The Flat Earth Society

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02 Apr 2016

Also if Earth was Flat then it would mean it is spinning like a record , if you take the needle out and place water on a spinning Record you anderstand that at the same gravity level 1G all the water leave the record and fall on the side even at low speed so the theory don't stand a chance !
It does not die , it multiplies !

 7.101 and I will upgrade maybe this summer .

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02 Apr 2016

The_G wrote:People actually believe that the earth is flat? in 2016?
They also believe that deadmouse is a great musician and that graffiti is art*, what does the year have to do with it :lol:

*Just drove by oakland. Wow, what a dump! That "art" doesn't make things look better, just makes oakland look like even a worse place to be than we already knew.

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02 Apr 2016

this guy has an interesting opinion... :lol: :roll: :puf_wink:

edited multiple times while troubleshooting firefox and youtube clips not showing when using ghostery add on... doh :oops:
Last edited by moneykube on 03 Apr 2016, edited 5 times in total. ... d-playlist
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03 Apr 2016

moneykube wrote:
Exowildebeest wrote:Only yesterday I had a taxi driver tell me that "they" were putting "things and chemicals" in the food and air to reduce population, and that "they" will start putting chips in people soon - and he said that was foretold in the Bible as the mark of the Beast.
I thought barcodes and creditcards were the mark of the Beast, but apparently it evolved :D
barcodes and creditcards are not on your hand or forehead as the mark is stated to be.... these chips can, will, and are being placed there... when implemented world wide, you will not be able to buy, sell anything without them .... they are seriously working hard to make this a reality... doubtful there will be much choice in the matter.... ... tification ... -1.2975360
Wow...has anyone told the Orb know about this yet?
Perpetual Reason 12 Beta Tester :reason:

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03 Apr 2016

Reduce the population? Hows that workin' out?


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03 Apr 2016

plaamook wrote: Wow...has anyone told the Orb know about this yet?
Ha, it would make a good orb album lol ... d-playlist
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03 Apr 2016

Perpetual Reason 12 Beta Tester :reason:

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03 Apr 2016

lol... seems the orb knows all about it.... I had a notion that wormwood was Fukushima since it destroyed 1/3 of the ocean water with radiation.... interesting that the orb tied it in with chernobyl... was having problems hearing all he said listening on laptop ..... will check it out again on speakers :thumbs_up:
Last edited by moneykube on 05 Apr 2016, edited 1 time in total. ... d-playlist
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03 Apr 2016

using ghost thingy and firesox troubles yet !
It does not die , it multiplies !

 7.101 and I will upgrade maybe this summer .

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03 Apr 2016

hmmm... ran virus scan no virus... not getting the chip... what happens when you get an update and it goes wonky and you start slapping your head uncontrollably ... besides, no mark for me... rather starve then get that chip...
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03 Apr 2016

Earth is a ball flying thru space.
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04 Apr 2016

Last Alternative wrote:Earth is a ball flying thru space.

to fly you need air so in theory Earth does not fly but is moving in space :lol:
It does not die , it multiplies !

 7.101 and I will upgrade maybe this summer .

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04 Apr 2016

Last Alternative wrote:Earth is a ball flying thru space.
.....Thrown thru space by gravity......

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04 Apr 2016

In reality the earth rests on the shoulders of four elephants, who in turn rest on the back of Great A'Tuin, which is moving through space.

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05 Apr 2016

plaamook wrote: Wow...has anyone told the Orb know about this yet?
:o :shock: how did the Orb miss the Walmart connection???? :?: :idea: :puf_wink:

Don't go for free water :lol: ... d-playlist
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05 Apr 2016

Well, what about free beer?

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05 Apr 2016

gak wrote:Well, what about free beer?
free beer is always acceptable :lol:
Gaja wrote:In reality the earth rests on the shoulders of four elephants, who in turn rest on the back of Great A'Tuin, which is moving through space.

