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Need help, Trigger Finger Pro gets out of sync

Posted: 20 Dec 2021
by moalla
I own a M-Audio trigger finger pro, nice but to sync external hardware per midi (Boss rc505) and reason per usb it’s gets out of sync after several seconds, i have read a lot how to live with this problem but that doesn’t work not so well, so my question is, does this solved with a external 6v power supply like writen in this gearspace thread ... pro-4.html

Re: Need help, Trigger Finger Pro gets out of sync

Posted: 20 Dec 2021
by moalla
So i try out everything, at the end mhh set reason as master clock without song position in the preferences and send clock to TFP from TFP via its own Midi out to the next device, but the crazy thing now was, if i connect the midi out of my fireface directly to the input of the card sync meter (set the spec midi out of card as Sync out ) midi ox shows me jumping bpm numbers but via TFP usb connection to the input it shows the right sync time, i dont know but next jam that would be the only usable way, we will see. ;) Yeah at all a cool controller with stupid clock source integrated maybe the clock generator of TFP was in most production charges of this unit poor ..... so this controller needs a new clock generator :lol:


Re: Need help, Trigger Finger Pro gets out of sync

Posted: 23 Dec 2021
by Arpeg
Perhaps starting your project off a second before by using the PRE click may allow your midi device to sync better.
Here is an example of that :

Re: Need help, Trigger Finger Pro gets out of sync

Posted: 24 Dec 2021
by gullum
I had the M-Audio trigger finger pro some time ago and ended up selling it because I just could not get it to sync reliably