko Band-Splitter.kmmacros
Create > Effects > Youlean > Youlean Loudness Meter 2 (VST3).kmmacros

Create > Instruments > Amaloo Studio, LLC > EXP1 Expression Processor.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Arturia > Augmented STRINGS (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Arturia > Pigments (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Instruments > AudioRealism > ReDominator Polyphonic Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Blamsoft, Inc. > Expanse Hyperwave Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Blamsoft, Inc. > Zero Hybrid Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Cherry Audio > DCO-106 (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Instruments > e-instruments > StringWERK - Studio Strings.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > GForce Software > Re-Tron.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > HaMu > MidiTapper - Midi Key Controlled Switch.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > HaMu > ModPanel8 CV Control Board.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > HaMu > ModPanel12 CV Control Board.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > HaMu > ModPanel16 CV Control Board.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > HaMu > Newtrol-8 CV Control Board.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > HaMu > Newtrol-12 CV Control Board.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > HaMu > Newtrol-16 CV Control Board.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > iZotope, Inc. > iZotope Iris 2 (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Jiggery Pokery > Ammo 100LA Modular Oscillator.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Jiggery Pokery > Ammo 400R Modulation Oscillators.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Jiggery Pokery > Melodic Electric Glockenspiel.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Jiggery Pokery > Republik Handheld Percussion.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > kiloHearts > kHs ONE - Subtractive Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > KORG > Korg Polysix.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > KORG > wavestate native.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > KORG > WAVESTATION (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Lectric Panda LLC > Nostromo Spectral Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Lectric Panda LLC > Rostnomo Random Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Little 10 > Little LFO.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > LoveOne > Vibro Wavetable Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Murf > MODRACK MIDI.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Murf > MODRACK NOISE.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Murf > Modrack VCO.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Noise Engineering > Sinc Vereor.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Noise Engineering > Virt Vereor.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > omino > WBL3001 Non-scientific Visualization.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > omino > WBL5515 Dual Triple-Loop Oscillator.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > PinkNoise Studio > Maia Orange Edition.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Pitchblende > AutoTheory Harmonic Engine.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Presteign Sound Labs > Macro Multi-Model Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Rainwaves > Ivv Note CV Harmonizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > A-List Acoustic Guitarist.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > A-List Electric Guitarist - Pop Chords.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > A-List Electric Guitarist - Power Chords.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Algoritm FM Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Complex-1 Modular Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Dr. Octo Rex Loop Player.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Europa Shapeshifting Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Fingerpicking Nylon - A-List Guitarist.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Friktion Modeled Strings.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Humana Vocal Ensemble.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > ID8 Instrument Device.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Klang Tuned Percussion.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Kong Drum Designer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Layers Wave Edition.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Layers.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Malström Graintable Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > MIDI Out Device.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Mimic Creative Sampler.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Monotone Bass Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > N19 Digital Sampler.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > NN-XT Advanced Sampler.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Objekt Modeling Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Pangea World Instruments.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Parsec Spectral Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Processed Pianos.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > PX7 FM Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Radical Keys.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Radical Piano.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Reason Drum Kits.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Reason Electric Bass.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Redrum Drum Computer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Rytmik Drum Machine.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Scenic Hybrid Instrument.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > SubTractor Analog Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Thor Polysonic Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Umpf Club Drums.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios > Umpf Retro Beats.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reason Studios >- Grain Sample Manipulator.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Reveal Sound > ReSpire Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Rob Papen > Attention Instrument.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Rob Papen > Go2 Instrument.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Rob Papen > PredatorE Instrument.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Rob Papen > Quad Instrument.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Rob Papen > Vecto Instrument.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Robotic Bean > AC-1 Acoustic Clapper.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Robotic Bean > EC-1 Electro Clapper.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Robotic Bean > MC-1 More Cowbell.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Skrock Music > Nautilus Bass Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Skrock Music > Orbis Wavetable Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Spectrasonics > Omnisphere (VST3).kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Studio Corbach > Mixfood Ambi Nature Ambiance Generator.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Studio Corbach > Mixfood Ambi Urban Ambiance Generator.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Studio Corbach > Mixfood Orange Sample-based Synth.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Studio Corbach > Mixfood ReMix Wavetable Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Studio Corbach > Mixfood WT4 Wavetable Synthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Synapse Audio > Antidote.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Synthetech Sound > Spectra Additive ReSynthesizer.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > Turn2on Software > Meteora Sample Based Rompler.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > UJAM > VD-HEAVY (VST2).kmmacros
Create > Instruments > UJAM > VD-PHAT (VST2).kmmacros
Create > Instruments > UJAM > VD-SOLID (VST2).kmmacros
Create > Instruments > UJAM > Virtual Bassist Mellow.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > UJAM > Virtual Bassist Rowdy.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > UJAM > Virtual Bassist Royal.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > UJAM > Virtual Drummer Heavy.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > UJAM > Virtual Drummer Phat.kmmacros
Create > Instruments > UJAM > Virtual Drummer Solid.kmmacros

