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20 Jan 2015

here's my trinity after her recent groom


she's such an awesome little thing.. her and angel both sleep on my bed but it's too hard to clean all the hair with my back, so had them trimmed, and bought them beds i have put on top of my bed and it worked, they love them.

Here's the other little (well fat) shit:


It's kitty pic time!

I have a third, she's old (17), and is purely outdoors (her choice 100%), will find a pic somewhere.. that one's buffy.. gedd it? buffy, angel, and then i had to go to something else so went to the matrix and used trinity.. had neo of course, a boy, but he was run over. Took me over a year to get over it (i never really did as he was the sweetest cat I have ever known - he wanted to be picked up and curled and he would push his chin on mine and lick my face..awwww)

After that I realised, buffy was a bit unique and street savvy, but the other two were going to be indoor only. Which works out fine, as besides the odd curiosity, they are not interested in leaving the perimeter of indoors. They just want to be with daddy 24/7 LOL.

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20 Jan 2015

Sure, why not...

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Hey they are just kittens? How old? You are keeping all three? bootiful!

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It was about 8 years ago actually. My ex and her friend found a cat hanging around outside so they decided to convince me into adopting it. Of course once we did we found out she was pregnant, so we ended up having a bunch of kittens. We gave away all but two and so right now they are up in MN with her while I am down here in VA. Long story but it was fun while it lasted.

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Not quite....but you'll have a tough time convincing her otherwise!  :)
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20 Jan 2015

Peanut keeping the vigil while I enjoy an ambien.
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20 Jan 2015

(She's basically cat sized.)

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Namahs Amrak
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20 Jan 2015

Yay ! Every goood forum MUST have an ongoing kittie thread. Thanks for thinking of this, Theo.

Here's my Vinnie, the little guy responsible for buying most of my RE's when I'm out of the house.

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21 Jan 2015

o course, doggies too! hehe. All animals. 

Vinnie looks really smart. I can tell. I also think he would be quite the naughty one right?

offaxis, what breed is she, JNeff, what's ambien? do you mean ambient music or ambien the sleep tablet LOL!

Cutie pie doggies!

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21 Jan 2015

to many sad storys for me with animals ...sniff :bawl:

but I like them even if last abendoned cat I finded hanging got eated by a fox , well it was not my house so I was not going to keep it anyway but still poor cat I eard him scream outside like hell and then nothing !

by the time I got outside there was no more cat .

I anderstand animals and respect them but damn they taste good !
It does not die , it multiplies !

 7.101 and I will upgrade maybe this summer .

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21 Jan 2015

Theo.M wrote:JNeff, what's ambien? do you mean ambient music or ambien the sleep tablet LOL!
Hey Theo. Just call me J. She's a mutt, but almost certainly is part chihuahua. I got her off the street so I can sympathize with Charly Charlzz as well. She had fungus all over her face, fleas, mange, etc. when I got her and would pee if anyone tried to touch her but I got a tube of athlete's foot cream (too poor for the vet) and gave her a lot of baths and now she's healthy and happy.

Edit: Just realized you didn't ask me what breed, you asked offaxis that and you asked what Ambien is. It's a sleep drug. I believe I actually took it with a temazepam as well. I don't do any drugs any more or even drink alcohol (once upon a time did everything all the time) but when I'm with my family I take anxiety drugs and sleep drugs to keep sane.

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21 Jan 2015

Hi Theo. She's a short hair chihuahua. A rescue dog as well - she's super lovable and requires a lot of attention. 

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21 Jan 2015


Goggies at mah houzz!!
Both are rescues. Edie isn't even a year old yet. We've had Andy since he was 8 weeks old-- he is now three-- he's a GREAT dog. Extremely lazy and also extremely fast and loves to chase rabbits, especially.  I'm told by a greyhound fanatic that Greyhounds are notorious for being lazy... I think that's mostly what he is. They aren't related, but they are matching bookends. :)
Used to have a ridiculously cool kitteh named Timmy, as well... He and Andy were best buds.... But we have a dog door... He liked to be outside... There are coyotes in SoCal... poor Timmy. No more kittehs for me. My poor heart can't take it. 

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21 Jan 2015

Theo.M wrote:
Vinnie looks really smart.
He is. Completely unlike his daddy (me)

Theo.M wrote:I also think he would be quite the naughty one right?
Not really, he loves visitors, but does tend to playfully bite them but never breaks the skin. Seems to have died down a bit since I stop encouraging him to rumble (rough play ended up with me getting some serious blood infection).

Here's one of Vinnie a day after I brought him home from the Cat Protection Society. I think he may have some Norwegian Forest Cat genetics.


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21 Jan 2015

Julibee wrote:


Goggies at mah houzz!!
Both are rescues. Edie isn't even a year old yet. We've had Andy since he was 8 weeks old-- he is now three-- he's a GREAT dog. Extremely lazy and also extremely fast and loves to chase rabbits, especially.  I'm told by a greyhound fanatic that Greyhounds are notorious for being lazy... I think that's mostly what he is. They aren't related, but they are matching bookends. :)
Used to have a ridiculously cool kitteh named Timmy, as well... He and Andy were best buds.... But we have a dog door... He liked to be outside... There are coyotes in SoCal... poor Timmy. No more kittehs for me. My poor heart can't take it. 
OMG what gorgeous faces your doggies have. I have lost 2 kitties so far, one by car, the other by fox, so i do understand your pain. That said, as indoor pets, they are wonderful, even though every single part of my furniture has been ruined in the house LOL (now they don't do it anymore, so i will probably be brave and get some new furniture when i get some money next if i can control not buying plugins instead lol).

Trinity (the black one first photo) was a dumpee.. she and her 4 siblings were left at someones door. I received a call asking if i wanted one and I picked her.. how's this for fate.. i was originally not going to take her home that day cause she had an eye infection and i didn't want the other cat to get it cause i knew he'd love her and be all over her (just his nature), but I decided too as the lady told me it was too hard for her at present. The next day all her siblings bar one got eaten by a dog :frown:
So she was meant to be with me and although she is a bit antsy/frightened (not around me at all though), she has a beautiful nature.

Sorry to hear about Timmy. Andy and Edie are beautiful though :)

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He/she is a beautiful,and obviously a curious one!

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21 Jan 2015

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My two kitties
Sorgin(Witch) multicolored and Pizti(Beast) grey one
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21 Jan 2015

Here's my brood.  18 year old female cat from Vancouver, BC and our two rescue dogs, Mango (5 year old male) and Morenita (8 year old female) from the Dominican Republic.
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This is Piggy her favorite spot is on my Icon Qcon controllers

This how she looked when I got her

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21 Jan 2015

I got to say those pets all are cute!
Glad I don't have sugar problems

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