Search found 32 matches

by bouwie
11 Jun 2015
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: Jiggery Pokery Sound combo X 705
Replies: 13
Views: 2770

Jiggery Pokery Sound combo X 705

Yes, Got it.
It's great
And only for 29,00 euro.
Another Jiggery Pokery Sound product in my RE and refill list.
by bouwie
10 Jun 2015
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: Jiggery Pokery Sound combo X 705
Replies: 13
Views: 2770

Jiggery Pokery Sound combo X 705

I can't wait for tomorrow.
The string section is what i want most.
Love the eminent solina sound.
by bouwie
07 Jun 2015
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: Jiggery Pokery Sound combo X 705
Replies: 13
Views: 2770

Jiggery Pokery Sound combo X 705

When will this beauty comes to the shop?
New video 6 of june
by bouwie
22 May 2015
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: Prop Shop's May Madness Sale!
Replies: 108
Views: 15996

Prop Shop's May Madness Sale!

Same here, Joey! Had to search for the Blamsoft bundle... And it's $ 75 including Distributor... Might have to wait until the (hopefully in autumn appearing) next sale with that one... D. how does the blamsoft bundle Cpu hit compare to Viking? Is it the same? cpu use is more, but it is polyphonic. ...
by bouwie
22 May 2015
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: Prop Shop's May Madness Sale!
Replies: 108
Views: 15996

Prop Shop's May Madness Sale!

Couldn't resist the temptation.
Bought polymodulair from blamsoft system 1 for 64,50 euro's.
that's the normal price for viking monophonic.
i knew there was a sale coming up this spring and summer.
by bouwie
15 May 2015
Forum: Reason General
Topic: remote map RE
Replies: 2
Views: 878

remote map RE

Thanx for the reply.
last night i saw a youtube tutorial from " fretless fingers" and i also look at propellerheads site. Now its clear for me.
i just put it in the map for my controller.
by bouwie
14 May 2015
Forum: Reason General
Topic: remote map RE
Replies: 2
Views: 878

remote map RE

In wich folder (windows 7) do i have to put a remote controle map of a rack extension?
by bouwie
25 Apr 2015
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: Korde added step repeat and ratcheting. Free update.
Replies: 29
Views: 5080

Korde added step repeat and ratcheting. Free update.

I want to play a three note chord into korde and have korde make available all eight notes for step sequencing, and have no repeats. Or, to simplify, just play C1 and be able to sequence C 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , 6, 7, and eight. If I play C1, E1, G1, then let me sequence C1, E1, G1, C2, E2, G2, C3. make m...
by bouwie
24 Apr 2015
Forum: Reason Music
Topic: Jean Michel Jarre - The Last Rumba (live cover)
Replies: 27
Views: 4881

Jean Michel Jarre - The Last Rumba (live cover)

This is great. At last a solina string, or better eminent stringmachine for reason. I am looking for this a long time. Until now i had to open cubase and use Esline from electro studio ( great cheesy sound) or more resently arturia solina V. But when this thing comes out i can do it in reason solo. ...
by bouwie
20 Apr 2015
Forum: Reason General
Topic: Merging CV...
Replies: 25
Views: 4729

Merging CV...

You can use a hamu mingler. It merges two cv signals into one. More exatly: the second note will be played a little fraction later. But it works.
by bouwie
12 Apr 2015
Forum: Reason General
Topic: Outside of Reason....
Replies: 64
Views: 9569

Outside of Reason....

At home i use cubase 6.5 with rewire reason 7.1
On stage only reason 7.1
by bouwie
09 Apr 2015
Forum: Rack Extensions
Replies: 13
Views: 2212


I use the korde with two minglers.
Part 1 of the korde plays mono bass line.
part 2,3 and4 are merged with two minglers and go into a thor or predator.
works great.
by bouwie
07 Apr 2015
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: Step Note Recorder
Replies: 51
Views: 13711

Step Note Recorder

Looks like a great RE.
But i miss the patterns (like redrum/matrix) to put my sequences in.
And no polyphony.
Im still hoping for a polyphonic sequencer with patterns.
note to track i don't need.
I need it for live preformance
by bouwie
16 Mar 2015
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: Polyphonic Sequencer RE?
Replies: 9
Views: 2091

Polyphonic Sequencer RE?

