The buttons below the faders do not seem to function correctly when set as, "Select" buttons to jump to their associated tracks. They work fine when set to, "Solo/Mute". Changing tracks via the "Track+/-" buttons work fine - each time I press them, the white box moves & highlights the next/previous track on the display, Reason's sequencer moves to the next/previous track, and the motorized fader adjusts itself correctly.
When I try to change tracks using the, "Select" buttons, the white highlight box does not move to the associated track on the display, Reason seq does not change track focus, and motorized fader doesn't move. The only thing that *does* happen, is the little red circle below the faders on the display moves to the selected track.
Firmware is up to date, currect Reason integration file on my account has been run, did factory reset. Any ideas?