Straight pasta or 'nests'...

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26 Mar 2022

fullforce wrote:
26 Mar 2022
plaamook wrote:
23 Mar 2022
When I was a kid in NJ and NY all pasta was straight. Tagliatelle, fettuccine, capellini...all of it. Then the nests arrived...
Nests are hard to measure. You can grab 'half' of a bunch of talarine and it's about half a pack. Nests you either need to count or weigh.
Then there's transport and storage. It's way easier to transport and stop straight pasta.
So what's up with the nests? Maybe easier on the production end?
What is your preference?
Shed some light!
I always crush the shit out of nests.
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30 Mar 2022

Home made fettuccine > store bought fusilli > store bought spaghetti. That's it.

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31 Mar 2022


this guy lives in australia
in this recipe he uses dried pasta nests
(i always thought the nests were mostly for fresh pasta)

a nice lo-fi jazzy hiphop soundtrack

the dog's name is whiskey

surprisingly, pasta grammar youtube just posted this
i was interested that eva adds canned tuna in olive oil

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02 Apr 2022

I can still remember being able to get half a metre long spaghetti.

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04 Apr 2022

Trefor wrote:
02 Apr 2022
I can still remember being able to get half a metre long spaghetti.
I've seen that here n there. Not something I'd buy but it's still around.
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04 Apr 2022

since this thread is still active, after peeking for a few days, as an Italian I feel obliged to express a dogmatic judgment that does not allow replicas or alternative versions.

here's the orthodoxy:

<culinary orthodoxy>

The "nests" are only for fresh egg pasta (that is, the pasta that has eggs - possibly very fresh - in the dough and which must be kept in the refrigerator and eaten in a few days)

Any other type of pasta, long or short, is NOT in nests.

Nests are a foreign aberration.

</culinary orthodoxy>

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05 Apr 2022

Quarmat wrote:
04 Apr 2022
since this thread is still active, after peeking for a few days, as an Italian I feel obliged to express a dogmatic judgment that does not allow replicas or alternative versions.

here's the orthodoxy:

<culinary orthodoxy>

The "nests" are only for fresh egg pasta (that is, the pasta that has eggs - possibly very fresh - in the dough and which must be kept in the refrigerator and eaten in a few days)

Any other type of pasta, long or short, is NOT in nests.

Nests are a foreign aberration.

</culinary orthodoxy>

Have a nice day!
Well, it’s exported from Italy without eggs and dried so I guess you guys like making it for foreigners. Generally it’s the only kind of tagliatelle you can buy. If I find straight tagliatelle I buy a lot. Fettuccine too.
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05 Apr 2022

plaamook wrote:
05 Apr 2022
Well, it’s exported from Italy without eggs and dried so I guess you guys like making it for foreigners.
As long as foreigners pay money for that, orthodoxy is compromised. You can't guide them down the right track, they don't care, hopeless people...

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05 Apr 2022

orthodox wrote:
05 Apr 2022
plaamook wrote:
05 Apr 2022
Well, it’s exported from Italy without eggs and dried so I guess you guys like making it for foreigners.
As long as foreigners pay money for that, orthodoxy is compromised. You can't guide them down the right track, they don't care, hopeless people...
I disagree.
People in other countries don’t know any better. And many people are very interested in authenticity.
If he’s right and the dried nests don’t exist in Italia why export it?
I grew up w Italians and straight pasta not nests, yet I’m forced to buy the stupid things because it’s the only way to get certain types of pasta. Which supersedes all other priorities in the matter really.
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05 Apr 2022

plaamook wrote:
05 Apr 2022
If he’s right and the dried nests don’t exist in Italia why export it?
I grew up w Italians and straight pasta not nests, yet I’m forced to buy the stupid things because it’s the only way to get certain types of pasta. Which supersedes all other priorities in the matter really.
The nests of pasta have a primary function: to avoid that, during the packaging phase, the strips of, for example, fettuccine, can stick together and therefore have a fettucina twice as thick with a cooking time doubled (as well as not very nice to see in the dish).