What i do when i want to send more matrix's or 2 or more korde cv/gate output to 1 synth like a thor. I use a few Hamu " Mingler Active" to merge the matrix or korde outputs. So i can polyphone play the sequence.
by bouwie
26 Feb 2015
Forum: Reason General
Topic: APC launchpad
Replies: 2
Views: 1061

APC launchpad

im pretty into midi but programming codec and remotemaps is a thing i have to discover.
by bouwie
26 Feb 2015
Forum: Reason General
Topic: APC launchpad
Replies: 2
Views: 1061

APC launchpad

Is there anyone using a Akai APC mini or a Novation launch pad mini for controling reason?
And what are your experienceses with it?
by bouwie
26 Feb 2015
Forum: The Kitchen
Topic: Doctor who synthesiser
Replies: 2
Views: 740

Doctor who synthesiser

Have to buy myself a ticket to melbourne. ✈☺
by bouwie
26 Feb 2015
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: System 9 Pattern Sequencer in the shop!
Replies: 29
Views: 7412

System 9 Pattern Sequencer in the shop!

Sigh, another non remotable sequencer. I really hope OchenK releases his one even if there is no note to track. I am even considering doing it myself if no one does it. I mean, look at the Push sequencer which works on an 8x8 matrix but can create Patterns of many bars length and even do parameter ...
by bouwie
26 Feb 2015
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: System 9 Pattern Sequencer in the shop!
Replies: 29
Views: 7412

System 9 Pattern Sequencer in the shop!

Just trying this for a few days. Its a device i can use in my live setup. But why does the pattern chances directly when i choose an other. Why can't it be just like an roland drum machine. When its running a pattern and i choose the next pattern it first run the whole pattern that is playing and at...
by bouwie
25 Feb 2015
Forum: Tutorials and Techniques
Topic: Understanding Modes
Replies: 2
Views: 930

Understanding Modes

Not totaly new. But good to read stuff about chords. New inspiration. Great with korde in my setup.
by bouwie
24 Feb 2015
Forum: Reason General
Topic: rsTouch updated; Adds 5 Rob Papen and 7 Softube REs
Replies: 9
Views: 1575

rsTouch updated; Adds 5 Rob Papen and 7 Softube REs

Only for ipad?
No andriod/tablet software coming up?
by bouwie
24 Feb 2015
Forum: Reason General
Topic: Performing Live - Depths of the Rabbit Hole
Replies: 13
Views: 2017

Performing Live - Depths of the Rabbit Hole

I use a laptop and edirol prc 300 only on stage in a 5 person band. there are some backing tracks of vocals synths drums guitars on audio tracks. I put them in blocks. So every block is a song. A shame i can't trigger next block from my controler. It can only do by mouse. And for every song i've mad...
by bouwie
24 Feb 2015
Forum: Reason General
Topic: Rewire 2 bidirectional Midi
Replies: 11
Views: 2984

Rewire 2 bidirectional Midi

For me reason 7.1 and cubase 6.5 it's still one way. From cubase to reason. Its a shame becaurse i can't use korde or any seq arp in reason to trigger vsti. I can do it with loopbe or something, but it should be possible with cubase and reason only. Audio olso. Why can't i record audio in reason in ...
by bouwie
24 Feb 2015
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: GClip Waveshaping Clipper in the shop!
Replies: 66
Views: 12655

GClip Waveshaping Clipper in the shop!

Sounds great! Even if the VST is free, can't complain about $9... Maybe they can get in touch with someone like Lectric Panda for pointers on making a better display in the RE format  ;) VST screenshot: display in vst is better than RE? Hopefully an update?
by bouwie
24 Feb 2015
Forum: Rack Extensions
Topic: GClip Waveshaping Clipper in the shop!
Replies: 66
Views: 12655

GClip Waveshaping Clipper in the shop!

I found this
it's for vst but works the same.