now I believe.... much better on video :mrgreen: ... d-playlist
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20 Apr 2016

since God was mentioned many times in this post, even though admin said don't mention God.... well my turn
.... here... some reading for those inclined...
this link will inform you more about what is going on.... read the meme and comments.... much info in the comments.... stay blessed and be prepared my friends ... 3448408228
Islam is Baal Worship * Allah is just another name for lucifer. {{{ Allah is Satan }}} AKA BAAL (Enlil, Molech, etc.) Allah is just another name for lucifer The name Allah is derived from the Hebrew Chaldea word Halal which is the NAME OF SATAN in the scriptures in Isaiah 14.12, "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer (HALAL), son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!" Babylon worshiped the moon god. Arabia is the daughter of Babylon. Halal is also an Arab word which means "crescent moon". Muslims use the crescent moon on most of their flags. Halal also means to Muslims, "meat slaughtered in the prescribed way."{{{{The Quran "admits" Allah is Satan!• }}}} Allah is the greatest of all deceivers: (Qur'an 3:54, 7:99, 8:30) • And the devil that deceived them: (Revelation 20:10) • Allah is Lord of the worlds: (Qur'an 10:37) • Satan is god of this world: (2 Corinthians 4:3-4) • 99 names of Allah: 10 &%$#"ا Al-Mutakabbir: "The
Most Proud" (Qur'an 59:23) • Satan was cast out of heaven because of his Pride: (Isaiah 14:12-15, Ezekiel 28:11-19) • 99 names of Allah: 61 )('"ا Al-Mumīt: The Bringer of Death, The Destroyer: (Qur'an 3:156, 7:158,
15:23, 57:2) • In the Bible, Satan is the Destroyer: (1 Corinthians 10:10) • 99 names of Allah: 78 -,+*#"ا Al-
Mutaʿālī: The Most High (Qur'an 13:9) • In the Bible, Satan (Lucifer) will be "like" The Most High (Isaiah 14:14) • All they that know thee [Lucifer/Satan] among the people shall be astonished at thee: thou shalt be ➔ a terror and never shalt thou be any more: (Ezekiel 28:19 KJV) • Remember when your Lord revealed to the angels: I am with you, therefore make firm those who believe. I will cast ➔ terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them: (Qur'an 8:12) • He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil: (1 John 3:8) • Allah's Apostle said: 'I have been made victorious with ➔ terror' (Hadith 4:52:220) • Thou shalt not kill: (Exodus 20:13) • And kill them wherever you find them: (Qur'an 2:191) • Fight them! Allah will chastise them at your hands, and He will lay them low and give you victory over them: (Qur'an 9:14) • Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it: (John 8:44) • Allah's Apostle said: The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say: "O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him." (Hadith 4:52:177) • These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended. They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you ‘will think’ that he doeth God service. And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor Me. (John 16:1-3) • The thief (Satan) cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I AM (Jesus) come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. (John 10:10) • We shall cast ➔ terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve, because they joined others in worship with Allah: (Qur'an 3:151) • Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for “salvation” is of the Jews. (John 4:22) • Fight against those who believe not in Allah, nor in the Last Day, nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, and those who acknowledge not the “religion of truth” → among the people of the Scripture ← (Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. (Qur'an 9:29) • But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and MURDERERS, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and ALL LIARS, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death: (Revelation 21:8) Who revealed the Quran to Muhammad? Was it really Gabriel? • Say (O Muhammad): Whoever is an enemy to Jibrael (Gabriel), let him die in his fury, for indeed he has brought it (this Qur'an) down to your heart by Allah's Permission, confirming what came before it [i.e. the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel)] and guidance and glad tidings for the believers. (Qur'an 2:97) • But though we or an 'angel from heaven' [Gabriel/Jibrael] preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you let him be accursed! As we said before so say I now again; If any man [Muhammad] preach any other gospel [Qur'an] unto you than that you have received [Bible] let him be accursed! ~ (Galatians 1:8-9) • And no marvel for Satan himself is transformed into an ‘angel of light.’ Therefore, it is no great thing if his ministers [Muhammad] also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works. (2 Corinthians 11:14-15) • Allah's Apostle said: The most awful name in Allah's sight on the Day of Resurrection, will be that of a man calling himself, "Malik Al- Amlak" [the King of Kings]. (Hadith 8:73:224) • These shall make war with the Lamb (Jesus), and the Lamb shall overcome them: for He is Lord of Lords, and King of Kings: and they that are with Him are called, and Amlak" [the King of Kings]. (Hadith 8:73:224) • These shall make war with the Lamb (Jesus), and the Lamb shall overcome them: for He is Lord of Lords, and King of Kings: and they that are with Him are called, and chosen, and faithful. (Revelation 17:14) • And the armies which were in heaven followed Him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. And out of His mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it He should smite the nations: and He shall rule them with a rod of iron: and He treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And He hath on His vesture and on His thigh a name written: King Of Kings, and Lord Of Lords. (Revelation 19:14-16) • That thou keep this commandment [The Bible] without spot, unrebukable, until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ: which in His times He shall shew, who is the blessed and only Potentate: the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. (1 Timothy 6:14-15) • Allah's Apostle said: There is none amongst you (Muslims) with whom is not an attache from amongst the jinn [devil]. (Hadith 39:6757) • Once Allah's Apostle became sick and could not offer his night prayer (Tahajjud) for two or three nights. Then a lady (the wife of Abu Lahab) came and said: O Muhammad! I think that your Satan has forsaken you, for I have not seen him with you for two or three nights! (Hadith 6:60:475)
Pagan Origins of Islam - WikiIslam
Prophet Muhammad discarded the 360 idols but retained for Islam, the Ka’aba with its Black Stone, justifying it with the claim that Abraham and Ishmael originally constructed it. However, there is no historical or archaeological evidence for the existence of the Ka’aba beyond a few hundred ... origin.htm
The pagan origin of the word, "Allah". Islam is paganism in monotheistic wrapping paper.
"But history establishes beyond the shadow of doubt that even the pagan Arabs, before Muhammad's time, knew their chief god by the name of Allah and even, in a sense, proclaimed his unity...Among the pagan Arabs this term denoted the chief god of their pantheon, the Kaaba, with its three hundred and...
Hubal and Allah
Muhammad's Allah evolved from the pagan god Hubal http://www.answerin ... christ.htm
Chapter Five
Most people who haven’t even read the Bible have heard of the man known popularly as “The Antichrist.” Simply put, according to the Bible, the Antichrist will be Satan’s primary human agent on the earth in the last- days. Interestingly, in the Bible, the Antichrist is actually only referred to once... ... pp=desktop
Pope Francis to Embrace The Mahdi
Insight to the upcoming broadcast revealing the secret plans for the third Temple who will behind its construction and many of the key players, The Pope of R... ... sh-temple/
Holy Altar constructed for 3rd Jewish Temple
End-times prophecy watchers are marveling over a news report out of Jerusalem this week that the Altar of the Lord has been reconstructed by the Temple Institute. The Institute, based in the Old City of Jerusalem,
announced it has finished building an altar that is essentially “ready for use” in sac... ... ish-world/ #FJ6vE2Th2fpOq7Xb.97
Altar of Jewish Holy Temple Rebuilt - Breaking Israel News
The Temple Institute in Jerusalem has announced that it has finished building an altar suitable for the Temple service.