Create > Players > Andrew Russell > Denote.kmmacros
Create > Players > Enlightenspeed Ltd > Note Latch.kmmacros
Create > Players > Lectric Panda LLC > CV Player Tap.kmmacros
Create > Players > Lectric Panda LLC > UTL Filter & Adjust.kmmacros
Create > Players > LeNoteLiveSoftware > Receive Notes.kmmacros
Create > Players > LoveOne > MIDI-CV Converter.kmmacros
Create > Players > omino > WBL4014.kmmacros
Create > Players > Reason Studios > Bassline Generator.kmmacros
Create > Players > Reason Studios > Beat Map.kmmacros
Create > Players > Reason Studios > Chord Sequencer.kmmacros
Create > Players > Reason Studios > Drum Sequencer.kmmacros
Create > Players > Reason Studios > Dual Arpeggio.kmmacros
Create > Players > Reason Studios > Note Echo.kmmacros
Create > Players > Reason Studios > Pattern Mutator.kmmacros
Create > Players > Reason Studios > PolyStep Sequencer.kmmacros
Create > Players > Reason Studios > Quad Note Generator.kmmacros
Create > Players > Reason Studios > Scales & Chords.kmmacros
Create > Players > Selig Audio > Selig NoteView.kmmacros
Create > Players > Tonicmint > AB Transpose.kmmacros

