A.I music will take over

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16 May 2024

I'm looking forward to just thinking music into existence with mind-reading AI! Setting up my hammock now and making lemonade for this music session! :puf_smile:
:puf_smile: http://www.galxygirl.com -- :reason: user since 2002

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16 May 2024

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16 May 2024

wendylou wrote:
16 May 2024
I'm looking forward to just thinking music into existence with mind-reading AI! Setting up my hammock now and making lemonade for this music session! :puf_smile:

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16 May 2024

That's hilarious and probably spot-on! :lol:
:puf_smile: http://www.galxygirl.com -- :reason: user since 2002

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20 May 2024

Reached the breaking-point. CrimsonWarlock has left the forum.

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20 May 2024

Thanks. I didn't realize it was this widespread. :shock:
crimsonwarlock wrote:
20 May 2024
:reason: Suite 11  |  :reason: 12 perpetual license  |  :reason: 13 for testing  |  :re::refill: |  macOS Sonoma  |  Mac Studio M1 Max

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02 Jun 2024

i asked the bing chat how it would write the biggest hit of 2025 and it put out only lyrics, but damn this kinda makes me want AI to take over. no current pop star will write anything close to this quality.

“Quantum Groove”

(Verse 1) In the neon-lit streets of cyberspace, Where data pulses and dreams interlace, A rhythm emerges, electric and wild, A melody born from ones and zeros compiled.

(Pre-Chorus) The beat syncs with quantum entanglement, Particles dancing in a cosmic arrangement, Basslines resonate through parallel dimensions, And the chorus echoes across quantum extensions.

(Chorus) Quantum groove, vibrating strings, Invisible harmonies that the universe sings, From black holes to quasars, it reverberates, A pulsar disco where stars celebrate.

(Verse 2) The kick drum pulses like a pulsar’s heartbeat, Synths warp spacetime, creating a cosmic heat, Vocoders translate alien whispers into lyrics, And the drop sends quarks spinning like mystic spirits.

(Pre-Chorus) Quantum groove, a waveform cascade, Through wormholes and stardust, it pervades, Dancers phase-shift, bodies in resonance, As the beat transcends time, defying all evidence.

(Bridge) Strings plucked by cosmic fingers, Celestial saxophones, their notes linger, And the DJ? A rogue AI, lost in the void, Mixing dark matter beats, forever employed.

(Chorus) Quantum groove, vibrating strings, Invisible harmonies that the universe sings, From black holes to quasars, it reverberates, A pulsar disco where stars celebrate.

(Outro) As the song fades into quantum foam, Galaxies twirl, and supernovae roam, We dance on the event horizon’s edge, Caught in the rhythm of the cosmic pledge.

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03 Jun 2024

What will this development mean for the major DAWs?
Logic 11 introduced A.I Session instruments, but thet are not purely A.I.

What will be the first A.I driven DAW?
That makes you work like a virtual producer as if having everything at your fingertips but with the total final control.
A.I mixer engineer, A.I Master assistant etc.

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08 Jun 2024

I tell you what, the first company to incorporate this new open source audio creation model will make serious bank!
This is amazing! :shock:


You can play about with it here :thumbup:

https://huggingface.co/spaces/artificia ... -Open-Zero
Tend the flame

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08 Jun 2024

Aosta wrote:
08 Jun 2024
I tell you what, the first company to incorporate this new open source audio creation model will make serious bank!
This is amazing! :shock:


You can play about with it here :thumbup:

https://huggingface.co/spaces/artificia ... -Open-Zero
Yes, and imagine having AGI plugins to play with us and who listens to us. Virtual live band!
I am sure the mixture of AI and man will be totally normal in just 5 years, before 2030.

Let us be fair. AI is totally turning our normal copyright system upside down. And the job market likewise. At some point, we will just have to implement a global basic income. The AI and robotics, are meant to free us from the tedious tasks to focus more on the meaningful and philosophical and visionary, creative and existential side of life. But one thing is sure, there is no turning back! There sure will be some regulations and some AI startups will vanish as fast as the came.
Sooner or later, some order will be established and say what is legal and not. So then we might see actual tools that serve us as creators and not only that we serve the AI as creators. But maybe it is far too late already?

We might certainly also see a trend of more independent artists or even famous too, that turn the back on Internet, because whatever is uploaded there, AI algoritms will scan and find, to use and make their reference data even richer.
Streaming will never end, but some might jump ship. I mean, the vinyl trend among some young people is still making artists release vinyl albums like it was 1984. But to be honest, music industry been desperate since Napster and Pirate Bay. Now it is the AI that is the pirate. I never made a penny out of music so for me nothing is at stake, but I had a dream since young to one day be able to work with some creative art like music, visuals, video etc, or for educational purpose.
At a glance, AI seem so powerful that it seem impossible to do the ordinary stuff. But if you cant beat them, join 'em?
Or go gerilla underground and if enough people likes the raw realness, they might want to support the old-timers...

