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by Jmax
03 Sep 2020
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: Friktion - Will you buy it? - POLL
Replies: 53
Views: 7519

Re: Friktion - Will you buy it? - POLL

No I won't. For $139 Canadian, it's a hard pass. Especially in these hard economic times. I trialed the RE for a bit and was just meh, the patches are lackluster and thin sounding. There's a few descent ones, but I have a million other RE's and Refill libraries. The patches in this RE reminded of th...
by Jmax
18 Jul 2020
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: "RE 200 Bass Enhancer" Version 2.0 from Red Rock Sound
Replies: 58
Views: 8525

Re: "RE 200 Bass Enhancer" Version 2.0 from Red Rock Sound

Thanks Red Rock,

The Old GUI stopped me from using it so much. But love the look of the new one and will get it up once again.
by Jmax
22 Jun 2020
Forum: VST Plugins
Topic: Synapse Audio introduces OBSESSION, an OB-Xa emulation
Replies: 59
Views: 9486

Re: Synapse Audio introduces OBSESSION, an OB-Xa emulation

I demoed the VST, and it sounds absolutely fantastic. Just like the Legend it has so much depth.
by Jmax
10 Jun 2020
Forum: The Kitchen
Topic: What is going on in the USA and stuff
Replies: 315
Views: 36138

Re: What is going on in the USA and stuff

I agree it's absolutely horrible and a murder by the racist cop, and I'm sure many of them are. But I believe the majority are amazing people and very good cops. I do agree this is a big racism problem in America. Also Black Lives Matter. Right, I get it. But why is BLSM silent when their entire co...
by Jmax
09 Jun 2020
Forum: The Kitchen
Topic: What is going on in the USA and stuff
Replies: 315
Views: 36138

Re: What is going on in the USA and stuff

I agree it's absolutely horrible and a murder by the racist cop, and I'm sure many of them are. But I believe the majority are amazing people and very good cops. I do agree this is a big racism problem in America. Also Black Lives Matter. Right, I get it. But why is BLSM silent when their entire com...
by Jmax
05 Jun 2020
Forum: Reason Feature Requests
Topic: Reason vs. the competition: make it competitive again
Replies: 36
Views: 4616

Re: Reason vs. the competition: make it competitive again

On a side note, I wish Studio One 4 had the automation simplicity as Reason. In Studio One 4 it's really hard to edit automation, to even separate a line of automation and work on it. Like why??? Reason is so simple.
by Jmax
04 May 2020
Forum: Reason General
Topic: Is this a known bug? Sometimes I can't drag in devices or patches from the browser
Replies: 11
Views: 951

Re: Is this a known bug? Sometimes I can't drag in devices or patches from the browser

Yes, I've definitely had that issue many times. I find it's when I have a lot going on in the project. All of a sudden instruments just won't drag over, neither will Players or FX.
by Jmax
25 Apr 2020
Forum: Reason Music
Topic: Critique my mixing. Any ideas and opinions are welcome.
Replies: 18
Views: 1934

Re: Critique my mixing. Any ideas and opinions are welcome.

Just observing that it sounds different to everyone. Even at the mixing level.

So, if you've got a pretty good sounding mix. The rest is up to interpretation and personal preference.
by Jmax
24 Apr 2020
Forum: The Kitchen
Topic: The R2R group announces they have cracked Reason 11...but then says they can't
Replies: 180
Views: 54525

Re: The R2R group announces they have cracked Reason 11

I doubt very much they cracked it. I know they've been trying for a while, but Reason's security protocol is very solid. Maybe they cracked a watered down version of it. I don't think these guys are totally evil. I won't lie, at one point I downloaded a rip of Studio One. Wanted to try it out. I pur...
by Jmax
23 Apr 2020
Forum: The Kitchen
Topic: Planning on buying a Samsung Galaxy A40 smartphone...
Replies: 17
Views: 2030

Re: Planning on buying a Samsung Galaxy A40 smartphone...

I have the a50 Samsung. Great phone in so many ways. What's really awesome is the always on display. Apple ain't got nothing on that. And the ability to customize everything.
by Jmax
17 Apr 2020
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: Evolution is in the shop
Replies: 120
Views: 19330

Re: Evolution is in the shop

Congrats on the release Panda!
by Jmax
06 Apr 2020
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: Do you still buy REs?
Replies: 56
Views: 5349

Re: Do you still buy REs?

AutoLatch - Static Cling. It was like 9 bucks, I may or may not ever use it. But I like what the developer puts out. Mixfood Drum Player - Note sure why I bought this to be honest, I mean seemed cool at the time but it's kinda of hard to get notes to track and there's a million things going on. Agai...
by Jmax
04 Apr 2020
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: Beat Mapper isn't doing it for me.
Replies: 27
Views: 4130

Re: Beat Mapper isn't doing it for me.

