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by hamzter
22 Oct 2021
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: New RE Photon Particle Splitter by LoveOne
Replies: 36
Views: 6253

Re: New RE Photon Particle Splitter by LoveOne

Hi, Have you noticed any difference in the way audio is handled in this RE in R12 versus R10? It's doing something odd in R12 that I think Reason might have changed, causing a few devices new problems (or potential problems). See the last post in
by hamzter
08 Oct 2021
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: Proton panel element not yet HD
Replies: 7
Views: 902

Re: Proton panel element not yet HD

Just got word from RS that this was a problem on their end and that it has now been fixed.

If you uninstall and then reinstall the device, all graphics assets should now be hi-res.

by hamzter
23 Sep 2021
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: New RE Photon Particle Splitter by LoveOne
Replies: 36
Views: 6253

Re: New RE Photon Particle Splitter by LoveOne

Thank you for your kind words, everyone! I'm very pleased to be back after a couple of years of not doing any music-related development work at all! Designing Photon was a very interesting experience. I've learned a *lot* about reverbs and pitch shifters. It turns out that they are much, much harder...
by hamzter
23 Sep 2021
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: Proton panel element not yet HD
Replies: 7
Views: 902

Re: Proton panel element not yet HD


Thank you for letting me know!

Best regards,
by hamzter
06 Sep 2021
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: Looking for beta testers for Photon - a new shimmerverb Rack Extension
Replies: 32
Views: 5692

Re: Looking for beta testers for Photon - a new shimmerverb Rack Extension

Gosh wrote:
06 Sep 2021
Love the sound demo. Any news about a release date? Thanks
Thank you!

Beta testing is wrapping up now, actually.

Unless I get stuck in the Props acceptance testing stage I hope to have the device in the shop in, at most, a couple of weeks.

by hamzter
28 Jul 2021
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: Looking for beta testers for Photon - a new shimmerverb Rack Extension
Replies: 32
Views: 5692

Re: Looking for beta testers for Photon - a new shimmerverb Rack Extension

okaino wrote:
27 Jul 2021
Im down to beta test!
Thank you! Just PM me your Reason username and I'll add you to the list.

by hamzter
14 Jul 2021
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: Looking for beta testers for Photon - a new shimmerverb Rack Extension
Replies: 32
Views: 5692

Looking for beta testers for Photon - a new shimmerverb Rack Extension

Hello! After a few years' hiatus, Love One Consulting is proud to unveil its new Rack Extension: Photon Particle Splitter - a shimmerverb effect for Reason. To get an idea of what it can do: If you'd like to beta test Photon, please PM me her...
by hamzter
30 Jul 2018
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: Proton grain mode question
Replies: 2
Views: 538

Re: Proton grain mode question

Hi! Thanks for your interest in Proton! I'm afraid the Proton sound engine wasn't really built for wavetable synthesis. For example, it completely ignores many issues related to aliasing that you'd have to take into consideration when designing a "true" wavetable synth. I think it would be more fair...
by hamzter
21 May 2018
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: MIDI-CV Converter: I searched, but couldn’t find a thread...
Replies: 13
Views: 3669

Re: MIDI-CV Converter: I searched, but couldn’t find a thread...

Hi! B: what exactly IS PolyCV? in the “real world” CV is always a single source unless you mix/merge them, and even then it’s a single voltage and monophonic in Reason we have this PolyCV idea and I don’t understand it yet. Would somebody help me to better understand this feature, please...
by hamzter
09 May 2018
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: 3rd party Players in shop
Replies: 43
Views: 10271

Re: 3rd party Players in shop

"NOTE: Even though the polyphonic CV standard keeps track of multiple notes, it can still only transmit a single note state change per audio batch. This means that if you play a chord, MIDI-CV Converter will introduce a slight delay (~1.5ms at 44.1 kHz sample rate) for each consecutive note in the ...
by hamzter
01 Aug 2017
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: Proton 1.1 in the shop
Replies: 67
Views: 10515

Re: Proton 1.1 in the shop

Any chance of getting a bigger emitter size? I feel like it would be useful, especially for engine 3. Love the RE so far! Have gotten some really good use out of it :) I experimented quite a bit with the emitter size vs. rate of emission settings. The current max values represent what I thought was...
by hamzter
22 Jul 2017
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: Error with radical piano Any ideas?
Replies: 8
Views: 1796

Re: Error with radical piano Any ideas?

