The UFO Thread

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Tiny Montgomery
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23 May 2021

I'd like to kick this thread off with this short video from a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

Tiny Montgomery
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23 May 2021

Some random thoughts...

- that it is an actual phenomena seems beyond doubt but that doesn't preclude there being huge amounts of disinfo and psyops around it...

- there is a certain type of performative scepticism, that isn't scepticism at all, that gained popularity in the 00's whereby you dismiss all claims of this nature (whether its JFK or Roswell or whatever) a priori. These people really look the pricks they always were now

- the last thought does not mean that there aren't grifters and outright liars in the "UFO community", there are loads.

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23 May 2021

Still, we're the ones made in the image o' God, right

Who’s using the royal plural now baby? 🧂

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23 May 2021

Seems to me that if anyone ever finds a real explanation for UFOs then they're gonna have to rename them IFOs.

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23 May 2021

Watch Project Bluebook. It's available free on Peacock and probably some other services. It's a great series, just two seasons, and I hope it is picked up and completed by another studio/service.

Tiny Montgomery
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23 May 2021

joeyluck wrote:
23 May 2021
Watch Project Bluebook. It's available free on Peacock and probably some other services. It's a great series, just two seasons, and I hope it is picked up and completed by another studio/service.
Yeah I enjoyed that. Obviously a lot of it is dramatised but it was a fun show.

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23 May 2021




Coming soon for 'our' government:


Maybe the reason why witnesses can observe the same phenomenon, but describing something vastly different in size and shape from their own viewpoint. One object transforming into multiple objects, coming in and out of existence, etc...):


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23 May 2021

bxbrkrz wrote:
23 May 2021

Maybe the reason why witnesses can observe the same phenomenon, but describing something vastly different in size and shape from their own viewpoint. One object transforming into multiple objects, coming in and out of existence, etc...):

Yeah, that's great. I've not heard that possible explaination before .
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23 May 2021

The only footage seen has been blobs of flying 'nothing burgers'.

Wouldn't we have seen any clear detailed shots, by now?

here's a nice shot:


Tiny Montgomery
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23 May 2021

BRIGGS wrote:
23 May 2021
The only footage seen has been blobs of flying 'nothing burgers'.

Wouldn't we have seen any clear detailed shots, by now?

here's a nice shot:

The US Navy and The Pentagon evidently don't think they're nothing burgers.

You're right to keep your powder dry but the explanation of "oh its nothing, its just mental illness/hysteria/mistaken identity/weather phenomenon" for what is now 1000s of years of such stuff being reported is just being wilfully ignorant. My Dad says silly things that he thinks are zingers like "why do these things only appear to the Yanks" etc. To me these are weak arguments that are just appeals to an inherent normalcy bias

Tiny Montgomery
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23 May 2021

My position on this is "there is something happening" but we don't know what it is. The position of the govt and mainstream previously, by & large, was there wasn't anything actually happening. And, as a chaser, "you're kind of weird if you're interested or involved dude" type of vibe.

That this has changed is significant imo.

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23 May 2021

Dudes, I've been listening to this Bernardo Kastrup guy who makes a pretty compelling argument that the basis of the universe is not matter but consciousness. If that's true, then a lot of stuff we previously thought we knew is out the window. It feels like we might be headed toward a pretty significant paradigm shift. That, and Combinator 2 obviously. ;-)

Anyway there is definitely a shift going on as far as the UFO topic is concerned. I just hope Eat Static can get back together again in time for the welcome concert.
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23 May 2021

Tiny Montgomery wrote:
23 May 2021
BRIGGS wrote:
23 May 2021
The only footage seen has been blobs of flying 'nothing burgers'.

Wouldn't we have seen any clear detailed shots, by now?

here's a nice shot:

The US Navy and The Pentagon evidently don't think they're nothing burgers.

