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400,000 EDM producers

Posted: 29 Jan 2021
I subscribe to this subreddit Called EDM Production..

There are 400k mostly young EDM producers who use Logic, Ableton & FL Studio. Occasionally I will see a post where someone uses Studio One or Cubase, but rarely do I see anyone mention Reason.

I have in the past tried to bring up Reason or the rack VST but no-one seems interested or even worse they don't even know Reason exists. There was no reaction on there since the subscription announcement.

What can Reason Studios do to get some of these producers onto the Reason platform?

Re: 400,000 EDM producers

Posted: 29 Jan 2021
Logic is only $199, and Ableton and FL studios are heavily shared.

Reason is $399

Money talks.

Re: 400,000 EDM producers

Posted: 29 Jan 2021
BRIGGS wrote:
29 Jan 2021
Logic is only $199, and Ableton and FL studios are heavily shared.

Reason is $399

Money talks.
Do you think the subscription model will help? or do you think they need to completely remove all DRM?

Re: 400,000 EDM producers

Posted: 29 Jan 2021
by bxbrkrz
You need Apple hardware to run that $199 Logic app.
Also that sub number does not mean 400000 people making original beats.
The best way to push the Reason Gospel in that sub is to make and share your music.
In that sub.

Re: 400,000 EDM producers

Posted: 29 Jan 2021
STIM wrote:
29 Jan 2021
BRIGGS wrote:
29 Jan 2021
Logic is only $199, and Ableton and FL studios are heavily shared.

Reason is $399

Money talks.
Do you think the subscription model will help? or do you think they need to completely remove all DRM?
I think an NFT token would be better than DRM or subs.

It's hard to get money right now, because banks suck.

Re: 400,000 EDM producers

Posted: 29 Jan 2021
by littlejam
hello stim,

i am curious if you work for reasonstudios or have any direct affiliation with them please?
it is interesting that you are a pretty new member
and all your posts deal with how to make reasonstudios more accessible for new users
sounds like you may be in marketing
sounds like your fishing for ideas from this forum
again, just curious



Re: 400,000 EDM producers

Posted: 29 Jan 2021
Lol No. I'm a long time user (I started with Reason 4) I'm growing worried about my investment of both money and time in Reason and how it seems to have been ignored by the Digital music community recently.

They are all in Sweden. I am in the UK.

I don't post much around here but I do lurk.

Re: 400,000 EDM producers

Posted: 30 Jan 2021
by plaamook
STIM wrote:
29 Jan 2021
I'm growing worried about my investment of both money and time in Reason ...
Well, you've come to the right place. Lots of people like that around here.

Re: 400,000 EDM producers

Posted: 30 Jan 2021
by motuscott
400k EDM producers walk into a bar.
Bartender says, Why the long face?

Re: 400,000 EDM producers

Posted: 30 Jan 2021
by DaveyG
They use Ableton and FL Studio because their favourite artists use those tools and because pirated copies are readily available. Some of them will go on to buy a legit license.

Re: 400,000 EDM producers

Posted: 30 Jan 2021
by Aosta
For years 'Fruity Loops' (FL Studio) was the most popular music making was also the most pirated.
Reason has been uncrackable for a long time and therefore not on the radar of many young producers. They learn to use what they can get hold of for free and if they do finally have the money to buy software they will go with what they know.
I wonder how many legit licence holders of Reason started out with a ripped copy of Version 5 or lower?

Re: 400,000 EDM producers

Posted: 31 Jan 2021
by platzangst
Aside from dropping copy protection, I doubt there's anything Reason Studios themselves could do to attract a large mass of new young EDM producers. There's going to be a very small percentage of that 400k that will seek out the tools that work best for them, and some percentage of that percentage may choose Reason on its merits.

But, jaded and cynical though it may sound, I believe a much larger percentage will choose their software because of cost (and the ability to freeload), and/or imitation (all the "hot" producers use Program X, so they want to use Program X too).

Since cost seems to be out, that leaves imitation, which means that what would pull in new young users is if some super-star producer managed to make a mega-platinum hit using Reason (and told everyone about it). That would create more of a bandwagon to jump on.

Re: 400,000 EDM producers

Posted: 02 Feb 2021
by aeox
Can we torrent Reason yet? Until then, it'll be a further reach for the younger audience. (this sounds horrible but it's true)

Re: 400,000 EDM producers

Posted: 02 Feb 2021
by PhillipOrdonez
aeox wrote:
02 Feb 2021
Can we torrent Reason yet? Until then, it'll be a further reach for the younger audience. (this sounds horrible but it's true)
You youngsters still using torrents? I would have thought having a computer free of malware would be more en vogue by now...

Re: 400,000 EDM producers

Posted: 02 Feb 2021
by aeox
PhillipOrdonez wrote:
02 Feb 2021
aeox wrote:
02 Feb 2021
Can we torrent Reason yet? Until then, it'll be a further reach for the younger audience. (this sounds horrible but it's true)
You youngsters still using torrents? I would have thought having a computer free of malware would be more en vogue by now...
I haven't for about 12 years, but I know many people looking to get into music are going that route!

