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Re: giving up alcohol

Posted: 01 Jun 2020
by DaveyG
Zac wrote: โ†‘
01 Jun 2020
Thanks guys. A lot of the achievements in my life have felt hollow but this one feels real.
It is real. It doesn't get much more real. :thumbs_up:

Re: giving up alcohol

Posted: 10 Sep 2021
by fullforce
Today I decided that enough is enough. Wish me luck.

Re: giving up alcohol

Posted: 10 Sep 2021
by MrFigg
fullforce wrote: โ†‘
10 Sep 2021
Today I decided that enough is enough. Wish me luck.
You don't need luck if you've decided. You'll just do it.
I woke up 4 years ago (nearly 5) and decided nah that's it. I was ready to do it though. All my friends were saying well done and oh what will power but it wasn' just wasn't a struggle at all. So...if you have decided then you've luck needed :).
Good luck though :)

Re: giving up alcohol

Posted: 10 Sep 2021
by miyaru
I gave up on alcohol 26 years ago, and smoking 15 years ago....... best decisions of my lifehealth........

Re: giving up alcohol

Posted: 10 Sep 2021
by Jackjackdaw
I gave up alcohol around about a year ago. The intention was to do a dry year which I have done before but this time I'm just going to keep going.

Re: giving up alcohol

Posted: 11 Sep 2021
by zero01101
fullforce wrote: โ†‘
10 Sep 2021
Today I decided that enough is enough. Wish me luck.
good luck, but i don't think you'll need it - just by saying that, you've got this

Re: giving up alcohol

Posted: 11 Sep 2021
by Zac
fullforce wrote: โ†‘
10 Sep 2021
Today I decided that enough is enough. Wish me luck.
Good luck! ๐Ÿ‘

I couldnโ€™t do it alone, so I work a 12 step program. Just saying it's there if you need it. Leaving alcohol behind has transformed me and my life.

Re: giving up alcohol

Posted: 11 Sep 2021
by fullforce
Thanks everyone. Day 1, cleaning up house and garden. Normally I would be half wasted on the couch on a saturday. So far so good.

Re: giving up alcohol

Posted: 11 Sep 2021
by MrFigg
fullforce wrote: โ†‘
11 Sep 2021
Thanks everyone. Day 1, cleaning up house and garden. Normally I would be half wasted on the couch on a saturday. So far so good.
Great tactic.

Re: giving up alcohol

Posted: 11 Sep 2021
by miyaru
fullforce wrote: โ†‘
11 Sep 2021
Thanks everyone. Day 1, cleaning up house and garden. Normally I would be half wasted on the couch on a saturday. So far so good.
You are doing great, and remember: you can drink alcohol, but you do not want it anymore - and you are stronger!!!! :clap: :thumbup:

Re: giving up alcohol

Posted: 12 Sep 2021
by fullforce
Day 2. Set myself 3 targets/goals to do in my house. Met all 3. That's pretty cool. But after you're done, craving, obviously. Evenings are hard too. Just say no!

Re: giving up alcohol

Posted: 13 Sep 2021
by fullforce
Day 3. Monday! Work! Well, not too bad with a fresh head, but I could use some more sleep.

Re: giving up alcohol

Posted: 14 Sep 2021
by willy_dinglefinger
Nice one fullforce (and others here) for giving it up. This is a cool thread.

I gave up drinking 1556 days ago and can't even remember what a hangover feels like anymore. I mean, I still have periods of really missing alcohol and craving it and have to readjust my mindset and take things day-by-day but otherwise I absolutely love not drinking now and am genuinely happy and more in rhythm with myself and the world.

Everyone's different of course but in my experience the initial withdrawal feelings and sleep disturbances etc don't last too long like and by the looks of your posts you're handling things brilliantly so onwards and upwards.

Re: giving up alcohol

Posted: 08 Oct 2022
by fullforce
Well, here we go again. I'm starting a new job on monday and decided yesterday that I need to quit, again. I had some time off and have been drinking way too much. So now it's 3 days of detoxing (including tomorrow), and it's going alright, but man, it's hard as well, especially now that it's weekend. So used to just open a bottle of wine at 5 PM, or sometimes 4. With my previous job I didn't really give a shit about a hangover, had a steady contract and everything was routine, but this new job is a super opportunity so I really cannot blow that, so I need to keep my head clear. Finally a good reason (lol).

Re: giving up alcohol

Posted: 08 Oct 2022
by Termigator
wow this post was me and since the. i have had a major
mental breakdown and today im
drinking again

having nice food with fam

but i must be done i must be close to done

Re: giving up alcohol

Posted: 08 Oct 2022
by motuscott
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

Seeing some progress in my own battle...

