What are your thoughts on people going kid-post crazy on social media?

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03 Mar 2015

My thoughts are:

1) it's annoying and basically spam
2) people are getting too personal online nowadays
3) many people don't like it either but don't say anything to the parent
4) some people eventually block or 'unfriend' them over it
5) it's an obsessive behavior
6) issues with privacy and stalkers can easily come of it
7) Sure some family might love it but most people don't- there is always email

I ask because I feel bad about something I just did- I never liked it in the first place because before social media (and still today) no one besides grandparents ever cared to see constant pictures and home videos of someone else's kids. When it's not family I REALLY don't care but here's what made me post this-

I feel guilty but relieved for finally sending a private message to my brother's girlfriend. She posts a real time stream of their son (my nephew) nonstop ever since the day he was born! Since before, actually! Every time I login it's nothing but that kid on my wall, mixed in with everyone's stupid pictures and game invites or whatev. I was as gentle and tactful as possible explaining how I feel.
Am I a bad guy?

Maybe I should just let the social decline continue on there and walk away. No one truly gives a shit about anyone but themselves anyway. All I ever see are 'look at me' posts. OK, maybe 2 or 3% of people actually have something to say.
What do you think?
So now she's mad of course and told me to unfriend her if it really bothers me. I said I'm sorry but there is always email for sending those pics/vids to family and I'll just continue hiding her posts and leave it up to me to do the unfriending.

I didn't say this to her but it really would be no loss. All she ever posts is kid stuff anyway. I truly dislike the modern day self-absorbed trends going on.
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03 Mar 2015

Meh... I have a kid and occasionally post stuff about her, but as a parent - even I would grow tired of a constant stream of my friends/family members kids.  If I wasn't a parent, it would likely irritate the living shit out of me.  Or if I disliked children.   :t1465:

But... I don't know if you should have done that.  I mean, the damage is done now so.. there you go.  As it's your brother's girlfriend, it might have been more tactful to approach him instead "on the downlow", but making it an issue at all was bound to piss someone off.

I've learned with my time in the social media stuff to just "unsubscribe" from wall feeds like that.  I'm happy, they're none-the-wiser; everyone wins.  
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03 Mar 2015

Good point. Going to any mother is the worst idea! My brother called right after she wrote me back. I should've gone to him. He was cool about it and understood but now I wish I didn't say anything. I'll just hide that stuff from my wall. I just don't get how people don't stop and ask themselves if other people would get tired of it. Whatev.

I don't have kids but even if I did I wouldn't subject everyone to that. It's like shoving your family photo album in someone's face every time they walk into your house.
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08 Mar 2015

I hear ya.

I know people who post almost everything of their kids online.
Pictures of the kids sleeping on there beds with only underpants.
Or little ones that take a shower.

And I know it's not meant to be any other thing than just trying to show that their kids are adorable but it seems wrong.

Those kids cant see the consequences about their photo's being online and for the world to share.

Parents should think before posting stuff online.
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08 Mar 2015

I've seen kid stories/pictures go wrong on facebook. A mother posting about occasional bed wetting of their 5 year old boy... 4 years later it gets found by one of the kids classmates who shares it towards the rest of the class...  The amount of teasing and bullying that ensued eventually had him switch schools.
Its the same for college students, keep your drunken stupor's off instagram or you will have a hard time landing that job...

So yeah; I understand your kid is your world, thats awesome in itself. I get that. But for kid's sake, don't share it with the world.

What i do about it ? On facebook "unfollow"... and talk to dad.
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08 Mar 2015

I'm tired of facebook enough for the NSA and ad spying alone, but also because every time I login all I do is hide kid pics, pointless saying shares, people's poor me bullsh and mark ads on my wall as spam. There are very few peeps that actually have something to say. But since my girlfriend called me a hermit and said it's unattractive and I can't face people... just because I deleted my account, well, I succumbed and reactivated it.  :s0106:
I just won't go on much at all anymore. I guess as long as it's active people will stay sane even if I rarely login.
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08 Mar 2015

Just venting here:
I don't give a shit about your little home videos of your kids riding a tricycle or pictures they scribbled with a crayon and going to Disney World! I don't give a shit about your vague posts about your problems! I don't give a shit about your post of half a lyric line from a song! I don't give a shit about some "profound" saying you shared! I don't give a shit about your drunk pictures at the bar! And I don't give a shit about your gym routine or how many miles you ran today!
God people are so dumbed down.
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08 Mar 2015

I got +600 FB friends but only get fallowed by two , it does not stop me from posting .
I don' t fallow peoples I dont care about that is for shure even if there is about 550 peoples in my list I dont care about .

