The UFO Thread

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02 Aug 2023

Tiny Montgomery wrote:
02 Aug 2023

:clap: :clap: :clap: :lol: :lol:
Love this.
And to add to the recent comments, if secrets CAN be kept then it is as likely (if not more likely) the secret being kept has to do with all that money and where it is actually going.

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Tiny Montgomery
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02 Aug 2023

Norm was the best. Used his ferocious intelligence & humour in the service of good.

Yes I agree with your point on money. I wonder when we're going to get the hearing on where the trillions of dollars of black budget money are going?!

Don't want to spam the thread with more video but there is some good stuff coming from the, shall we say, more conspiratorial end of the content farm, that is very sceptical about these hearings.

Its interesting to me how these schisms are developing in culture - someone who is ultra sceptical on the UFO topic from a "normie" perspective will now find bedfellows in conspiracy culture who are equally sceptical. Sure it will be from different premises and starting points, but they will both look at these hearings, whistle blowers and usual suspects with suspicion and I think that's a good development in some ways.

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02 Aug 2023

search: Pentagon billions missing. Check how old some of the videos are on yt.

I get it.
How can you have ultra secret black box projects inside ultra secret black box projects inside ultra secret black box projects no one can name if you know exactly how much each project cost by looking at a ledger?
How do you track everything?
No ledger should exist, at least exists only in the mind of some people.
How do you train the next living ledger secretly, while tracking billions?
Why even bother having an inspector general telling the whole world that money is missing?

What a united schizophrenic state of mind... Or a great idea for a sci-fi book? Still working on a tittle.

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02 Aug 2023

Love Norm...binge watching clips for some time.
Making ppl laugh at things they shouldn't laugh at and telling ridiculous stories, love it😁

"This guy was a real jerk"
/Norm labels a serial killer

About the missing money, it was mentioned somewhere that they'd failed every audit.

Sounds strange, how is it possible that post audit actions didn't sort out the issues?

Isn't that the purpose of an audit: inspect, report, correct, and audit again immediately after correction?

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02 Aug 2023

De Grasse is a grifter making bank from wherever he can like Bill Nye has done for decades.
Tend the flame

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02 Aug 2023

Illegal bombing of Cambodia classic Barbie bait and switch.
Prove me wrong
Who’s using the royal plural now baby? 🧂

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02 Aug 2023


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03 Aug 2023

bxbrkrz wrote:
02 Aug 2023
Lovely intro😁

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03 Aug 2023

jappe wrote:
03 Aug 2023
bxbrkrz wrote:
02 Aug 2023
Lovely intro😁
I thought the card was real :D

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04 Aug 2023


Encounters with small unidentified "objects," sometimes in swarm-like groups of as many as eight. Sightings of other objects, including some characterized as drones, flying at altitudes up to 36,000 feet and as fast as Mach 0.75. Another apparent small drone actually hitting the canopy of an F-16 Viper causing damage. These incidents and many more, all occurred in or around various military air combat training ranges in Arizona since January 2020.

The events are described in reports from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) filed over roughly a three-year period. Overall, the data points to what are often categorized as drones, but many of which are actually unidentified objects, as well as what do appear to be drones, or uncrewed aerial systems (UAS), intruding into these restricted warning areas with alarming regularity.

Marc Cecotti, a contributor to The War Zone, has been able to obtain additional partially redacted reports about a number of these incidents from the U.S. Air Force's Safety Center via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) that provide additional insights. Cecotti, together with Adam Kehoe, another one of our contributors, had first begun to notice a clustering of reports of unusual aerial encounters in southwestern Arizona back in 2021. An interactive online tool they created for The War Zone that leverages the FAA's public database of drone-related incident reports helped highlight that trend. ... ing-ranges

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04 Aug 2023

Tend the flame

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04 Aug 2023

Chris Lehto live

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06 Aug 2023

Going back. Back in time.

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08 Aug 2023


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09 Aug 2023

I figure "aliens" could form in a different plane of existence entirely. Who's to assume that they take the form as the same material that humans do? Maybe the entire universe is sentient? Maybe every musical note you play in Reason is creating new universes?


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09 Aug 2023

aeox wrote:
09 Aug 2023
I figure "aliens" could form in a different plane of existence entirely. Who's to assume that they take the form as the same material that humans do? Maybe the entire universe is sentient? Maybe every musical note you play in Reason is creating new universes?

The Universe+ is subscription based. When you stop paying you're gone forever...

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13 Aug 2023



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15 Aug 2023


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16 Aug 2023


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17 Aug 2023

bxbrkrz wrote:
16 Aug 2023
4 minutes in and this guy is talking as if his assumptions are fact, skirts around answering a straight question and takes quotes out of context to bolster his theories...oh look he has wrote a book.
You find these guys all over conspiracy conventions.
Tend the flame

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18 Aug 2023

Aosta wrote:
17 Aug 2023
bxbrkrz wrote:
16 Aug 2023
4 minutes in and this guy is talking as if his assumptions are fact, skirts around answering a straight question and takes quotes out of context to bolster his theories...oh look he has wrote a book.
You find these guys all over conspiracy conventions.
I recently saw a new hypothesis about the acceleration anomaly.
If I understood it correctly, the idea that the acceleration was caused by hydrogen emission could be possible if it had a layer of protecting water ice that would keep the hydrogen core intact during interstellar travel.(where energy from the stars would otherwise have melted the hydrogen).
And our sun would have melted the ice which allowed the hydrogen to become a rocket engine for Oumuamuah.

To support that theory, they looked for other meteors with the same behavior, and found a few.

Edit: here:

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20 Aug 2023

Was out watching the stars the other night, having a cocktail, and I saw the starlink sats. I wasn’t aware of them before and I nearly fell over. Took a photo. Sent it to a friend to told me what they were.
I was nearly a believer for a moment there.

Pretty cool thing to see anyway.
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31 Aug 2023


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13 Sep 2023


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13 Sep 2023

bxbrkrz wrote:
13 Sep 2023
Is it correct that the material is available to other researchers?

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