Donner DMK-25 midi controller configuration files

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Vincent Vitellius
Posts: 27
Joined: 22 May 2021

03 Jun 2021

I have made configuration files for the cheap Donner DMK-25 midi controller.


They will allow you to use all the features of the DMK-25 in Reason 11 (and possibly other versions?).
The default configuration does not work as expected. The transport buttons are weird, and some of the faders can't be assigned to remote functions. All those problems are solved using my configuration files.

Installation on Windows

Unpack the attached zip file and copy the files into your Reason Remote folder like this:

1. Shut down Reason

2. Copy DMK25_reason.png, DonnerDMK25.luacodec and DonnerDMK25_100.lua into
C:\Program Files\Propellerhead\Reason 11\Remote\DefaultCodecs\Lua Codecs\Donner

3. Copy DonnerDMK25.remotemap into
C:\Program Files\Propellerhead\Reason 11\Remote\DefaultMaps\Donner

4. Start reason

5. In Reason Preferences under Control Surfaces, click "Add Manually" and select Donner DMK-25 and choose the correct In-Port.

Important: I was unable to make autodetect work, since the controller seemingly does not respond to midi-input, making automatic identification impossible.

Installation on Mac

No clue. I guess it's mostly the same, but the file folders are located differently.


All the transport buttons now work as expected.
All faders and knobs (including bank switching) can now be assigned to any function in Reason.
Pads can be assigned to any function in Reason. Switching of pad banks and pad program are supported.

If PROGRAM is activated on the Donner, the pads have the following functions:
Pad 1 and 5: Change targeted track
Pad 2: Mute current track
Pad 3: Solo current track
Pad 4 and 8: Select next/previous patch for target device
Pad 6: Undo
Pad 7: Redo

If you want to change what the pads do while PROGRAM is active, edit the DonnerDMK25.remotemap file.

Provided as is, no guarantees.
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