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by artotaku
20 Sep 2021
Forum: Reason General
Topic: WTF!!! - Reason 12 - where is tempo automation?!!!
Replies: 11
Views: 1274

Re: WTF!!! - Reason 12 - where is tempo automation?!!!

joeyluck wrote:
20 Sep 2021
artotaku wrote:
20 Sep 2021

Seems to be a bug. The popup is opened in the upper left corner of the Reason app window.
I hadn't even noticed this because I always use option-click on anything I want to automate (I don't use the right-click menu for that).
...and I rarely automate the tempo :puf_smile:
by artotaku
20 Sep 2021
Forum: Reason General
Topic: WTF!!! - Reason 12 - where is tempo automation?!!!
Replies: 11
Views: 1274

Re: WTF!!! - Reason 12 - where is tempo automation?!!!

Rising Night Wave wrote:
20 Sep 2021
what the fu** and hell?!! where is tempo automaton in Reason 12?!!!
i am gonna loose my nerves right now.
Seems to be a bug. The popup is opened in the upper left corner of the Reason app window.
by artotaku
18 Sep 2021
Forum: Reason General
Topic: Mimic: New Creative Sampler
Replies: 711
Views: 228385

Re: Mimic: New Creative Sampler

Weird ! Why can't Combinator controls be mapped to any parameter for any device ? I think there is a limit in the SDK for how many parameters can be automatable. Could be wrong but that's what I heard a while back Both C2 and NNXT are not REs and not limited by the SDK, so why do these native devic...
by artotaku
15 Sep 2021
Forum: Reason Rack Plugin (RRP)
Topic: Automating Redrum pattern changes in Studio One
Replies: 17
Views: 2687

Re: Automating Redrum pattern changes in Studio One

Isn't there just a corresponding midi channel setup to use key notes to change the pattern? This is really incredibly dumb of Reason not to have it like this, literally every other drum machine on the market can be controlled by standard midi notes. Unless I just haven't found it yet.. With Dr. Oct...
by artotaku
15 Sep 2021
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: Robotic Bean End of Summer Sale
Replies: 8
Views: 1024

Re: Robotic Bean End of Summer Sale

I can absolutely recommend Sequences player. I even started to record some chord progressions from my songs from Reason sequencer into Sequences to have them ready as a patches when I want to test out a new synth.

And Robotic Bean is absolutely supportive when you have an issue or identified a bug.
by artotaku
15 Sep 2021
Forum: Reason General
Topic: All RS Rack Extensions are now in the Rewards Shop
Replies: 555
Views: 129653

Re: All RS Rack Extensions are now in the Rewards Shop

Hi everyone I know that this has been requested for a long time so I am happy to announce that all the Reason Studios Rack Extensions are now available in the Rewards Shop. For those of you unaware, there is a loyalty program where you earn Reward Points for certain activities (sign up, purchases i...
by artotaku
14 Sep 2021
Forum: Reason General
Topic: DR Rex as DJ player(help feature Request)
Replies: 3
Views: 337

Re: DR Rex as DJ player(help feature Request)

No i mean the last one Dr. Octorex. You can set each slice to different outputs(beneath the panel right). At the moment i send all outputs to the mixeaur 14:2. 4FX sends are on it. After a while you can´t remember where you send the slice to fx/mixer) to bring back the orginal loop. First idea was ...
by artotaku
14 Sep 2021
Forum: Combinator "2" Creations
Topic: VK2 Filter (Update)
Replies: 21
Views: 2430

Re: VK2 Filter

* The filter needs a Note signal, so add a note lane to trigger filter and/or the envelope When you add the stock Sweeper Mod FX device before the VK you could use it´s built in envelope that can be triggered by the incoming audio and connect the envelope output to VK gate in. Haven´t tested this y...
by artotaku
13 Sep 2021
Forum: Reason General
Topic: DR Rex as DJ player(help feature Request)
Replies: 3
Views: 337

Re: DR Rex as DJ player(help feature Request)

Hello, I really like DR Rex for such Techno Dj´thing but i miss something. Maybe, there is a workarround you can help me. 1. To less outputs with VCA Gain. I really would like to see more Slice to FX options. 4 is good of course but the Libary in Reason allows so much more. And the Sliced output sh...
by artotaku
07 Sep 2021
Forum: Tutorials and Techniques
Topic: [C2 Tricks] Indicate selected C2 on MIDI Controller
Replies: 0
Views: 222

[C2 Tricks] Indicate selected C2 on MIDI Controller

If you have a MIDI controller with LED pads like e. g. Launchpad you can do a nifty little trick to let a LED pad show you which C2 is currently selected on MIDI track. This might be handy in a live performance situation to immediately check on MIDI controller which combinator is active (has focus)....
by artotaku
07 Sep 2021
Forum: Reason General
Topic: Reason File Locations: a handy reference
Replies: 84
Views: 139090

Re: Reason File Locations: a handy reference

Has the remote map location changed from reason 10 to 11? C:\Program Data\Propellerhead Software\Remote is an empty folder for me. I found the .remotemap files in C:\Program Files\Propellerhead\Reason Suite 11\Remote Editing them seems to take no effect though. I could just be doing it wrong, but I...
by artotaku
06 Sep 2021
Forum: Tutorials and Techniques
Topic: [C2 Tricks] - Select patterns by keyboard key
Replies: 5
Views: 723

