Ending PUF with a bang!

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Namahs Amrak
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Location: Australia

Post 23 Jan 2015

Its my shoe size. Left and right foot measurements.
My Words are my ART

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Post 24 Jan 2015

Namahs Amrak wrote:Dear Giles. I do not find any useful sounds in OctoRex for 7.5/4 time signature death metal drums using triple kicks at a BPM of 225. It would be fabulous if you could whip up a few octo sets :) Don't be shy with the cowbell
selig wrote:
Have you been spying on my IDT development? Man I was REALLY hoping to keep this one a surprise…
3rd Floor Sound wrote:15/8 is way easier. Unless that's your blood pressure.
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Enter the code in time or ReasonTalk will explode!

PUF never existed. It was all just Hurley's dream.

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