oh.... this also will be coming into play.... the mark of the beast... frequency_identification
Radio-frequency identification - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Radio-frequency identification (RFID) uses electromagnetic fields to automatically identify and track tags attached to objects. The tags contain electronically stored information. Passive tags collect energy from a nearby RFID reader's interrogating radio waves. Active tags have a local power source...
FDA approves implanted RFID chip for humans
The FDA has just approved VeriChip's implantable RFID chips for use in humans ... ... ochips-in- workers-1.2975360
Microchipped office workers open doors with the swipe of a hand
Workers at a new high-technology office building in central Stockholm are doing away with their old ID cards on lanyards, and can now open doors with the swipe of a hand — thanks to a microchip implanted in the body.

The VIDEO that WALMART DOESN'T Want You To See!! Future RFID Chipping Hubs...
This video expose is styled as a documentary short, covering 5 unusual facts about Walmart store closings. Walmart has had numerous contracts with the U.S. g...
United Nations officials inside Walmart - Insider speaks out. Tunels to FEMA underneath
They are drilling tunnels underneath Wall Mart that go straight to FEMA camps. All the plumbing stories are just a lie. They are getting ready for the New Wo... ... ave-30000- guillotines-and-over-600-million-rounds-of-hollow-point-bullets
Why does the US Government need/have 30,000 Guillotines, and over 600 Million rounds of hollow...
By Radical2013, FEMA CAMPS
Does your pastor work for FEMA? Chances are, (s)he probably does. While this nefarious agenda progresses, pastors have been secretly conspiring with your Gov...
Submission to the Authorities Romans 13
13 Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, 4 for he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God's wrath but also for the sake of conscience. 6 For because of this you also pay taxes, for the authorities are ministers of God, attending to this very thing. 7 Pay to all what is owed to them: taxes to whom taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed, respect to whom respect is owed, honor to whom honor is owed.
eecutive order... the government owns your house... everything in it... and you.... the can relocate you where they like... hmmm... 800 fema cams with train tracks leading to a barb wire enclosures with barb wire pointed to keep people in.... not to mention the purchases of 30,000 Guillotines, and 4 man coffins being stockpiled.
not sure about walmart.... but I guess anything is possible these days
oh.... and then there is the whole Cern thing going on at the same time which some say will unlock the pit for the demons/locasts in Revelation
this is old news ... but seems relavent to what I sent you... francis/
Lucifer is GOD declared by Pope Francis
Pope Francis and the Vatican has introduced the world to their god they been worshiping all along, Lucifer. According to Pope Francis and the Catholic Church, The Morning Star is the creator of the... ... /83429.htm
'Demonic' arches rising in New York and London on April 19: 'Welcome signs' for the Antichrist?
Christians should watch out for two events that would take place simultaneously on April 19 in New York City and London, Christian author Michael Synder says. ...
Temple of Baal Arches Going Up in New York and London
April 19: Temple Of Baal In New York Is Going Up Same Day The Blood Sacrifice To The Beast Begins
I am about to share with you some absolutely astounding information. It turns out that the exact day when reproductions of the arch that stood in front of the
WARNING: Obama To Conduct Satanic Ritual At The Temple Of Baal That Triggers DESTRUCTION!
All of this is falling in place in regards to the US Government Removing God and Removing Ten Commandments and Building Satanic Baphomets in their place and ... ... urrection/
The new Pope made his first media speech in what is known as the “Paul VI Hall”. This is the statue of “The Resurrection” by Pericle Fazzini in the Vatican built in 1977. Supposedly it was created ...
Is The Pope and Israeli Rabbis Courting The Mahdi?
The Million Dollar Question; Is The Pope of Rome and Prominent Israeli Rabbis Courting The Mahdi? I for one feel that Rome wants the world to embrace the Kor...
been going to bible study... studying Daniel and revelations
how is it possible to prove the bible is not stories if you can't quote it with out negative attacks
not worth the frustration
busy saving myself and others
stay blessed... and don't fall for the deception
Islam is Baal Worship * Allah is just another name for lucifer. {{{ Allah is Satan }}} AKA BAAL (Enlil, Molech, etc.) Allah is just another name for lucifer v=ehS1UaIZPco&feature=share The name Allah is derived from the Hebrew Chaldea word Halal which is the NAME OF SATAN in the scriptures in Isaiah 14.12, "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer (HALAL), son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!" Babylon worshiped the moon god. Arabia is the daughter of Babylon. Halal is also an Arab word which means "crescent moon". Muslims use the crescent moon on most of their flags. Halal also means to Muslims, "meat slaughtered in the prescribed way."{{{{The Quran "admits" Allah is Satan!• }}}} Allah is the greatest of all deceivers: (Qur'an 3:54, 7:99, 8:30) • And the devil that deceived them: (Revelation 20:10) • Allah is Lord of the worlds: (Qur'an 10:37) • Satan is god of this world: (2 Corinthians 4:3-4) • 99 names of Allah: 10 &%$#"ا Al-Mutakabbir: "The