So when I use this set up it almost always ends in radical piano having an error ... it states that I can save the song but then as soon as I play the song a few times I get the error again and have to save and reopen it. Here is the error and the set up. It is piano + RPG8 + scales and chords play...
by hamzter
20 Jul 2017
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: Proton 1.1 in the shop
Replies: 67
Views: 10515

Re: Proton 1.1 in the shop

...and here's a third video that illustrates how to create a "bubbly" pad with Engine 3:


by hamzter
20 Jul 2017
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: Proton 1.1 in the shop
Replies: 67
Views: 10515

Re: Proton 1.1 in the shop

This is all great. Thanks. I actually bumped into the particle pan modulation and loved the effect (with random "pings" across the stereo field). Comb filter is a fantastic idea that I hadn't even considered, and in combination with some movement, could really spice up a sound. Thanks for creating ...
by hamzter
20 Jul 2017
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: Proton 1.1 in the shop
Replies: 67
Views: 10515

Re: Proton 1.1 in the shop

Any tutorial videos or manual out there that is particularly good at learning how to use Proton? I feel like I don't even know what ways I can actually push this device's sounds. I'll see what I can do! :puf_smile: I'm certainly not a professional music maker so take this with a grain of salt, but ...
by hamzter
19 Jul 2017
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: Proton 1.1 in the shop
Replies: 67
Views: 10515

Re: Proton 1.1 in the shop

Before I pull the trigger could you answer me one question, what type of pitch quantization options are there now since it got added? Like what kind of scales can you do it in? To clarify a bit, the pitch quantisation in Proton is applied to any modulation of the semitone pitch. There's a small key...
by hamzter
18 Jul 2017
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: Proton 1.1 in the shop
Replies: 67
Views: 10515

Re: Proton 1.1 in the shop

starflakeprj wrote:
17 Jul 2017
It would be nice if LoveOne could reset the trial so that we can evaluate the new version, especially since there are a lot av changes.
Developers cannot do this themselves, unfortunately. I've asked Propellerhead to do it, but they are on vacation right now.

by hamzter
17 Jul 2017
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: Proton 1.1 in the shop
Replies: 67
Views: 10515

Proton 1.1 in the shop

Proton 1.1 is now available in the Propellerhead shop! ... celerator/

The update is free for existing owners. For new users, Proton is on sale until August 11th.
by hamzter
12 Jul 2017
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: Proton 1.1 coming soon!
Replies: 29
Views: 7759

Re: Proton 1.1 coming soon!

Here's a video that demonstrates basic wavetable synthesis using Engine 2. This technique works fine in Proton 1.0 but the new waveform display in Proton 1.1 makes it much simpler to select a waveform cycle.

by hamzter
11 Jul 2017
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: Proton 1.1 coming soon!
Replies: 29
Views: 7759

Re: Proton 1.1 coming soon!

Here is a video that demonstrates how you can use Proton's new particle engine for time and pitch stretching:

by hamzter
10 Jul 2017
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: Proton 1.1 coming soon!
Replies: 29
Views: 7759

Re: Proton 1.1 coming soon!

Here is a video that demonstrates the new Particle Engine in Proton 1.1:

by hamzter
09 Jul 2017
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: Proton 1.1 coming soon!
Replies: 29
Views: 7759

Re: Proton 1.1 coming soon!

Manoosh wrote:
09 Jul 2017
Thank U Gustav, this are really great news. When will the update come? Cannot wait. Love Proton <3
Building a release candidate now, actually... :puf_bigsmile:

If all goes well, I'll submit to Propellerhead tomorrow morning. Acceptance testing usually lasts for about a week.

by hamzter
09 Jul 2017
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: Proton 1.1 coming soon!
Replies: 29
Views: 7759

Re: Proton 1.1 coming soon!

...and here are some patch files that will be included in Proton 1.1! The emphasis in this playlist is on pads. /G How much will the update cost? It will be a free update! :puf_bigsmile: When Proton was first released, we had a very ti...
by hamzter
08 Jul 2017
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: SDK wishlist
Replies: 38
Views: 5887

Re: SDK wishlist

What would you guys like to see Reason make possible in the next SDK? For instance, sample loading wasn't possible until SDK 2.5 was released. When the Rack Extension format was announced, Propellerhead said that Rack Extensions would be "Full Citizens of the Reason Rack" (and they still do on the ...
by hamzter
05 Jul 2017
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: Proton 1.1 coming soon!
Replies: 29
Views: 7759

Re: Proton 1.1 coming soon!

...and here are some patch files that will be included in Proton 1.1! The emphasis in this playlist is on pads.
