A thank you topic

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Post 05 Sep 2024

Hi, I just am kind of bursting to say thanks to a few people. I thought it might be nice if anyone has had a good turn done by them and they too have wanted to say thanks and have been unable to thank those in question in person or for whatever reason, to write it here if you also feel you want to.
Just a positive topic, nothing but good happy vibes in this one, please :)

I have a lot of people to thank. I have to say, this is always why I love supporting indie devs. I have received such kindness in the past few months that it's kind of shocked me.

In all cases but two, I hadn't asked for anything as such. You'll know what I mean when/if you read it.

I'll start with the ones where I did.

1) I contacted Synapse Audio to inform them that my previous Reason account was closed down years ago but I was on the Synapse RE beta team (which Richard had personally asked me to be on at the time) - I just asked if it was possible to get back those licenses and ONLY the licenses I already had that I beta tested for that were lost to oblivion when RS closed my account. I mean this was like 5 Rack extensions total, years ago. I have always been on friendly terms with Richard, and made it clear if it was a hassle not to worry about it. I tested all the RE's in their first batch, nothing since, as I was gone from Reason. Today I find in my account, not only a lovely message from him, but EVERYTHING Synapse makes in my Reason account. WTF?

I also asked him if it was possible to cross grade from the VST of Legend to the RE, and I'd be more than happy to pay for that, but nope, he just happily gave me a serial. He misunderstood and thought I asked to go from RE to VST lol, geez I must have sounded greedy LOL - but please do know I paid for all the VST plugins he has made from day one, I paid for the platinum version of Orion DAW when it was out, and I bought all his VST plugins to this day - and thankfully EKS still works on Windows like a charm (and Hydra too which is a lovely FM synth). Would love to see Apple Silicon of those some day hehe. I also bought Dune 1 then 2, then 3, The Legend, etc. I just don't want anyone thinking I never supported him. Anyway, I told him I would not touch that Legend serial and to please put it back in the shop system or for anyone else he wanted to give it to, since I bought Legend VST a long time ago :) But just to be so kind and generous like that:-

THANK YOU Synapse Audio, thank you Richard. I will do as much testing as you ever need of me, and VST too, what you did was just too much, but thank you.

2) Ditto with Giles, but I asked if he'd consider doing a total bundle and putting them on the rent to own scheme. What do you think happened next? Such an amazing, kind human being, and I am really happy I was able to at least do something for him and give him a few black rooster plugin licenses.
THANK YOU SO MUCH Giles, I use Leveler every single day.

3) I contacted the maker of the incredible Visco drum machine plugin to ask them if they had any plans for an AAX version as I had been watching videos of it on YouTube and it looked amazing. He explained how small a team they were and that it was too hard for them. I then said I would try it in patchwork, studioverse and metaplugin, and gave him detailed info of which two worked properly (metaplugin and patchwork) and that studio verse crashes on midi drag and drop, unavoidably 100% of the time. I also offered to make a template he could offer his Pro Tools customers so they know they can use the plugin safely with Patchwork or Metaplugin if they own either of those two. I am still perfecting it as I just reformatted my laptop (trust me it needed it, running like a dream now), then out of the blue he gives me a Visco license.
THANK YOU. So unexpected and so kind!
BTW, for Reason users, I highly recommend Visco, and now the VST3 version works properly too with the memory leak fixes the Reason Studios team have made on the Windows side. If you like very unique drum generator plugins with sequencers, give it a try.

4) Jie from Session Loops has been wonderful to deal with, getting an AAX version of the amazing Drumnet out. We have been going back and forth and they've kept me in the loop and given me access to preview builds and fixed everything I reported, the lot, so THANK YOU for just being a great dev and just your mannerisms, your appreciation of customers. SUCH a good attitude, which means so much to me these days. If you missed out on the $49 sale for Drumnet at audio plugin deals, keep an eye out, and I have a 16 sound/sequence preset bank I am making to share with users of it, for EDM, since that's the one area the factory library really lacks. I am about a third of the way there.

5) Audiomodern has the fastest and some of the best support I've experienced in over 30 years of music production. Thank you so much Max for also the couple of free libraries you gave me for Playbeat - that was SO kind. The best is yet to come. Audiomodern were amongst the first to embrace the new AAX midi format (inline midi plugins with no routing required, think Reason players but for Pro Tools) and Avid have licensed Riffer from Audiomodern to include for every pro tools user as a midi AAX. I simply said to Max, "Hey, you guys obviously have access to the AAX midi format as well as a good grasp on it, therefore it would be incredible to add Playbeat to that format. A version that is not using internal sounds, just the sequencer, as where Pro Tools has one very weak area is drum sequencing". Got a reply back within an hour. "Great idea, I have added it for the next update". WTF?
THANK YOU Audiomodern, THANK YOU Max. I cannot WAIT to have a drop in midi drum sequencer plugin for Pro Tools. Anyone who uses Pro Tools will know what I mean about drum sequencing in it. Love the app in every way except for lack of any kind of drum grid.

6) Reason Studios - Because the issue with my account took so long to sort out (rig bundle was unavailable to buy and account constantly heckled me about putting in a postal address, when I had done so multiple times), they gave me a free month of RS+ and a $50 voucher. I asked for nothing whatsoever, all I wanted to do was give THEM money! I was absolutely floored by yet another such lovely gesture.
THANK YOU Reason Studios :)

7) GForce Software, there is an everything bundle, and it is suggested to contact them to get a personal upgrade price. It was just too much for me, so instead I bought a few of their amazing plugins on their sale to add to my collection. Graeme was just so pleasant to talk to, we had a bit of a chat and out of the blue he added the axxess and minimonsta commercial preset banks to my account. Now, the only things I don't have are the two M Trons. Hey, I really want them, but MK2 is not Apple Silicon yet (everything else IS btw), and as wonderful as M Tron Pro is, the beauty of it is in all the extra banks that no other M Tron plugin has, otherwise there's other stuff I already have that covers the Mellotron bread and butter stuff. To buy just the M Tron Pro bundle with the banks is close enough to 700 AUD, it's something I just can't do, which is why I asked about upgrading to the bundle to see if it would be more affordable. Still, if the Pro bundle ever goes on sale, I am in, and if the MK2 ever gets Apple Silicon, ditto. Their instruments are pretty wonderful and another dev I wholeheartedly recommend, plus their support is always top notch, whether sales or tech.
THANK YOU Graeme and Dave for those wonderful preset banks, just some gorgeous sounds there.

I know there's more, and I am only going off the top of my head, but these past few months since coming back, I have received such kindness from multiple developers, all of them indie, that I want to give them a much deserved shout out, and will add the others when I am more awake and remember.

The goodwill of humanity never ceases to amaze me, truly.
Mac Studio M2 Ultra/64Gb/Apollo T-Bolt 3/OS 14.6.1/PT 2024.6/R13.02/Logic 11.01
MSI GT77/13980HX/RTX 4090m/64GB/Arturia Minifuse 2/PT 2024.6/R13.02/Low DPC latency tuned

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Post 05 Sep 2024

REason ain't the greatest SW I've wrapped me tentacles around, but Life is shert
be innit, win it
Motuscott, Reason Wiener
Who’s using the royal plural now baby? 🧂

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