Most Proud" (Qur'an 59:23) • Satan was cast out of heaven because of his Pride: (Isaiah 14:12-15, Ezekiel 28:11-19) • 99 names of Allah: 61 )('"ا Al-Mumīt: The Bringer of Death, The Destroyer: (Qur'an 3:156, 7:158,
15:23, 57:2) • In the Bible, Satan is the Destroyer: (1 Corinthians 10:10) • 99 names of Allah: 78 -,+*#"ا Al-
Mutaʿālī: The Most High (Qur'an 13:9) • In the Bible, Satan (Lucifer) will be "like" The Most High (Isaiah 14:14) • All they that know thee [Lucifer/Satan] among the people shall be astonished at thee: thou shalt be ➔ a terror and never shalt thou be any more: (Ezekiel 28:19 KJV) • Remember when your Lord revealed to the angels: I am with you, therefore make firm those who believe. I will cast ➔ terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them: (Qur'an 8:12) • He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil: (1 John 3:8) • Allah's Apostle said: 'I have been made victorious with ➔ terror' (Hadith 4:52:220) • Thou shalt not kill: (Exodus 20:13) • And kill them wherever you find them: (Qur'an 2:191) • Fight them! Allah will chastise them at your hands, and He will lay them low and give you victory over them: (Qur'an 9:14) • Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he give you victory over them: (Qur'an 9:14) • Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it: (John 8:44) • Allah's Apostle said: The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say: "O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him." (Hadith 4:52:177) • These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended. They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you ‘will think’ that he doeth God service. And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor Me. (John 16:1-3) • The thief (Satan) cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I AM (Jesus) come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. (John 10:10) • We shall cast ➔ terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve, because they joined others in worship with Allah: (Qur'an 3:151) • Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for “salvation” is of the Jews. (John 4:22) • Fight against those who believe not in Allah, nor in the Last Day, nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, and those who acknowledge not the “religion of truth” → among the people of the Scripture ← (Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. (Qur'an 9:29) • But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and MURDERERS, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and ALL LIARS, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death: (Revelation 21:8) Who revealed the Quran to Muhammad? Was it really Gabriel? • Say (O Muhammad): Whoever is an enemy to Jibrael (Gabriel), let him die in his fury, for indeed he has brought it (this Qur'an) down to your heart by Allah's Permission, confirming what came before it [i.e. the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel)] and guidance and glad tidings for the believers. (Qur'an 2:97) • But though we or an 'angel from heaven' [Gabriel/Jibrael] preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you let him be accursed! As we said before so say I now again; If any man [Muhammad] preach any other gospel [Qur'an] unto you than that you have received [Bible] let him be accursed! ~ (Galatians 1:8-9) • And no marvel for Satan himself is transformed into an ‘angel of light.’ Therefore, it is no great thing if his ministers [Muhammad] also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works. (2 Corinthians 11:14-15) • Allah's Apostle said: The most awful name in Allah's sight on the Day of Resurrection, will be that of a man calling himself, "Malik Al- Amlak" [the King of Kings]. (Hadith 8:73:224) • These shall make war with the Lamb (Jesus), and the Lamb shall overcome them: for He is Lord of Lords, and King of Kings: and they that are with Him are called, and chosen, and faithful. (Revelation 17:14) • And the armies which were in heaven followed Him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. And out of His mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it He should smite the nations: and He shall rule them with a rod of iron: and He treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And He hath on His vesture and on His thigh a name written: King Of Kings, and Lord Of Lords. (Revelation 19:14-16) • That thou keep this commandment [The Bible] without spot, unrebukable, until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ: which in His times He shall shew, who is the blessed and only Potentate: the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. (1 Timothy 6:14-15) • Allah's Apostle said: There is none amongst you (Muslims) with whom is not an attache from amongst the jinn [devil]. (Hadith 39:6757) • Once Allah's Apostle became sick and could not offer his night prayer (Tahajjud) for two or three nights. Then a lady (the wife of Abu Lahab) came and said: O Muhammad! I think that your Satan has forsaken you, for I have not seen him with you for two or three nights! (Hadith 6:60:475)[
been going to bible study... studying Daniel and revelations.... all is coming to pass ... christ.htm

