Updated rule on political posts

This forum is for anything not Reason related, if you just want to talk about other stuff. Please keep it friendly!
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Joined: 15 Jan 2015

20 Nov 2020

We used to have the guideline of "Leave politics and religion out of the main forums. If you must, post it in the kitchen." But time after time, it always gets ugly. We understand that the latest thread was meant to be fun, and was only sharing a funny, Bad Lip Reading video, but it didn't go well. It never does.

So we now have a simple rule of "Leave politics out of the forums." I think everybody will appreciate that.

I don't necessarily see the need to specify "no talk of religion" because that isn't an issue here. And it's not really an issue until it becomes political or breaks other rules. Wishing happiness on any religious holiday is certainly ok.

So from here on, if a political post is made, it will be deleted.

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