Create > Utilities > 17frames > CV QUANT FREE.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Aftermath Audio > CV8X4 CV Generator.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > AirRaid Audio > Elements DS-LEO.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Bcase > XEM.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Black and Orange > ReVolt CV Processor.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Blamsoft, Inc. > Polymodular Audio Merger.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Blamsoft, Inc. > Polymodular Audio Splitter.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Blamsoft, Inc. > Polymodular CV Breakout Box.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Blamsoft, Inc. > Polymodular CV Merger.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Blamsoft, Inc. > Polymodular CV Splitter.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Deadman Audio Devices > One-Note Stand CV Generator.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > DLD Technology > AS-16 Analog Sequencer.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > DLD Technology > CV-2 Meter.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > DLD Technology > CV-8 Gatewav.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > DLD Technology > DR4 Quad Drum Trigger.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Flower Audio > Flower Audio Loudness Meter.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Forgotten Clank Studios > Omega Merger.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Groovy Melon > Morfin XF Crossfader.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > HaMu > MatchMaker CV In-Out Interface.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > HaMu > Mesher-4B - CV Buttons Rout Panel.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > HaMu > Mesher-4K - CV Knobs Mix Panel.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > HaMu > Mesher-8B - CV Buttons Rout Panel.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > HaMu > Mesher-8K - CV Knobs Mix Panel.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > HaMu > Mingler Active - Auto Select Latest CV.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > HaMu > ModSelsor CV Selector & Sensor.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > HaMu > ModSlewer CV Slewrate Shaper.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > HaMu > ModStepper CV Controller.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > HaMu > ModSweeper CV Controller.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > HaMu > MxSplirger CV Flexible Split & Merge.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Jiggery Pokery > Anansi Mid Side Router.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Jiggery Pokery > Charlotte Envelope Generator.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Jiggery Pokery > Lolth CV Delay Splitter.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Jiggery Pokery > Miranda CV Delay Merger.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Jiggery Pokery > Mordred Audio Bypass Merger.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Jiggery Pokery > Shelob Audio Bpass Splitter.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Jiggery Pokery > TMA-1 Commentator.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Jiggery Pokery > TMA-4 Commentator.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Jiggery Pokery > TMA-9 Commentator.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > LAB ONE Recordings > ReGain Audio Gain Assistant.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Lectric Panda LLC > AMP Level Control.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Lectric Panda LLC > Janitor CV Shaper.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Lectric Panda LLC > MoPol Polyphonic CV Merger.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Lectric Panda LLC > Skope M4 Signal Monitor.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Lectric Panda LLC > Skope Signal Monitor.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Lectric Panda LLC > Spektrum Signal Monitor.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > LeNoteLiveSoftware > Out Gate Note.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > LeNoteLiveSoftware > Select Program.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > LeNoteLiveSoftware > Set Audio Out.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > LeNoteLiveSoftware > Set Program.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > LeNoteLiveSoftware > Set Vca.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Makeshift Design > Mini Normalizer.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Multi-D > CV Mutant Signal Shaper.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Murf > MODRACK SEQ.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Normen Hansen > VMG-01 Sample Delay.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Ochen K. > CV Tuner.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Ochen K. > MicroTune.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Ochen K. > Probability CV Trigger.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Ochen K. > Probability Drum Trigger.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > pongasoft > A-B 12 Audio In Switch.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > pongasoft > A-B 12 Audio Out Switch.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > pongasoft > A-B Audio & CV Switch.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > pongasoft > CVA-7 CV Analyzer.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Quadelectra (Quadelectra Audioworx) > CV Suite Line Mixer.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Quadelectra (Quadelectra Audioworx) > CV Suite Line Processor.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Quadelectra (Quadelectra Audioworx) > CV Suite Parametrix.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Quadelectra (Quadelectra Audioworx) > CV Suite Signal Repeater.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Quadelectra (Quadelectra Audioworx) > CV Suite Vectorizer.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Reason Studios > Audio Track.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Reason Studios > Combinator.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Reason Studios > Line Mixer 6-2.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Reason Studios > Matrix Pattern Sequencer.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Reason Studios > Mix Channel.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Reason Studios > Mixer 14-2.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Reason Studios > Pulsar Dual LFO.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Reason Studios > RPG-8 Monophonic Arpeggiator.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Reason Studios > Spider Audio Merger & Splitter.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Reason Studios > Spider CV Merger & Splitter.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Red Rock Sound > Peak Programme Meter.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Red Rock Sound > RE 128 Loudness Meter.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Red Rock Sound > RE 180 Dynamic Driver.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Red Rock Sound > RE 181 Mid-Side Audio Converter.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Red Rock Sound > Volume Unit Meter.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Retouch Control > ChordSet Harmony Module.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Rob Papen > RPSpec Spectrogram.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Robotic Bean > Select CV Switch.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Selig Audio, LLC > ReMark Rack Divider.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Softphonics > Audio Metre RMS-RE.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Spectral Scan Software > 4 Phase LFO.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Spectral Scan Software > Audio Metre RMS-RE copy.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Static Cling > Index Chord Dictionary.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Static Cling > Tome Scale and MIDI Visualizer.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > The Chronologists > Scope Junior CV and Audio Oscilloscope.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Tonicmint > CV Multi.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Turn2on Software > InfoBay-In Interface Helper.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Turn2on Software > Metro Click-Machine.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Uberwave > Audio to CV Envelope Generator.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Zvork > Volt CB-1 CV Combiner.kmmacros
Create > Utilities > Zvork > Volt SH-1 CV Shaper.kmmacros