You're right to keep your powder dry but the explanation of "oh its nothing, its just mental illness/hysteria/mistaken identity/weather phenomenon" for what is now 1000s of years of such stuff being reported is just being wilfully ignorant. My Dad says silly things that he thinks are zingers like "why do these things only appear to the Yanks" etc. To me these are weak arguments that are just appeals to an inherent normalcy bias
Our camera tech has never been better. The low quality is a red flag to me.

I smell sensationalism, in an age where people will do anything for attention or views.

I don't buy it.

Tiny Montgomery
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23 May 2021

BRIGGS wrote:
23 May 2021
Tiny Montgomery wrote:
23 May 2021

The US Navy and The Pentagon evidently don't think they're nothing burgers.

You're right to keep your powder dry but the explanation of "oh its nothing, its just mental illness/hysteria/mistaken identity/weather phenomenon" for what is now 1000s of years of such stuff being reported is just being wilfully ignorant. My Dad says silly things that he thinks are zingers like "why do these things only appear to the Yanks" etc. To me these are weak arguments that are just appeals to an inherent normalcy bias
Our camera tech has never been better. The low quality is a red flag to me.

I smell sensationalism, in an age where people will do anything for attention or views.

I don't buy it.
Yep, that's a good argument and you hear some of the biggest woo & UFO peddlers extremely wary all of a sudden about the current mainstream stuff just BECAUSE its coming from "official sources" lol

So this is the spirit Im approaching this in...there is *something* afoot but what exactly?

A huge disinfo and psyop campaign spanning decades is also a huge and interesting story right!?

Tiny Montgomery
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23 May 2021

Auryn wrote:
23 May 2021
Dudes, I've been listening to this Bernardo Kastrup guy who makes a pretty compelling argument that the basis of the universe is not matter but consciousness. If that's true, then a lot of stuff we previously thought we knew is out the window. It feels like we might be headed toward a pretty significant paradigm shift. That, and Combinator 2 obviously. ;-)

Anyway there is definitely a shift going on as far as the UFO topic is concerned. I just hope Eat Static can get back together again in time for the welcome concert.

i agree and :lol: at Eat Static

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23 May 2021

Tiny Montgomery wrote:
23 May 2021
The US Navy and The Pentagon evidently don't think they're nothing burgers.
The US Navy and The Pentagon, together with the US government, have finally learned how to capitalize on these things, both monetarily and politically. It never hurts to give the public what they want.

Tiny Montgomery
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23 May 2021

orthodox wrote:
23 May 2021
Tiny Montgomery wrote:
23 May 2021
The US Navy and The Pentagon evidently don't think they're nothing burgers.
The US Navy and The Pentagon, together with the US government, have finally learned how to capitalize on these things, both monetarily and politically. It never hurts to give the public what they want.
Absolutely. this what the public want though? Who decided that? Why?

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23 May 2021

Tiny Montgomery wrote:
23 May 2021 this what the public want though? Who decided that? Why?
Some clearly want UFOs to exist, others just don't mind.

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23 May 2021

Tiny Montgomery wrote:
23 May 2021
You're right to keep your powder dry but the explanation of "oh its nothing, its just mental illness/hysteria/mistaken identity/weather phenomenon" for what is now 1000s of years of such stuff being reported is just being wilfully ignorant. My Dad says silly things that he thinks are zingers like "why do these things only appear to the Yanks" etc. To me these are weak arguments that are just appeals to an inherent normalcy bias
Just on the "mental illness" point... I've worked for 10+ years in psychiatry. Most of our clients are schizophrenics of some variety. In those 10 years I haven't run into a single case where the hallucinations were about abduction or just alien-themed in general. I've encountered several patients who claim to have seen Jesus, angels, or (for example) claim that Michael Jackson or the Queen talks to them on the regular. It's never aliens. It's not a common subject of schizophrenic delusion at all as far as my experience goes.
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Tiny Montgomery
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23 May 2021

orthodox wrote:
23 May 2021
Tiny Montgomery wrote:
23 May 2021 this what the public want though? Who decided that? Why?
Some clearly want UFOs to exist, others just don't mind.
Maybe so, yes.