PS: what make you think peoples care about you social media life in a music forum more then on actual social media ?

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08 Mar 2015

^I don't care what anyone thinks either way. At least here we have real conversations.
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08 Mar 2015

Last Alternative wrote:^I don't care what anyone thinks either way. At least here we have real conversations.
that is tru , I almost replaced FB by the PUF since 2011 .
now no more PUF so I am on RSNTLK .

to have a cool experiment with social medias I guess you must have a very good social group of real friends , but this is too rare and only kids at schools can have that and for a limited time before it fall's apart .
today kids don't even use it anymore and it's only a big crap of advert's .
what I like about this type of forums is that you know everybody without knowing them but still got the same center of interest's then most wich can become instructive and recreative at the same time .

Edit : Props must be informed fast , FB & Twitter is has-been they must open a forum to keep with the times :D
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09 Mar 2015

We are pretty much at the point now where young parents have had internet all their lives, going to be interesting to see what sort of impact that has on communities.

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09 Mar 2015

i once had an impressive number of friends on FALSE-BOOK, but gradually found myself feeling more and more isolated as i realised i dont relate to most of the mind numbing bullshit that most people get off on, i finally kicked the habit and my moods have improved dramatically since, best decision i've made in the last few years, i lost far too many IQ points logging in there day after day for years on end, the place is a complete drain on the psyche

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09 Mar 2015

I have a son and do post a pic every now and then, like halloween costume and holiday, birthday pics. I usually get quite a few likes and comments, But whenever I post anything that is important to me and requires something from my FB so called friend (Posting a song) I rarely get a listen, So I've started un friending people. Only keeping family and real friend.

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09 Mar 2015

Gullum- I totally feel ya. First off, I've been venting a lot about kid pics. I want to clarify I don't mind it sometimes. What irks me is the obsessive constant posting of them.
I spent so much time responding to people and commenting on their posts over the years. Then when I make my music page all I get is likes. Maybe 2 people left a comment. No one shared. These are my "friends" ..people who I really know, I thought.. It makes me wonder what's the point. Everyone is so self-centered and has the attention span of a fish. I feel like no one besides artists care about art anymore. It sux and I've lost faith in everyone.
Social media is actually quite anti-social. For example, I've called friends who either never answer or get weird when they do but will gladly talk on facebook. WTF is that?!? LOL
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09 Mar 2015

NSAbook - no thanks.

That`s my word.

Whenever I hear "Social" in front of something, I have a spidey sense warning.

Reason is - LACK of order - just pile different people together - my crazy friends and my relatives for example - we make nasty jokes with each other, but my granny kinda would not get the point correctly, so she would probably begin gossiping her interpretations and shit.

Also I`ve heard (dunno if true or not) that FB people can add you in groups you did not submit into.

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09 Mar 2015

I can't understand some people full stop. What makes some people think that others are interested in every minute of their life? Meals and Children are my two biggest peeves, I don't care to see a picture of what you had for lunch at such and such a bar or that you're out of cigarettes FFS or a picture of a baby I don't know, taking a dump in their nappies and everybody saying "How cute"!  Some friends of mine used to moan constantly about the amount of baby pics popping up on their news wall....until they had a child. Now every picture features the fruit of their loins. :s0959:   I can understand  if you have relatives overseas but then use email!                                                      I also wonder how these proud parents would feel if they thought about the possibility of some dirty old sicko looking at images of their precious offspring and looking at them a completely different way than the parents had intended.

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09 Mar 2015

I think people with kids will understand.. people without them probably won't. Having a kid makes you realize a whole new side of yourself and changes your perspective on everything. 

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09 Mar 2015

^ Maybe so but no one wants to see that all the time. Parents think nothing of the people who log on and see nothing but their kid.
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09 Mar 2015

Late answer, but the right thing to do about ANYONE posting ANY content you don't like is to:

A) feel free to delete things from your wall/feed/whatever you have control over, if you feel it is offensive to others reading your feed/wall/whatever;

B) Unfriend/Unlike/whatever the offending party if it continues;

And turn the spotlight back on yourself first: Maybe she can't stand reading your gaming invites, and rants about social media! (heh.)


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09 Mar 2015

LOL I don't waste my time on fb games. I also don't rant on fb either. I hardly do anything on there anymore. No one wants to talk- unless it's about them. The rest is silly and stupid pictures.
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