STREAM DECK XL – Control Reason with Keyboard Maestro

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BTW, i tought about sharing a bit of my strategy with the Streamdeck...

I started by mapping transport, then navigation, then i programmed all the stuff i have in the AHK script with hotkeys.

Then started doing more specific stuff (that has been helpful) like project creation (new, new from a given template), new instruments by type (i created a device navigation folder tree, then it pulls an AHK process that loads the device pallete and searches for a device, works great, i only have a crap behaviour where if the sequencer window is not active i can't load the browser with context). These are organized inside the type, they are organized by priority, from the instruments i use more to the ones that are called less times. I don't make a difference between tem being Re's or VST's, i just took the duplicates out and the devices load correctly - I only have a minor issue with Rob Papen Bit, that is calling another device that has "64 Bit" in the name. I have an idea to solve that, but, it's a minor, solvable issue!

This instrument navigation already works with presets, so it loads a devicePallete navigator or a Browser depending on the type of workflow needed. For example i can create any Piano device in reason, but my go-to piano in reason is still after all these years, a patch in studio combo called "life's what you make of it". That is alongside the devices and i'm just oblivious to the fact it is a preset rather than a device.

Last weekend i also created another process to create inserts (again, it can browse for any effect and insert it in the current selected channel). Next i'm doing a new version for presets (specially important for combi chains) simmilar to the one that loads instruments.

BTW, these scripts are reusable, i din't have to create different functions or segments for each device. I loaded a plugin called AdvancedLauncher that calls windows programs and passes parameters. The AHK script is called with the device name as a parameter, and it works from there.

So imagine i wanted to add a new instrument button (say i buy omnisphere), i just copy a previous instrument buttton, change the name to "omnisphere", the parameter alsp to "Omnisphere" and the image, and it's done.

Anyway, this is quite useful for reusing code, and calling other AHK code without having to use hotkeys that might already be important for reason or other programs.

Also, i created all this stuff on a Reason profile, and i have a navigation key for this. The key then has a multi task, loads the ahk main code wich pulls reason, and then navigates to the reason profile. On the profile i also created a navigation button to leave the profile, closing reason and the main AHK process.

All the stuff i already did in the AHK script is now on the Streamdeck:

- Section navigation based on bocks (needs color coding and image recognition)
- Mixer area navigation (compressor, eq, sends, ins)
- Record and Automation arming
- Exporting to audio (I have a process that exports to a song to mp3, audio and even sends the song to the client by email based on the artist email song info).
- Editor navigation
- Activating and deactivating the mixing mode (this mixing mode is an ahk script that allows more context between the mixer and strip channel, allowing my BCR2000 to have a full channel strip spanned across all of the surface). It is based on image recognition of the solo channel in the rack, then navigates and unselects the solo. Again, reason should allow us to map a mixer button for this but, well... The mixing mode also advances the mixer context based on the base channel for better visualization of the channels that are being controlled by the bcf's. this is really usefull in bigger projects (24+ channels).

Also i prefer to think about what makes sense to automate than automate everything there possibiliy is. This automation is layed in a more "workflow" centered way. Like a story for the song building, left to right, into the rabbit hole!

So the process is more simmilar to Wendy's where she uses Keybord Maestro to enhance more features, but the strategy is more based on my workflow and my needs. And BTW, last night i had a vocal and accoustic guitar recording session, where and the session was way less mouse dependent, more streamlined, just with simple stuff like audio track creation, arming, and section selection!

Fun stuff! However, it's easy to lose yourself in these automations, getting to the point where one loses more time coding and setting stuff up than doing a couple of clicks on a mouse in a mix...

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I spent the first week or so building stuff, and have been using it non-stop since then. Another thing I like is how quick it is to move stuff around or add new functions when I realize I need it.

I’ve also been adding new apps to StreamDeck. At first I thought I would only use it for Reason and LUNA, which I rely on. But I also found it super useful for just about any other app I use on any regular basis.
In fact, I’d say it’s even MORE useful for stuff I don’t use every day such as DiVinci Resolve, since it’s more difficult to remember key commands on the stuff you don’t use every day.

I just finished my monthly article for Recording Magazine yesterday, and while I didn’t actually review StreamDeck I gushed over how useful it has been for me over the past year (for the year end issue). It’s one of those rare products I use literally every single day. Or to put it another way, it’s one of those things you don’t know you need until you start using it - and then you can’t live without it!

If there is one potential downside it’s that you no longer remember the key commands you replace with buttons, but that can also be said for phone numbers (for those of you old enough to remember memorizing tons of phone numbers)! ;)
Selig Audio, LLC

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