Re: giving up alcohol

Posted: 08 Oct 2022
by Termigator
this was my original post i mean

Re: giving up alcohol

Posted: 08 Oct 2022
by Termigator
iโ€™m so glad for this i am sleep1979 ( please donโ€™t ban me im a changed man ) but i have since suffered a major mental breakdown i have been on my own like two years and put on a shitload of weight , recently the fight back is coming but itโ€™s like we say when your ready your ready wait hold hold on until then

Re: giving up alcohol

Posted: 08 Oct 2022
by Termigator
i am so grateful for this post

Re: giving up alcohol

Posted: 08 Oct 2022
by motuscott
Keep on keeping on.

Re: giving up alcohol

Posted: 08 Oct 2022
by Aosta
Here is a cautionary tale...
Someone very close to me has struggled with alcohol all their life. They now suffer from chronic pancreatitis and are in excruciating pain 24/7. They cannot eat and have wasted down to skin and bones. They are on the highest amount of morphine they can legally be given and it still doesn't stop the pain.
They also smoked their entire life and are suffering from horrible stabbing pains in their feet because of clogged arteries and blood circulation, talk is now of amputation of both legs...
For what exactly?
To voluntarily ingest a poison hidden in a badly tasting drink?
To voluntarily inhale smoke into their lungs for no benefit whatsoever?
To fritter away their money and time with a bunch of people just as addicted and in denial as them?
The person is 55 years old and probably wont make it to 56.
Nobody is bulletproof and I suggest those still on the edge of quitting take these words as not only a warning but your probable outcome if you continue down this path.
Watching this person waiting to die and wasting away is soul destroying so think of your loved ones and what they will go through too.
I was an alcoholic and a smoker for many years but stopped over 10 years ago, it was THE best decision in my life by far.
Wake up before you can't.

Alcohol is your best friend,
Then it is your only friend,
Then it becomes your worst enemy....

Re: giving up alcohol

Posted: 09 Oct 2022
by Termigator
Aosta wrote: โ†‘
08 Oct 2022
Here is a cautionary tale...
Someone very close to me has struggled with alcohol all their life. They now suffer from chronic pancreatitis and are in excruciating pain 24/7. They cannot eat and have wasted down to skin and bones. They are on the highest amount of morphine they can legally be given and it still doesn't stop the pain.
They also smoked their entire life and are suffering from horrible stabbing pains in their feet because of clogged arteries and blood circulation, talk is now of amputation of both legs...
For what exactly?
To voluntarily ingest a poison hidden in a badly tasting drink?
To voluntarily inhale smoke into their lungs for no benefit whatsoever?
To fritter away their money and time with a bunch of people just as addicted and in denial as them?
The person is 55 years old and probably wont make it to 56.
Nobody is bulletproof and I suggest those still on the edge of quitting take these words as not only a warning but your probable outcome if you continue down this path.
Watching this person waiting to die and wasting away is soul destroying so think of your loved ones and what they will go through too.
I was an alcoholic and a smoker for many years but stopped over 10 years ago, it was THE best decision in my life by far.
Wake up before you can't.

Alcohol is your best friend,
Then it is your only friend,
Then it becomes your worst enemy....
did you stop both bro ?

Re: giving up alcohol

Posted: 09 Oct 2022
by miyaru
Termigator wrote: โ†‘
08 Oct 2022
wow this post was me and since the. i have had a major
mental breakdown and today im
drinking again

having nice food with fam

but i must be done i must be close to done
Seek help, embrace the help, but don't fall for religion or a cult please. Seek professional help!!!!!!

Re: giving up alcohol

Posted: 09 Oct 2022
by Aosta
Termigator wrote: โ†‘
09 Oct 2022
did you stop both bro ?
Yes, I gave up drinking first and then smoking in the space of around 6 months. Been over a decade since I took a sip or inhaled anything.

Re: giving up alcohol

Posted: 09 Oct 2022
by Termigator
miyaru wrote: โ†‘
09 Oct 2022
Termigator wrote: โ†‘
08 Oct 2022
wow this post was me and since the. i have had a major
mental breakdown and today im
drinking again

having nice food with fam

but i must be done i must be close to done
Seek help, embrace the help, but don't fall for religion or a cult please. Seek professional help!!!!!!
professinal help isnt as easy to get as you think to get

unemplyed at the moment now because of this and when you want it for free you have to go on a waiting list

and its really expensive if not like really expensive