The existence of a little understood but actual phenomena - whatever the heck it is - seems beyond doubt now though?

That could be true but also the admission of it by 'the authorities' could also serve strategic motives as you imply.

There's a can of worms there however you view it is my point.

Tiny Montgomery
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23 May 2021

Auryn wrote:
23 May 2021
Tiny Montgomery wrote:
23 May 2021
You're right to keep your powder dry but the explanation of "oh its nothing, its just mental illness/hysteria/mistaken identity/weather phenomenon" for what is now 1000s of years of such stuff being reported is just being wilfully ignorant. My Dad says silly things that he thinks are zingers like "why do these things only appear to the Yanks" etc. To me these are weak arguments that are just appeals to an inherent normalcy bias
Just on the "mental illness" point... I've worked for 10+ years in psychiatry. Most of our clients are schizophrenics of some variety. In those 10 years I haven't run into a single case where the hallucinations were about abduction or just alien-themed in general. I've encountered several patients who claim to have seen Jesus, angels, or (for example) claim that Michael Jackson or the Queen talks to them on the regular. It's never aliens. It's not a common subject of schizophrenic delusion at all as far as my experience goes.
Right, yes. I guess its the "abductees" that would deal with that accusation.

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23 May 2021

Tiny Montgomery wrote:
23 May 2021
Auryn wrote:
23 May 2021

Just on the "mental illness" point... I've worked for 10+ years in psychiatry. Most of our clients are schizophrenics of some variety. In those 10 years I haven't run into a single case where the hallucinations were about abduction or just alien-themed in general. I've encountered several patients who claim to have seen Jesus, angels, or (for example) claim that Michael Jackson or the Queen talks to them on the regular. It's never aliens. It's not a common subject of schizophrenic delusion at all as far as my experience goes.
Right, yes. I guess its the "abductees" that would deal with that accusation.
Not necessarily, I could easily imagine a schizophrenic who hears voices and attributes those to an alien intelligence. I've just never encountered a case in the 150 (guesstimate) cases of schizophrenia that I've worked with.
orthodox wrote:
23 May 2021
Some clearly want UFOs to exist, others just don't mind.
I'd say there's also a fair % of people who do not want them to exist, right? (professional skeptics, fundamentalist religious people, etc etc)
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Tiny Montgomery
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23 May 2021

Auryn wrote:
23 May 2021
Tiny Montgomery wrote:
23 May 2021

Right, yes. I guess its the "abductees" that would deal with that accusation.
Not necessarily, I could easily imagine a schizophrenic who hears voices and attributes those to an alien intelligence. I've just never encountered a case in the 150 (guesstimate) cases of schizophrenia that I've worked with.

Indeed. There are those (I seem to remember video of a character like this in one of Louis Theroux 90s BBC docs) who do say they are receiving communications. The guy I remember from this documentary was a risible crank and lived in a trailer park. Perhaps that's why he was included in the doc ;)

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23 May 2021

BRIGGS wrote:
23 May 2021
The only footage seen has been blobs of flying 'nothing burgers'.

Wouldn't we have seen any clear detailed shots, by now?

here's a nice shot:

"Don't trust Alien DJs with no ears. Their beats can never be dope" - Confucius, circa The Younger Dryas.

Tiny Montgomery
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23 May 2021

bxbrkrz wrote:
23 May 2021
BRIGGS wrote:
23 May 2021
The only footage seen has been blobs of flying 'nothing burgers'.

Wouldn't we have seen any clear detailed shots, by now?

here's a nice shot:

"Don't trust Alien DJs with no ears. Their beats can never be dope" - Confucius, circa The Younger Dryas.

*takes hit off joint looks wide eyed across the table at Graham Hancock*

"Pull that shit up Jamie"

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