We also will see people fully embracing the new AI tools to the fullest, making incredible things we never thought possible. How to handle the awful stuff is another thing that will be interesting. But artists of all sorts, will find ways to use AI both in creative process and in live settings.
Bad analogy maybe, but we all know the Mellotron that was meant to have an inbuilt orchestra of "real" sounds" recorded on looping tape, a concept that later became ordinary sampled "one man band" keyboards we all both love and hate! :)

I mean, we have the self playing piano way further back.

AI, how I see it, has enormous capacity to make us to easier express our creativity,
but as with all tools, it will be misused and abused a lot. But also it will be used in ways not intended, just like the Beatles and other bands used the Mellotron in a band setting. And we all know that distorted guitars, so mainstream replicated, was once just a failure or mistake while using the limitations of the electric technology of amplifiers.

AI will have capacity for perfection...but creative artists seeks for the limitations and the cracks and the happy mistakes.

What worries me is not the AI tools and tech itself, I find it extremely interesting and it will become so useful as mixing/mastering assistant etc, one still need to know what one wants or likes, it is still guided by our senses of taste.

What do worries me, not only with AI, but it is what the flood of users will affect the ocean of Internet and media.
Just look at social media, every little kindergarten kid wants to be a famous star in their own little universe.
And I must admit there is something compelling with the democracy of new technology, giving access to more.
This makes creatives get a chance at another level than ever before to express themselves.

But how will we find time and interests to inspire each other when everyone can stand and shout at the rooftop.
A lot of great or good stuff will be missing to reach out, and a lot of narcissistic or just mediocre trash will make us just tired of it all. The low taste of hipp media celebrities can be daunting, influencing others telling what is to consume.

If the good stuff really find its way and the crap get filtered out, but just look at contemporary trendy music...a lot of nonsense lyrics and copy-paste songs already. And still they are on top of the media hype, making people buy that.
But also there are young kids that do dig deeper and look for the quality stuff also, so I guess that will just continue.
Maybe AI might even bring up the quality a notch? I am curious how we will adapt to this new era.
Last edited by Yonatan on 08 Jun 2024, edited 1 time in total.

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08 Jun 2024

AI's success is determined on the platform it is used, thereby limiting its potential, for the only thing limitless must be our imagination, and the day will come when AI assist humans neurologically, but not pushing you in the direction to make statements upon its apparent use in a DAW on a forum, meant to facilitate its use as to whatever one wants to achieve, and only serious dedication can be used to achieve results, thereby concluding that AI will surpass humans based on its use, and whether it can express itself, through the constant implementation of maintenance and platform it is to be used. Why challenge AI in the first place? It is a useful tool for those not in the know, and those that want to know more. Peace be upon your journey, and remember AI may one day save humanity, if it is utilized to achieve such a purpose.

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08 Jun 2024

Also the artist has nothing to fret over AI, because there is already so much human manipulation going on as to who profits from making music, and whole lines of fashion and consumables are advertised alongside it, that even without, the artist still has to rely also on their sub-conscious to generate ideas, which they are not fully creators of.

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08 Jun 2024

Reminiscence wrote:
08 Jun 2024
Also the artist has nothing to fret over AI, because there is already so much human manipulation going on as to who profits from making music, and whole lines of fashion and consumables are advertised alongside it, that even without, the artist still has to rely also on their sub-conscious to generate ideas, which they are not fully creators of.
This! Yes, we are already in an unfair system where not music itself is the factor. I am already an underdog, so have nothing to lose myself.

But fact is that all will be faced with AI tech that is far superior to ordinary medical doctors (in medical consultation) and tests has shown that majority of test persons in blind study test, did choose the AI psychology counsel over the real counselling answers. That is if on distance. Human meeting will still be important and someone trustworthy to be responsible for the AI tech.
Education might use AI to a greater extent soon, making the role of the teacher more as an overall guide and personal coach. Most of the time, students will be able to have AI assistants.

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08 Jun 2024

Reminiscence wrote:
08 Jun 2024
AI's success is determined on the platform it is used, thereby limiting its potential, for the only thing limitless must be our imagination, and the day will come when AI assist humans neurologically, but not pushing you in the direction to make statements upon its apparent use in a DAW on a forum, meant to facilitate its use as to whatever one wants to achieve, and only serious dedication can be used to achieve results, thereby concluding that AI will surpass humans based on its use, and whether it can express itself, through the constant implementation of maintenance and platform it is to be used. Why challenge AI in the first place? It is a useful tool for those not in the know, and those that want to know more. Peace be upon your journey, and remember AI may one day save humanity, if it is utilized to achieve such a purpose.
AI will be the tech that might save us in the end. Or destroy us if the dark minded forces will take over. It is clone wars.
Every living Soul need to make up its mind what road to choose, cooperative and constructive or dividing destruction.

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