It's also tongue in cheek, don't take too serious :)

Re: 400,000 EDM producers

Posted: 02 Feb 2021
by PhillipOrdonez
aeox wrote:
02 Feb 2021
PhillipOrdonez wrote:
02 Feb 2021

You youngsters still using torrents? I would have thought having a computer free of malware would be more en vogue by now...
I haven't for about 12 years, but I know many people looking to get into music are going that route!

It's also tongue in cheek, don't take too serious :)
Don't take too seriously what I wrote either! 🤗

Re: 400,000 EDM producers

Posted: 02 Feb 2021
by Oquasec
They have kinda eliminated the "need" to torrent their software with these iterations.
Wouldn't make sense anymore : /

Re: 400,000 EDM producers

Posted: 02 Feb 2021
by jam-s
aeox wrote:
02 Feb 2021
Can we torrent Reason yet? Until then, it'll be a further reach for the younger audience. (this sounds horrible but it's true)
Hehe, sure you can: ... BitTorrent ;)

Re: 400,000 EDM producers

Posted: 02 Feb 2021
by PhillipOrdonez
jam-s wrote:
02 Feb 2021
aeox wrote:
02 Feb 2021
Can we torrent Reason yet? Until then, it'll be a further reach for the younger audience. (this sounds horrible but it's true)
Hehe, sure you can: ... BitTorrent ;)
Lol I totally forgot about that 😂

Re: 400,000 EDM producers

Posted: 02 Feb 2021
by Billy+
STIM wrote:
29 Jan 2021
BRIGGS wrote:
29 Jan 2021
Logic is only $199, and Ableton and FL studios are heavily shared.

Reason is $399

Money talks.
Do you think the subscription model will help? or do you think they need to completely remove all DRM?
What DRM do you mean?

I know some body that uses live and he brags about being able to get extra license for his "new computer" with a simple single email which then gets given to a friend no questions asked - try that with Reason Studios it isn't happening.

FL Studio & Logic get free updates for life......

It's a no brainier why others go for these DAW's and maybe a few might try plus for a month maybe even two but it actually takes time to start getting good with Reason and like has already been said most producers talk about of DAW's and samples rather then how to create a sound from scratch.

I would say post Adam fieldings YouTube channel on Reddit every chance you get, that's what many years experience gets you.

Re: 400,000 EDM producers

Posted: 03 Feb 2021
by plaamook
I can't help wondering about the business model options with software.
You can make as many copies as you like for free. And you can in thoery try to sell higher volume for less price.
If you dropped the price significantly I'd imagine you'd sell shit loads of licenses, but I must be wrong because no one does it.
Not may area of expertise so I can only wonder....

Re: 400,000 EDM producers

Posted: 03 Feb 2021
by Creativemind
Billy+ wrote:
02 Feb 2021
STIM wrote:
29 Jan 2021

Do you think the subscription model will help? or do you think they need to completely remove all DRM?
What DRM do you mean?

I know some body that uses live and he brags about being able to get extra license for his "new computer" with a simple single email which then gets given to a friend no questions asked - try that with Reason Studios it isn't happening.

FL Studio & Logic get free updates for life......

It's a no brainier why others go for these DAW's and maybe a few might try plus for a month maybe even two but it actually takes time to start getting good with Reason and like has already been said most producers talk about of DAW's and samples rather then how to create a sound from scratch.

I would say post Adam fieldings YouTube channel on Reddit every chance you get, that's what many years experience gets you.
Not to mention the 100+ (and I'm not kidding) features that Reason lacks. Look at how advanced FL Studio's piano roll is in comparison. Yeah Reason's midi editor gets the job done but it isn't wow enough imo. Then many other key sequencer, vst features missing.

That'll probably put off really top producers like your deadmau5's etc using it when there are half a dozen more alternatives and in turn then these EDM producers don't see / hear of there idols using it. In the EDM world I'd say 50-60% use Logic, FL Studio or Ableton plus with Logic and FL having lifetime free updates.

Re: 400,000 EDM producers

Posted: 03 Feb 2021
by Billy+
Totally agree with everything said but I still think most people seem to start out with a pirate copy and I'm including the ones that gain fame. In fact I truly didn't believe the amount of posts I saw admitting to it.

I have always saved up and purchased ALL my software.

Either way though I still say that none of those other DAW's satisfy/ inspire me to even look at them well until recently but that's more about RS than Reason.

Now I'm looking at Logic Pro but that's because of the M1 performance reviews I've seen and it just makes sense to go with Logic.

Strange thing is that me and my brother was chatting awhile ago about his oldest son as he was interested in learning to make music and I actually recommend FL Studio with Spire while my brother still argues Live which he has used for years and although we couldn't agree which was best for the beginning we both agreed that Reason was going to cost far to much and the vst limitations would just frustrate his 18 year old son.

Re: 400,000 EDM producers

Posted: 04 Feb 2021
by TheDragonborg
I started out on Reason 4 back in 2007... I got the full version as a birthday gift when I turned 17... it was the Academic version I was able to get since my parents were teachers. It which significantly cheaper than the normal version but exactly the same. I'm now on Reason 10 14 years later.

Re: 400,000 EDM producers

Posted: 05 Feb 2021
by adfielding
Billy+ wrote:
02 Feb 2021
I would say post Adam fieldings YouTube channel on Reddit every chance you get, that's what many years experience gets you.
I thought the aim was to get people interested in Reason, not put them off for life! :D