[C2 Tricks] - Select patterns by keyboard key

You can now select patterns of pattern devices inside a C2 with keyboard keys easily without any CV workaround since the keyboard "key" is now a selectable input value for a target property and you can set source ranges. Scenario 1: Select pattern 1 - 8 with with C3 - G3 (keys below C3 switch patter...
by artotaku
06 Sep 2021
Forum: Tutorials and Techniques
Topic: Remote maps and Combi 2
Replies: 7
Views: 567

Re: Remote maps and Combi 2

Ok cool. Is there a reference guide somewhere that explains what goes into a remote map? I find that when I start fiddling around with code and guessing what things are I usually make a mess of it. Click on one of the Remote dowloads zip ...
by artotaku
02 Sep 2021
Forum: Reason General
Topic: Reason 12 messed up all my custom Remote codecs
Replies: 16
Views: 1864

Re: Help Matthias! Reason 12 messed up all my custom Remote codecs

There were changes made to remote in version 11.3.9. From the change log: Fixed a bug in Remote where controls scales incorrectly between control surfaces and Reason. Stepped controls mapped to knobs/faders and stepped outputs mapped to smooth displays were incorrectly scaled However, this change s...
by artotaku
29 Aug 2021
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: Aggregate Music System 1.0.1 - Update available!
Replies: 178
Views: 59882

Re: Aggregate Music System 1.0.0 - on Sale now!

What really helps to create a more musical result is to reduce the densities of the steps in the melody section. Too many notes tend to sound robotic and too chaotic. Too many arbitrary tone jumps also sound that way, so it´s quite efficent to be repetitive and just add a little variance. As in art,...
by artotaku
28 Aug 2021
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: Aggregate Music System 1.0.1 - Update available!
Replies: 178
Views: 59882

Re: Aggregate Music System 1.0.0 - on Sale now!

With some exercise. Lead and Chords by Aggregate.
Ah, and subtractors just sound so good.

by artotaku
26 Aug 2021
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: Aggregate Music System 1.0.1 - Update available!
Replies: 178
Views: 59882

Re: Aggregate Music System 1.0.0 - on Sale now!

The best way for me at least to approach this thing is read the manual start simple with the shortest sequence, no chords, just a bass line and tweak one parameter at a time read the manual again try to take over a "conventional" chord progression you did somewhere else and recreate it in Aggregate ...
by artotaku
25 Aug 2021
Forum: Reason Feature Requests
Topic: Play multiple songs live
Replies: 4
Views: 385

Re: Play multiple songs live

Thank you. That’s a lot for me to digest now. This guy goes for the two laptop solution since he teamed up with a partner so they can fill the gap between loading two Reason documents. They use Reason live and both have opened a Reason document. Each song f...
by artotaku
25 Aug 2021
Forum: Reason Feature Requests
Topic: Play multiple songs live
Replies: 4
Views: 385

Re: Play multiple songs live

Is there any better ways to play multiple preprogrammed songs live? Currently, I have to load and unload each songs and there’s a gap, not good for live show. Any help is greatly appreciated Reason is not that suited for live performance like Ableton Live is. Workarounds are: - Have the instruments...
by artotaku
20 Aug 2021
Forum: Reason General
Topic: Mimic: RS Livestream 18 August (and new Combinator sneak peek)
Replies: 88
Views: 11061

Re: Mimic: RS Livestream 18 August

Regarding agile software development Mattias talked about in the stream - this is a methodology that is incorporated for quite some time in software industry that focuses on faster and smaller development cycles. A feature is implemented in one or more sprints (1 - 3 weeks), collected with some oth...
by artotaku
19 Aug 2021
Forum: Reason General
Topic: Mimic: RS Livestream 18 August (and new Combinator sneak peek)
Replies: 88
Views: 11061

Re: Mimic: RS Livestream 18 August

Mattias said quite a few things during the stream about Reason+ / extending devices / regular feature updates. I kinda don't understand what exactly has changed over say the last 10 years that somehow know means that more stuff can be added than previously (boxed vs downloading) any number of extra...
by artotaku
19 Aug 2021
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: Shoutout to Lectric Panda
Replies: 25
Views: 5994

Re: Shoutout to Lectric Panda

I've said it before, Panda is Reason's spirit animal. He's chosen to stay down in the mines that Props abandoned years ago, because he knows that's where the most powerful resources of creativity and inspiration are uncovered. His devices cover the nerd group of users. A group maybe too niche for R...
by artotaku
19 Aug 2021
Forum: Reason General
Topic: Do you have any fun or exciting ideas for the new Combinator?
Replies: 147
Views: 16432

Re: Do you have any fun or exciting ideas for the new Combinator?

A combinator in Elektron Model:Cycles style that hosts an FM synth for one instrument type (Kick, Snare, Metal, Perc, Tone, Chord) that has at least the following controls Pitch Decay Color Shape Sweep Contour Delay Send Reverb Send LFO Speed Volume/Dist This wasn´t possible with Combi one since lim...
by artotaku
16 Aug 2021
Forum: Reason General
Topic: Shell interaction with Reason
Replies: 8
Views: 1998

Re: Shell interaction with Reason

This might help. The panda generated tons of XML patches with Python.
by artotaku
14 Aug 2021
Forum: Reason General
Topic: Mimic: New Creative Sampler
Replies: 711
Views: 228385

Re: Mimic: New Creative Sampler

You could always open Rex loop in the browser and load slices as samples. Sure I get it, but if this was a conscious decision by RS for Mimic to load rex slices and not rex files I just wonder what the thinking was behind that. Mimic is built with RE SDK which does not allow to drop REX files to RE...