believe what you want... sorry most links work some were deleted by satan lol
Last edited by moneykube on 20 Apr 2016, edited 7 times in total. ... d-playlist
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20 Apr 2016

more info available for all the doubters... pm me.... as it is more acceptable
or trash my words here.... really don't care.... but stop slamming God/Bible for flat earth reasons :thumbs_down: please
all trash comments will be responded to by quotes of Bible ... d-playlist
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20 Apr 2016

Perpetual Reason 12 Beta Tester :reason:

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20 Apr 2016

Is this for real? I don't come here very often but if this is for real, I will now because this thread calls for popcorn! Well, for HOLY POPCORN, that is!

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20 Apr 2016

You better eat that shit fast. I reckon this thread will be in the clink by morning.
Perpetual Reason 12 Beta Tester :reason:

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20 Apr 2016

plaamook wrote:You better eat that shit fast. I reckon this thread will be in the clink by morning.
ha ha ha... perhaps :lol:
or make for some interesting conversation
:puf_smile: ... d-playlist
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21 Apr 2016

Sorry mate stick your islamophobic propaganda up your b**t

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21 Apr 2016

not all Islam but ok....lots of other topics in there.... seems all connected in a weird way... pope... fema... nwo.... chips, antichrist theories , history of some pagan beliefs...and more will arise :puf_smile:... interesting comparison with the Islamic savour and the antichrist.... 3rd temple... pope courting arabs.... one world religion... the mark... lots of prophecies coming true it seems.... I'm not anti Islam.... just think Allah is a different entity then God.... could be wrong.... usually am ... d-playlist
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