Options > Additional Remote Overrides....kmmacros
Options > Always Show Tutorial Area.kmmacros
Options > Application Zoom > 80%.kmmacros
Options > Application Zoom > 90%.kmmacros
Options > Application Zoom > 100%.kmmacros
Options > Application Zoom > 110%.kmmacros
Options > Application Zoom > 120%.kmmacros
Options > Application Zoom > 140%.kmmacros
Options > Application Zoom > 160%.kmmacros
Options > Application Zoom > 180%.kmmacros
Options > Application Zoom > 200%.kmmacros
Options > Application Zoom > 240%.kmmacros
Options > Auto-color Tracks and Channels.kmmacros
Options > Auto-group Devices and Tracks.kmmacros
Options > Delay Compensation.kmmacros
Options > Enable Blocks.kmmacros
Options > Enable Keyboard Control.kmmacros
Options > Enter Edit Mode.kmmacros
Options > Exit Edit Mode.kmmacros
Options > Follow Song.kmmacros
Options > Keep Events in Clip While Editing.kmmacros
Options > Keyboard Control Edit Mode.kmmacros
Options > MIDI- Send All Notes Off.kmmacros
Options > Number of Precount Bars > Four.kmmacros
Options > Number of Precount Bars > One.kmmacros
Options > Number of Precount Bars > Three.kmmacros
Options > Number of Precount Bars > Two.kmmacros
Options > Record Automation into Note Clip.kmmacros
Options > Reduce Cable Clutter.kmmacros
Options > Remote Override Edit Mode.kmmacros
Options > Show Block Clip Content in Song View.kmmacros
Options > Show CPU Load for Devices.kmmacros
Options > Show Navigators.kmmacros
Options > Surface Locking....kmmacros
Options > Switch to Block View.kmmacros
Options > Switch to Song View.kmmacros
Options > Sync > Ableton Link.kmmacros
Options > Sync > Internal.kmmacros
Options > Sync > MIDI Clock.kmmacros
Options > Sync > Send MIDI Clock.kmmacros
Options > Toggle Rack Front-Rear.kmmacros


Window > Attach Main Mixer.kmmacros
Window > Attach Rack Window.kmmacros
Window > Bring All to Front.kmmacros
Window > Enter Full Screen.kmmacros
Window > Hide Browser.kmmacros
Window > Hide Transport.kmmacros
Window > Manage Content.kmmacros
Window > Manage Plugins.kmmacros
Window > Merge All Windows.kmmacros
Window > Minimize.kmmacros
Window > Move Tab to New Window.kmmacros
Window > Rack Extensions.kmmacros
Window > Remove Window from Set.kmmacros
Window > Replace Tiled Window.kmmacros
Window > Show All Tabs.kmmacros
Window > Show Missing Sounds Window.kmmacros
Window > Show Next Tab.kmmacros
Window > Show On-screen Piano Keys.kmmacros
Window > Show Previous Tab.kmmacros
Window > Show Recording Meter.kmmacros
Window > Show ReGroove Mixer.kmmacros
Window > Show Spectrum EQ Window.kmmacros
Window > Show Tab Bar.kmmacros
Window > Show Tool Window.kmmacros
Window > Show Tutorial.kmmacros
Window > Tile Window to Left of Screen.kmmacros
Window > Tile Window to Right of Screen.kmmacros
Window > View All.kmmacros
Window > View Main Mixer.kmmacros
Window > View Racks.kmmacros
Window > View Sequencer.kmmacros
Window > Zoom.kmmacros


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Help > Get more Instruments, Sounds & Effects.kmmacros
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Help > Reason Help.kmmacros
Help > Tutorials on the Reason Studios Website.kmmacros

Custom Non-Menu Macros

Reason DIM button Toggle.kmmacros
:puf_smile: -- :reason: user since 2002

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