Quad song competition reason files for you to play with...

Have some .reason song files you want to share? Make sure to self-contain, specify Reason version and RE's used!
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04 Feb 2015

I never got around to uploading any patches for Noel's Quad Refill before my trial expired (life's complicated at the minute) so thought I'd share my 2 competition files to try and make up for it and just in case anyone finds them useful. Do as you please with them, just let me have a link if there's any results so that I can have a listen :)

The 1st one is the weakest of the two. It works around a recorded guitar riff (feel free to lift it) and a great deal of it was bounced to track because I was hitting my cpu limit so even if you don't have Quad you should be able to play it and most of the other REs used were bounced so you won't need most of those to play it either (see end of post for list of REs)

Phaze Craze - Funky Dub-ish Electronic (~30Mb due to bouncing and guitar -R7.1)
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0l6V- ... sp=sharing

The 2nd one is my favourite and the only one remaining on the Soundcloud competition page.

This one uses a lot of REs (see list at end of the post) and Quad. I think I used a slightly quirky mix buss method due to me mixing on headphones mainly and then realising certain "bands" needed some treatment...
Quadology - Electronica (~6Mb -R7.1)
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0l6V- ... sp=sharing

Feel free to critique/discuss my methods (I always want to improve); use the songs however you want etc. Just post up a link if you make anything, so that I can have a listen. Thanks :)

REs other than Quad

Audiomatic (Phaze Craze & Quadology)
Sat Knob (PC)
Selig Gain (PC & Q)
Glitch (PC & Q)
D-FilteR (PC & Q)
oZONE (PC & Q)
FA Loudness Meter (PC & Q)
Uhbik-A (PC)
Synapse DR-1 Reverb (PC & Q)
Echobode (PC)
Synapse DC-2 Chorus (PC & Q)
Polar (PC)
Selig Leveller (PC & Q)
RE-2A (PC)
DC-9 Overdrive (PC)
DCAM Env Shaper (PC)
Synchronous (PC)
DCAM Bus Comp (PC & Q)
Resampler (PC)
BZR-1 (PC & Q)
4 Phase LFO (PC & Q)
Red Rock RC-181 (free) (Q)
C670 (Q)
4Dyne (Q)
Runciter (Q)
Uhbik-Q (Q)
Yoko (Q)

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04 Feb 2015

Ok here's another level of truth... Quadology was a practice session for me in recreating synth sounds from scratch. I'd been struggling for inspiration for a while so after realising Phaze Craze was a non-contender for the competition I decided to try and recreate an old (2005 ish) song of mine that I'd wanted to redo for a while anyway, so why not with Quad... I struggled with some bits especially the Malstrom "Ambient Chord" OSC setting but otherwise think I did ok(?), where I wanted to. Here's the original "Synthology" 2005 original... My one big regret for the Quad rework is the harsh dist effect I gave to the pre-solo lead trying to emulate a broader higher freq natural effect... 
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0l6V- ... sp=sharing

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04 Feb 2015

Oh yeah and Googledrive doesn't let me know who's viewed or D/L'd these files so even if you don't do anything with them it'd be nice if you'd give one of these posts a "thumbs up" (up vote?) if you are curious enough to view... (I won't spy "who" you are honest, it'd just be nice to know what relevance it has). Thanks.

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05 Feb 2015

Good tunes my man!
Reason is my girlfriend. Sometimes she mistreats me, but I still love her.

Checkout my tunes made with Reason: https://soundcloud.com/geez-musicals

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05 Feb 2015

thx for sharing this ; Z , i'll gladly take a look at your Quad patches :) !
perhaps i should up my entry here as well, i made it in my 30day trial of Reason 8 & now can't acces it anymore, since i'm back on 7.1 , lol !
i'm still working on your other track-remix btw, but i don't know yet wich direction it'll go, so gimme some time on that one , i rather only upload untill i'm fully satisfied with the result :)
Cheers !

"i might be established, but i'll never be establishement "
- Dave Clarke -www.soundcloud.com/emian

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06 Feb 2015

Emian wrote: thx for sharing this ; Z , i'll gladly take a look at your Quad patches :) !
perhaps i should up my entry here as well, i made it in my 30day trial of Reason 8 & now can't acces it anymore, since i'm back on 7.1 , lol !
i'm still working on your other track-remix btw, but i don't know yet wich direction it'll go, so gimme some time on that one , i rather only upload untill i'm fully satisfied with the result :)
Cheers !
Cool :s0826: and yes, take your time, it's already been worth me uploading them so I'm happy :)

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