This is the reason why egg pasta, as I said, is sold in nests (which take up much more space than straight pasta, and therefore cost a lot more, but this is justified by the fact that egg pasta is not an everyday dish, but a little more refined): the egg in the dough is notoriously sticky and therefore this pasta is dried in nests, to avoid sticking.

Normal (not egg) pasta in nests is packaged for the same reasons but designed for foreign markets where pasta is often overcooked or cooked in an unorthodox way (ask Americans on RT - I refuse to enter the subject ). In this way it is much more difficult to have edges of pasta attached if they are immersed in boiling water in nests.

This problem is not felt in Italy, because here 99% 9 of the population knows how to cook pasta al dente, so here is the snobbery towards pasta in nests if it is not, in fact, mixed with egg.

Have a nice day!

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05 Apr 2022

Quarmat wrote:
05 Apr 2022
plaamook wrote:
05 Apr 2022
If he’s right and the dried nests don’t exist in Italia why export it?
I grew up w Italians and straight pasta not nests, yet I’m forced to buy the stupid things because it’s the only way to get certain types of pasta. Which supersedes all other priorities in the matter really.
The nests of pasta have a primary function: to avoid that, during the packaging phase, the strips of, for example, fettuccine, can stick together and therefore have a fettucina twice as thick with a cooking time doubled (as well as not very nice to see in the dish).

This is the reason why egg pasta, as I said, is sold in nests (which take up much more space than straight pasta, and therefore cost a lot more, but this is justified by the fact that egg pasta is not an everyday dish, but a little more refined): the egg in the dough is notoriously sticky and therefore this pasta is dried in nests, to avoid sticking.

Normal (not egg) pasta in nests is packaged for the same reasons but designed for foreign markets where pasta is often overcooked or cooked in an unorthodox way (ask Americans on RT - I refuse to enter the subject ). In this way it is much more difficult to have edges of pasta attached if they are immersed in boiling water in nests.

This problem is not felt in Italy, because here 99% 9 of the population knows how to cook pasta al dente, so here is the snobbery towards pasta in nests if it is not, in fact, mixed with egg.

Have a nice day!
In my experience shit pasta in nests sticks more than shit pasta straight, but nevermind. We’re in agreement on all other points.
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08 Apr 2022


freshly made egg pasta noodles with alfredo sauce

pastagrammar youtube channel with harper and eva have gone to calabria italy to shoot some episodes

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15 Apr 2022

I want to make a confession. When I cook pasta, I don't eat it right away when it's ready, but rinse it with cold water and leave it in the fridge for 3-4 days. I wouldn't be able to eat the whole 500g pack at once anyways. Forgive me Italia.

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16 Apr 2022

orthodox wrote:
15 Apr 2022
I want to make a confession. When I cook pasta, I don't eat it right away when it's ready, but rinse it with cold water and leave it in the fridge for 3-4 days. I wouldn't be able to eat the whole 500g pack at once anyways. Forgive me Italia.
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16 Apr 2022


i always try to cook my pasta a day before and put it in the fridge
the pasta becomes a resistant starch when cold and then reheated
resistant starches are healthier

i also do this with whole potatoes: steamed then cooled and placed in the refrigerator

gnocchi is very goodgood, too
sweet potato gnocchi is wonderful

cheers and eat well,

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17 Apr 2022

I tend to make enough pasta to eat fresh and left over. Best of both worlds. But I'd never opt for refrigerated over night pasta over the fresh stuff.
I don't eat for health particularly so when I say 'best' I'm tailing about how pasta does different things in different states. it's easter I'm making what us WOPs wall baked ziti. It's basically deconstructed or unconstructed lasagna (partially because I can't be bothered making lasagna). You have to let it cool once it's baked but also it's got this whole other dimension the next day or following days depending on how you reheat it.
Making it with goat/sheep ricotta too, local stuff, so I'm interested to see how this goes.
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25 Apr 2022

