Ableton live 9.2 beta - fixes PDC after a decade

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24 Feb 2015

Hi, just thought this was great news.. Because of the way live works with being able to audition any kind of file in tempo, i was thinking now i may use it as a rewire host and use both it and Reason, and be able to sync stuff, rex in reason, everything else in ableton. Will make for a killer combo. Live is one of the easiest of all rewire setups to use, but the pdc thing always bothered me - as using 2 hosts, one without it, one with broken, creates quite a bit of a mess especially when one decides to start using large latency plugins on rewire stems.. Has anyone else tried it yet to see if it's truly fixed? Am not on the beta sign up there, but maybe I will (just so busy lately). Anyway, ableton are responding to bitwig, so competition can only be a good thing! Always had a soft spot for live, it's so logical to use IMO.
Mac Studio M2 Ultra/64Gb/Apollo T-Bolt 3/OS 14.6.1/PT 2024.6/R13.02/Logic 11.01
MSI GT77/13980HX/RTX 4090m/64GB/Arturia Minifuse 2/PT 2024.6/R13.02/Low DPC latency tuned

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25 Feb 2015

awesome news, i know it's the thing i see live users raging about the most.

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26 Feb 2015

It's great to see Ableton updates his software and add so many features in the live-span of a single version..

I only had audible PDC issues a few times, but I'm glad to see it fixed so I can finally put m4live devices in send/return tracks. Also, they are adding a tuner :)

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