I absolutely love it.

Probably one of the best things Reason/RB Bean have developed in the last while.

Just getting a pattern going, automating it. Adding in a hi-hat, then snare etc. Automation, or notes to track. It's incredibly handy.

Really it's a superb device.
by Jmax
27 Mar 2020
Forum: Reason General
Topic: the Reason sound was a lie
Replies: 36
Views: 7468

Re: the Reason sound was a lie

I've always found that Reason actually does indeed have a bit of it's own sound. At least older versions without WAV import etc. I'm talking the old synths Maelstrom, Subtractor etc. One of those stock Redrum kits. As I would load up Reason and an instrument, I'd always think "Ahh yeah, that's the s...
by Jmax
22 Mar 2020
Forum: Reason General
Topic: quickest way to see EQ information using Reason as VST in another Daw?
Replies: 6
Views: 746

Re: quickest way to see EQ information using Reason as VST in another Daw?

That's one things I love about Reason, the quick F2 spectrum mixer!!

Quick and easy LP HP cuts to a channel. Which other DAW'S had this.
by Jmax
13 Mar 2020
Forum: Reason General
Topic: A Good Farewell
Replies: 45
Views: 9949

Re: A Good Farewell

Once a Reason user, always a Reason user. You'll be back ohahahaha ;)
by Jmax
02 Mar 2020
Forum: Reason Feature Requests
Topic: Thor 2 & Combinator 2
Replies: 31
Views: 10208

Re: Thor 2 & Combinator 2

My guess is most of there major work is going into the GUI hi-res update. That will happen at some point in the future. They know it must be done and I'm sure it's a massive under taking. These cool new instruments and point updates with added instruments, FX are nice additions and are there to make...
by Jmax
23 Feb 2020
Forum: The Kitchen
Topic: The Music Industry SCAM to Ripoff YouTubers (Rant)
Replies: 16
Views: 4822

Re: The Music Industry SCAM to Ripoff YouTubers (Rant)

Yonatan wrote:
23 Feb 2020
Youtube has become unbearable with all the ads and commercials that interrupt the flow, with its usual loudness war madness.
Just install an add blocker. uBlock Origin works fantastic. There are a few choices.

Haven't watched a YouTube add in forever.
by Jmax
20 Feb 2020
Forum: Reason General
Topic: Reason 11.2 is here!
Replies: 445
Views: 205421

Re: Reason 11.2 is here!

So is there any way to get midi out of BEATmap controlling another drum plugin, e.g. Loopcloud drum player.

I've setup Loopcloud Drum player VST to receive midi data from Beatmap which works perfectly, just need some way to record the data into Ableton?
by Jmax
17 Feb 2020
Forum: VST Plugins
Topic: No Audio on Playback of Arcade Track in Reason 11
Replies: 8
Views: 3942

Re: No Audio on Playback of Arcade Track in Reason 11

Arcade only works within 1 octave of a keyboard.
Make sure your keyboard is tuned to that octave and your hitting the correct notes, remember to hold the notes down for the loops.
by Jmax
14 Feb 2020
Forum: Reason General
Topic: How would you rate Reason in its current state?
Replies: 51
Views: 12399

Re: How would you rate Reason in its current state?

We all know it's very easy to create music in Reason, despite the outdated sequencer and graphic issues. 8 out of 10. If i was on Mac that would probably be a 5 or 6 with the non hi res.
by Jmax
11 Feb 2020
Forum: Hardware and Other Software
Topic: Features in other DAWs [Comparison]
Replies: 76
Views: 20075

Re: Reason vs Other DAWs [Feature Comparison]

I really wish Reason had the ability to right click hold and zoom in and out on the timeline area. Like every major DAW. We are forced to resize the little rectangle at the button which takes so much added time. Yes you can zoom in and out with the keys but this often is too big or too small and end...
by Jmax
31 Jan 2020
Forum: VST Plugins
Topic: using UMPF and the drum player in another DAW
Replies: 1
Views: 591

using UMPF and the drum player in another DAW

Hi Guys, Using UMPF and the Drum player in the reason rack plugin, what's the best way to get the midi out. Say in studio one. Just have it running and mute it with automation when you want it to stop? Not sure if this will work if the track is exported, seeing no midi or audio is recorded in the tr...
by Jmax
29 Jan 2020
Forum: The Kitchen
Topic: The 'Must Have' Sample Pack !
Replies: 2
Views: 921

Re: The 'Must Have' Sample Pack !

Maybe i should start sampling my Nissan Versa :)))