I’m kinda treating this as the unofficial pasta thread, distinct from the what are you eating thread because let’s face it, pasta deserves its own thread

Anyway.... I made some fresh ricotta from goats milk that was pretty much straight from the teats of my friends goats.
Then I made linguini with roasted cauliflower garlic dried porcini and this ricotta.
And yeah, it was as awesome as it sounds.
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26 Apr 2022

MrFigg wrote:
23 Mar 2022
Linguine. Straight.
He speaks the truth! I do like bavette also which is very, very similar to linguine. Nothing beats the tooth feel/bite that you can get out of those when properly cooked, glorious.

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26 Apr 2022

dhruan wrote:
26 Apr 2022
MrFigg wrote:
23 Mar 2022
Linguine. Straight.
He speaks the truth! I do like bavette also which is very, very similar to linguine. Nothing beats the tooth feel/bite that you can get out of those when properly cooked, glorious.
With grated lemon zest, parmesan and garlic, nicely seared fresh tuna steak and a baby spinach salad in the side.
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27 Apr 2022

MrFigg wrote:
26 Apr 2022
dhruan wrote:
26 Apr 2022

He speaks the truth! I do like bavette also which is very, very similar to linguine. Nothing beats the tooth feel/bite that you can get out of those when properly cooked, glorious.
With grated lemon zest, parmesan and garlic, nicely seared fresh tuna steak and a baby spinach salad in the side.
Reading that made me hungry... and I just ate :lol: Seafood is divine with linguine. <3 One of the local Italian restaurants here has this awesome linguine dish with cherry tomatoes, grilled prawns, garlic, EVOO, and peri-peri (the African chili), it is out of this world.

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27 Apr 2022


here is fresh pasta being made many different ways
in a restaurant in manhattan

they have 'the ferrari' of pasta makers
bronze die extruded (including nests)

the average price of an entre is <>25$

it is a fun video to watch, but expensive

cheers and eat well,

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27 Apr 2022

littlejam wrote:
27 Apr 2022
the average price of an entre is <>25$
I can't take it. I buy pasta at 20¢ for a 500g pack. The main thing I like about pasta is that it's cheap.

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27 Apr 2022

So who here has a pasta machine? I use mine maybe once a week, almost always for fettuccine. It's basic and easy to use but delivers devastatingly effective results, the Korg Polysix of kitchen implements


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28 Apr 2022

Linguine tagliatelle or fettuccine w clams
I’m partial to garlic w a few tomatoes rather than white.

I used to work as a commercial scallop diver in England and back then I literally had all the scallops I could eat. I’d bring home like 10-20 doz and stick the freezer. Incredible.
Just garlic herbs and wine w tagliatelle.

While we were down wed often find big brown crabs or lobsters too. So I’d often make these massive seafood pasta monstrosities, throw mussels in for fun. Outta this world.

Now that I’m in Spain I can’t do that any longer. The south doesn’t have that sort of thing to dive for. But the clams and mussels are good and cheap!
Last edited by plaamook on 29 Apr 2022, edited 2 times in total.
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28 Apr 2022

Linguine tagliatelle or fettuccine w clams
I’m partial to garlic w a few tomatoes rather than white.

I used to work as a commercial scallop diver in England and back then I literally had all the scallops I could eat. I’d bring home like 10-20 doz and stick the freezer. Incredible.
Just garlic herbs and wine w tagliatelle.

While we were down wed often find big brown crabs or lobsters too. So I’d often make these massive seafood pasta monstrosities, throw mussels in for fun. Outta this world.

Now that I’m in Spain I can’t do that any longer. The south doesn’t have that sort of thing to dive for. But the clams and mussels are good and cheap!
Last edited by plaamook on 29 Apr 2022, edited 1 time in total.
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